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SCO customers need not fear, says Caldera chief

Author: JT Smith

Caldera chief Ransom Love says his company will continue sales and support for SCO’s Unix products, ZDNet UK reports. More at InfoWorld.


  • Unix

Many users ‘free-riding’ on Gnutella

Author: JT Smith

From a Reuters story: “Popular song-swapping sites like Napster and Gnutella have come under attack by the record industry, but a new study suggests they could face a more insidious threat from their own users who take free music more often than they contribute any.”

Newtella announces ‘freedom to share’

Author: JT Smith

There’s a new kid on the block. Startup Newtella has accounced that a new client based on the Gnutella protocol is in the works.
Using the motto “Freedom to share,” the software is in the final stages of development, MacCentral reports.

Transmeta, AMD talk about working together

Author: JT Smith

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and Transmeta Corp. are discussing various types of cooperation, including technology exchanges on a possible new very low-end consumer PC appliance, AMD president Hector Ruiz said in an interview on TechWeb.
AMD is also interested in Transmeta’s low-power processor technology, which could reduce power consumption of the Athlon and Duron processors, he added. ZDNet UK has more, including information on Transmeta’s future 1GHz chip.


  • Open Source

Pro-Napster ‘hacktivist’ warns against arrest

Author: JT Smith

An alleged “hacktivist” who may have defaced as many as 60 Web sites in the past week with a pro-Napster screed now warns that fellow hackers will unleash widespread cyberattacks if federal authorities attempt to collar any suspects. The hacker goes by the online handle “Pimpshiz” and has posted an e-mail alias on each site that has been defaced, APBnews reported.


  • Linux

Radio’s Dr. Laura slams Free Software Foundation

Author: JT Smith

Dr. Laura slammed the Free Software Foundation last week, calling it “a biological error run by a heathen with no morals, leading software development as we know it into eternal damnation,” further suggesting that proprietary software was the one true path to moral salvation. This statement was made shortly after Microsoft announced a billion-dollar ad sponsorship of her new television program, scheduled to be released later this year, according to a hilarious story on satire site segfault.org.


  • Management

NTT extends Verio offer – again

Author: JT Smith

NTT Communications late Tuesday said it has extended its tender offer for Internet backbone and Web hosting provider Verio until midnight EDT on Monday, Aug. 30 – the sixth time the company has extended its offer, reports IDG News Service.


  • Open Source

Many nations not ready for tech boom

Author: JT Smith

USA Today reports many countries are a long way from having the
infrastructure to support technology companies, and economic expansion
will stagnate without necessary improvements, according to a report
released Tuesday.


  • Open Source

N.Y. LinuxWorld calls for papers

Author: JT Smith

By Grant Gross
Managing Editor

The West Coast version of the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo is barely over, and the deadline to submit papers for the next LinuxWorld is fast approaching.

LinuxWorld is looking for several presenters for the Linux-for-business focused New York gathering Jan. 30 to Feb. 2, with the call-for-papers deadline Friday, Aug. 25.

Organizers are looking for people to give half-day tutorials geared toward the new user, the business community, Linux developers, system administrators, or general Open Source topics. They’re also looking for people to present informal “birds of a feather” sessions, and to present hour-long general sessions in several tracks:

  • Kernel/Cluster
  • User Interfaces
  • Perl/PHP/Python (Scripting)
  • System Administration
  • ASP/Web Serving
  • Business/Legal Issues

    Proposals are coming in at a good clip, said Cheryl Smith, LinuxWorld’s marketing manager, but organizers can also use more. She reminds interested presenters to check out the LinuxWorld Call for Papers page.

    Smith and the other organizers are feeling the pressure to bring new features to the winter LinuxWorld. Smith is still gathering feedback from this month’s LinuxWorld in San Jose, but one change she’s already targeting is the Show Favorite Awards. The awards, a friendly competition in which a panel of experts pick favorites in several exhibitor categories, need to be promoted better, she said.

    “I think the exhibitors like that and need that,” she added. “We’ve kept it too quiet. I think it needs to be more of a pre-event thing.”

    Smith has also received a lot of positive feedback about the Linux Geek Bowl, which was new to LinuxWorld at the August show. Look for the Linux Geek Bowl to be resurrected at the New York event.

    Surveys about the August LinuxWorld are going out to exhibitors and attendees next week, Smith said, and organizers will look at those surveys, as well as ones done at the event, before planning the winter show. “Everybody feels comfortable giving us advice, and we use that advice to our advantage,” she said. “I’m still throwing ideas up against the wall and seeing what sticks.”

    The next LinuxWorld Conference and Expo is at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York Jan. 30 to Feb. 2. To register, go to: http://www.linuxworldexpo.com/.

  • Case study: Porting DB2 to Linux

    Author: JT Smith

    In this article from IBM developerWorks, members of the IBM dB2 team tell their story and offer insights concerning porting a large commercial product to Linux.


    • Linux