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Opinion: was MS right about Linux after all? USED TUES, GG

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet’s Charles Cooper talks about the possible results of the Microsoft antitrust trial.

Interview with Red Hat Chairman Bob Young

Author: JT Smith

The San Francisco Chronicle talks to Bob Young about the enthusiastic growth of Linux.


  • Linux

Opinion: Linux stocks bring value

Author: JT Smith

Now that Linux stocks are affordable again, it’s
time to reassess the Linux market as a whole, says Sam Jaffe of Business Week Online.


  • Linux

Myplay toys with ad-based anti-piracy tool

Author: JT Smith

EverAd has designed an encryption technology that places restrictions on the use of
downloaded music files so they can be played only when people accept banner
advertising. From CNet.com.

Experts corroborate Windows, IE security hole

Author: JT Smith

Certain configurations of Microsoft’s
Windows operating system and its Internet Explorer Web browser are open
to a potentially dangerous vulnerability allowing a malicious programmer to
take over a computer through local and remote folders, says CNet.com.


  • Linux

Gnome brings unity to LinuxWorld

Author: JT Smith

Gnome took
center stage at the LinuxWorld Conference & Exposition on Tuesday as Sun
Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard and other industry leaders agreed to make it
the unifying desktop for the Linux and Unix communities. From MacWeek.com.


  • Linux

Little kids click on banner ads twice as much

Author: JT Smith

In June 2000
kids 11-years-old and younger clicked on 0.87 percent of banner ads that popped up on their computer
. That figure is nearly double the 0.45 percent average click rate for all U.S. Internet users.


  • Linux

Big tech companies will ‘have’ to go open source USED TUES, GG

Author: JT Smith

In this Wired.com report, we learn that Forrester Research forecasts all traditional software vendors will need to change their
proprietary business models to open-source ones, or drastically lower the price of enterprise application

Intel introduces dual-purpose digital camera

Author: JT Smith

The Intel Pocket PC Camera, which begins selling Tuesday, allows consumers to take
Internet-ready photos and record short video clips at or away from the personal computer –
even set up a “spy cam” to and e-mail them automatically to a given address. From the Associated Press.

Web phones destined to take over the world

Author: JT Smith

According to Fairfax IT, research company Jupiter Communications forecasts that at the end of 2004, approximately 95 million cellular handsets will be capable
of accessing interactive services, or seven times the projected number of personal digital assistants
(PDAs), in the US.