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Red Hat unveils IA-64 Linux JumpStart Program

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat, Inc. announced today the IA-64 JumpStart Program, which provides all the software, tools, support and training needed for independent software and hardware vendors to quickly develop
solutions for Red Hat Linux on Intel’s new Itanium IA-64
architecture, reports Business Wire.

MSC.Software and HP sign worldwide reseller agreement for Linux Clusters

Author: JT Smith

MSC.Software Corporation today announced that it is to provide scientists, engineers and technical designers with a pre-integrated and optimized turnkey Linux Cluster solutions based on its MSC.Linux appliances and HP VISUALIZE Personal Workstations from Hewlett-Packard Company, reports Business Wire.

Compaq delivers expanded Linux server and desktop solutions

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR reports, Compaq Computer Corporation today announced new Linux products and partner-based offerings that will enable its Linux customers to achieve new levels of enterprise availability, scalability and management.

How should NewsForge change?

Author: JT Smith

– by Robin “Roblimo” Miller

NewsForge, like all decent Web sites, gets updated periodically. We’re getting ready to do our next update, and would like to hear your ideas on what changes we should make. You can either post your suggestions here or email them to editors@newsforge.com. Should we have more reviews? Should we expand more into book and software reviews, areas we have almost avoided up to now?

Are we placing too much emphasis on outside links and not enough on original reporting? Or is it the other way around?

Are there areas we’re covering too heavily for your taste? Areas to which we should be paying more attention?

Do you like the comics? Not like them?

Any other thoughts, comments or suggestions on content? We’d love to hear them, whether they’re positive or negative.

Site design

Our design is far from perfect. How can we make it better? (No, we can’t remove the ads unless you’re willing to pay for the site out of your pocket.) What about the way we show older NewsForge Reports (original stories) and links? Do you think we’re doing this properly or do you have ideas on how we can do it better?

How about polls? We avoided them at first because everyone seems to have a poll these days, and we worried about following the crowd. Should we think about adding polls now?

What about comments? How should we handle them? Attached to each linked-to story? We really don’t get all that many comments except on a few high-profile reports right now. Should we encourage more comments? If so, how? (When we started the site, our thought was that Slashdot was getting enough comments for a dozen sites, and while NewsForge may be Slashdot’s relative, we certainly didn’t want it to be an identical twin.)

We don’t know everything

This may come as a surprise, but NewsForge editors are not omniscient. We really do want your input, and promise to consider every rational suggestion carefully, and implement as many of your suggestions as we can when we start working on the site update, probably in September.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Robin “Roblimo” Miller
NewsForge (and OSDN) Editor in Chief

Scour.net founder: We’re no Napster

Author: JT Smith

Scour.net founder Dan Rodrigues defends his search engine against claims by the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America, who say his service is essentially the same thing as other file-sharing Web sites, according to a Salon.com story.

Opinion: Taking on Microsoft at the desktop

Author: JT Smith

From an OSopinion column by Tom Adelstein: “Can we
trust corporations who have made questionable or inferior technological decisions in
the past to make better technological decisions in the future? Or will the sway and
tug of marketing … nobody ever got fired for buying IBM … as well as the
reductionist thinking continue to hold?”


  • Migration

TrollTech ‘vilified’ by Free Software community

Author: JT Smith

From a LinuxPlanet interview with TrollTech CEO Haavard Nord: TrollTech has been vilified by the Free Software community — i.e., the Free
Software Foundation and later the Debian organizers — for not releasing Qt
initially under the GPL. While undoubtedly TrollTech made some mistakes, the
reaction among the Free Software crowd has continued to be shrill and out of
proportion to any complaints they may have. Plus, it’s hard to stay mad at a
bunch of round-faced Norwegians, which (judging by some time spent at the
TrollTech booth at the recent LinuxWorld Expo) seem to make up a good
chunk of TrollTech employees.


  • Open Source

Embedded Linux making great strides

Author: JT Smith

Linuxdevices.com takes a look at how far embedded Linux has come in the past year, with information from the just-past Linux World.


  • Linux

Opinion: Intel would be silly to copy Napster

Author: JT Smith

The rumor is Intel is about to share its file-sharing vision, based on Napster. eWeek’s John Taschek says that’d be a silly idea.


  • Open Source

MP3 site blames AOL for legal problems

Author: JT Smith

MP3Board.com, a small MP3 search site being sued by the record industry for allegedly helping to spread copyed songs online, is spreading the blame to America Online, according to a story on CNEt. The company is asking that a judge declare its searches of the free-ranging Gnutella file-sharing network to be legal. But if those searches of Gnutella aren’t legal, then AOL — which employed the programmers who originally created Gnutella — should share some of the liability, MP3Board’s lawyer says.