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Hispanic Linux site joins forces with business site

Author: JT Smith

Hispanic America’s most popular Linux news site, LinuxPreview.org, has joined forces with LinuxAlianza.com, the business-oriented multi-site for Linux in Latin America. Linux Preview has traditionally covered science, technology, and general Linux news while Linux Alliance is uniquely focused on promoting Linux businesses in Latin America,


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Unix competitors unite on OSDN

Author: JT Smith

LinuxWorld this week saw the convening of bitter Unix competitors, such as Sun Microsystems, IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer around a common user interface, Gnome or Gnu Network Object Modeling Environment. Now the same vendors are united in supporting the Open Source Development Network, reports Inter@ctive Week. (Full disclosure: NewsForge is a member of OSDN.)


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Corel’s interim CEO wants the job permanently

Author: JT Smith

From an eWeek story: The new interim president and CEO of Corel Corp. confirmed he is a candidate for the permanent, full-time post.
“It’s up to the board,” acknowledged Derek Burney. “I’m ignoring the ‘interim’ title.” A board committee has been appointed to conduct a search for a permanent CEO with existing officers to be considered as candidates.


  • Open Source

Matrox supports DualHead display on Linux

Author: JT Smith

Matrox has released DualHead drivers for XFree4.0 – Press Release BelowFor Immediate Release

Montreal, Canada, August 18, 2000—Matrox Graphics Inc.
today announced it is the first graphics card
manufacturer to support single-slot DualHead cards on
the Linux operating system. The beta Linux XFree86
driver is now available for download from the Matrox
website at

This beta driver supports three DualHead operational
modes¾Multi-Display, Clone and TV-Output¾ and up to
eight display configurations on the Matrox Millennium
G400 series. Designed with a unified approach, the
Linux XFree86 driver also provides DualHead support
for the Marvel1 product line, along with 2D/3D support
for the G200 product series and 2D support for the
G200 MMS. Additionally, this driver supports flat
panel output on products which enable this feature.

Matrox’s unique DualHead Display technology is a
cost-effective solution that significantly enhances
productivity. For example, its flexible features allow
users to run two or more applications simultaneously
on separate displays, or stretch one application
across two screens. A single-slot DualHead adapter
also offers other advantages, such as freeing up
expansion slots for additional add-ons and avoiding
driver conflicts that can occur when using two
separate cards to support DualHead Display.

The release of this Linux driver further demonstrates
Matrox’s dedication to the open-source community.
Milestones marking Matrox’s commitment to the Linux
community include the release of the specs for the
original Matrox Millennium graphics card in the fall
of 1997, followed by the release of 2D specs for the
G200 and G400 in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

To read the full history on Matrox’s involvement with
the Linux community, check out the backgrounder at

About Matrox

Matrox Graphics Inc. is the only graphics chip
designer and graphics card manufacturer who draws on
24 years of industry experience to provide customers
with state-of-the-art 2D, 3D and digital video
acceleration, vibrant image quality and real-world
functionality. A quality and innovation leader, Matrox
has been recognized with an unprecedented 900
international awards for the Millennium, Marvel,
Productiva and Mystique product lines. Headquartered
in Montreal, Canada, Matrox is a privately held
company with international offices in the United
States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and
Hong Kong. Information about Matrox products, drivers,
technical support and more can be found at www.matrox.com.

Matrox Graphics Inc. and Matrox are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Matrox Graphics Inc.
and/or Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. Other company,
product and service names and/or logos indicated above
may be trademarks or service marks of such other

For more information:

Sebastian Macdougall, public relations specialist,
(514) 822-6000 x7662, smacdoug@matrox.com

Darlene Gillis, public relations specialist, (514)
822-6000 x7217, dgillis@matrox.com

Online Press Room:

Apache 2.0alpha6 released

Author: JT Smith

Linux Today reports, that The Apache Group is pleased to announce the release of the sixth public alpha release of Apache 2.0.

The Open Compatibility License 1.0

Author: JT Smith

Looking for an open source license that isn’t overly political but gives you the means to license your software in the community? Then check out this article at LinuxProgramming.


  • Open Source

On RadioWallStreet.com: The Linux League Friday Edition

Author: JT Smith

Newly appointed Linux League Commissioner and weekly
RadioWallStreet.com contributor, Francis Gaskins, will host a panel of guests to review Linux trends, reports Business Wire.


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Cracking for Napster

Author: JT Smith

Pro-Napster crackers have been defacing websites in an attempt to drum up support for the music-swapping service, reports the BBC News.

Transmeta IPO filing reveals company’s roadmap

Author: JT Smith

Techweb News reports Transmeta Corp.’s IPO filing Thursday offered glimpses into the company’s past and future, including a plan to
manufacture a 1-GHz chip by 2001.


  • Unix

IOC may let dot-coms cover games … in 2002

Author: JT Smith

The International Olympic Committee is mulling an Olympic milestone: giving dot-com sports journalists media credentials to cover the Winter Games in 2002, reports TheStandard.