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MacWEEK in review

Author: JT Smith

MacWEEK’s week in review sumamrizes some of the events that happened recently in the industry, including the LinuxWorld Expo, Michael Cowpland resigning from Corel, and an addition to Apple’s board of directors.


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Mainsoft possibly porting applications

Author: JT Smith

An anonymous reader submitted this PlanetIT story which discusses the announcement of Mainsoft to possibly port popular Microsoft applications to Linux.


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Spreadsheets under BSD

Author: JT Smith

BSDToday has a pair of articles covering spreadsheets. The first spreadsheet software reviews covers Applix Spreadsheet, Xspread, and sc.
The second continue with Gnumeric, Abacus, and Oleo.


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Napster war could erode buyer base

Author: JT Smith

This article, from Florida Today, questions what effect the shutdown of Napster will have on the sales of CDs. It cites a Rolling Stone survey that said 36% of people bought more music, compared to 8% who bought less, because of online music.

Station’s backbone starts to shape up

Author: JT Smith

Florida Today has an article on the International Space Station and the parts that will be installed over the next few years.


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FreeBSDzine Issue #7 out

Author: JT Smith

The latest issue of FreeBSDzine is out. It has articles on dual booting FreeBSD 4.0 with Windows 98, Mexican FreeBSD advocacy and VLan interface configuration


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Wireless technology helps old schools

Author: JT Smith

Canada.com reports on wireless networking helping old schools which don’t have the infrastructure to support a standard ethernet network get online, and give students access to internet resources.

Verizon strike has little effect elsewhere

Author: JT Smith

The recent strike by Version staff is reported to have little effect on other labour talks, according to Bloomberg.com, because the unions in the tech industry are not organized the same way as the auto industry.


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CERT Advisory CA-2000-17

Author: JT Smith

CERT has released an advisory covering the recent ‘rpc.statd’ remote root vulnerability.


  • Linux

A summary from LinuxWorld

Author: JT Smith

Upside.com has a summary from LinuxWorld, including a information on the business deals that happened, summaries of the announcements, and a paragraph on Gnome becoming the future Solaris® GUI.


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