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Charity hoax emails spread

Author: JT Smith

Reuters says Internet users are being
bombarded with sympathy e-mails full of tearful
tales of youngsters in need who ask for help.

Spiderman coming to mobile phones

Author: JT Smith

A Finnish high-tech firm is
teaming up with U.S. toy maker and cartoon
publisher Marvel Enterprises to bring Spiderman
and other superheros to mobile phones. From Reuters.

Researchers are building tiny robots

Author: JT Smith

Researchers are convinced that these small devices, particularly nanostructures, will
open new frontiers in medicine, sensor technology and computing and even change how
we control matter. From a report at LATimes.com.


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Roundup: surfing on death’s door

Author: JT Smith

By using the Internet, you can explore the grave–before and beyond, according to LATimes.com staff writer Michelle Maltais.

Presidential hopefuls and the Internet

Author: JT Smith

For a guy who supposedly invented the Internet, it sure took Al Gore a long time to
come up with a decent Web site. From LATimes.com.


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Colleges buying student email addresses

Author: JT Smith

The College Board is selling students’ e-mail addresses to colleges and universities this
summer for the first time. From Associated Press.


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2600 Australia finds a hole in Woolies

Author: JT Smith

This international security and decryption group has sent warnings to two major Australian business-to-consumer e-commerce players of gaping loopholes in their online security via its security advisory service, Wiretapped. From PCWorld.com Australia.
Wiretapped.net has the
full (redacted) analysis.


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E-textbooks: the next campus trend?

Author: JT Smith

Most people think of Stephen King’s entry into online publishing when they think of
e-books, says this Associated Press report, but many publishers and professors believe college texts are the more promising


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Online firm looking for a few good fund managers

Author: JT Smith

The company is Marketocracy, led by fund manager Ken Kam. The firm has set up a web site (www.marketocracy.com)
designed to let anyone set up a fictitious mutual fund starting with a million dollars. From Reuters.


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Ex-Oracle president to sell $41 million in stock

Author: JT Smith

Raymond Lane, who resigned as the No. 2 executive at
Oracle Corp. (ORCL.O) behind Chairman Larry Ellison, plans to sell 500,000 common
shares, according to Reuters.


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