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Source code in meatspace gets T-shirt maker sued

Author: JT Smith

Washington Post tells us, “This code reveals how to crack the supposedly impregnable digital video-disk format. A hacker could use it to make copies of DVD movies and exchange them across the Internet.”

A hacker crackdown? Or a cracker hackdown?

Author: JT Smith

Salon asks, can independent programmers be held responsible for the actions of users?


  • Linux

Net slaves get no respect and no vacation

Author: JT Smith

Members of Congress, federal workers and legions of lobbyists may be fleeing Washington DC, seeking respite from another humid August, but local techies remain dutifully ensconced in their cubicles–sometimes for 16 hours a day.


  • Linux

Microsoft enemies schmooze Supreme Court

Author: JT Smith

A trade group composed of Microsoft Corp. rivals has urged the high court to take up the historic antitrust case against the company–suggesting that the appeal is perfectly suited to the fast-track treatment permitted under federal law.

Verizon still won’t play nice with union

Author: JT Smith

Verizon Communications Inc.’s latest contract offer to striking telephone workers did little to address employee concern about mandatory overtime and job stress, the Communications Workers of America said.


  • Open Source

Snooping specialist has a lock on health-conscious surfers

Author: JT Smith

A Boston technology firm is surreptitiously tracking computer users across the Internet on behalf of pharmaceutical companies, a practice that demonstrates the limits of a recent agreement to protect the privacy of Web surfers.

Klingon Academy weeds out wimps

Author: JT Smith

New game requires a high-end PC and a good chunk of your time. And this is a surprise because?

Democrats: what me, a Luddite?

Author: JT Smith

They don’t really need iMac computers throughout the convention hall to tally the votes for Al Gore. But the computers sure look cool, one of many signs this is a high-tech convention.

Um, it’s not ‘hacker,’ it’s ‘cracker’

Author: JT Smith

Safeway became the latest company to suffer an Internet security breach when customers were sent an e-mail appearing to come from the supermarket chain but advising them to shop elsewhere.


  • Linux

Israel government putting the kibosh on high speed access

Author: JT Smith

Wired staffer Tania Hersman writes: “Israel is often called Silicon Wadi due to its seemingly endless spawning of startups. Yet for the ordinary Haim on the Israeli street, the speediest Internet connection is ISDN, a measly 128 KBPS.”