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Expert says PCs are better than consoles

Author: JT Smith

In an MSNBC tech report, legendary game designer Sid Meier says, “Every
now and then the lines blur a little bit, but then they diverge
again. I’m not sure whether the console really is the best
online platform.â€

Microsoft programmers make the worst mistake yet

Author: JT Smith

It’s been two steps forward, one step
back for Microsoft, as they have worked to
patch a security problem that has been dubbed
“probably the most dangerous programming
error in Windows … that Microsoft has made.†From a report by Bugnet.

IM standard: ready, AIM? Fire!

Author: JT Smith

IMUnified, the band of
instant-messaging providers working to come up
with a common protocol that enables their
products to interoperate, is on schedule to have a
standard published by the end of the month, says ZDNN.

Australia rebels against ‘zine 2600 ruling

Author: JT Smith

ZDNN reports that Australian Web sites will continue to
link to and host instructions for descrambling
DVD movies, despite a ruling by a United States
court against hacker ‘zine 2600 for publishing
controversial DeCSS code on its Web site.

Napster says, “You screwed up, your honor”

Author: JT Smith

In a brief filed Friday, the “high-tech bane of the music industry” reiterated its position that neither its users or the company itself are in violation of copyright laws, says the Associated Press.

German firms pay $46 billion for mobile phone licenses

Author: JT Smith

Six bidders drove up the price of wireless phone licenses in Germany to
a “staggering” $46 billion.

Web surfers want privacy protections

Author: JT Smith

MSNBC is reporting websurfers want privacy, but aren’t sure how to keep their information private.

RIAA trying to stop other sites from sharing music

Author: JT Smith

Techserver reports in greater detail about the RIAA trying to sign online retailers in an effort to stop the spread of music online.

MacWEEK in review

Author: JT Smith

MacWEEK’s week in review sumamrizes some of the events that happened recently in the industry, including the LinuxWorld Expo, Michael Cowpland resigning from Corel, and an addition to Apple’s board of directors.


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Mainsoft possibly porting applications

Author: JT Smith

An anonymous reader submitted this PlanetIT story which discusses the announcement of Mainsoft to possibly port popular Microsoft applications to Linux.


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