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French court takes aim at Yahoo

Author: JT Smith

Auction site containing Nazi paraphernalia in
violation of country’s law.


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Graphics software maker sues rival

Author: JT Smith

Adobe Systems Inc., maker of the dominant PC graphics software Photoshop, has sued Macromedia Inc., a leading maker of Internet design software, for allegedly violating a patent on how information is displayed on a computer screen.

Watch out, content thiefs!

Author: JT Smith

The New York Times, The Washington Post and other news companies have filed a lawsuit against an Internet company that takes news articles from their Web sites and transmits them to wireless telephone users.

Investors use ‘Net to research buys

Author: JT Smith

Mutual-fund investors have grown wary of putting their hard-earned dollars into funds that focus on upstart Internet companies…


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Deutsche Telekom hopes to spread T-Online

Author: JT Smith

T-Online, the Internet services provider of German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom, may expand.


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Republicans get down and dirty with cyber-squatting

Author: JT Smith

On Monday, the Republican National Committee reserved the sites, AlandJoe.com and AlandJoe.org – named for Vice President Al Gore and his running mate.

Farmers turning to technology

Author: JT Smith

Mike Cerny isn’t simply harvesting crops when he drives his combine through corn, soybean and wheat fields on his Wisconsin farm. He’s also harvesting data.


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NBCi to cut 170 jobs

Author: JT Smith

The job cuts are part of an overall revamp under way at NBCi that was first announced in June by its new CEO Will Lansing.


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Wireless services merger hopes to dominate

Author: JT Smith

Wall Street signaled its approval of the deal by bidding up Software.com and Phone.com


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IBM unveils Linux plans

Author: JT Smith

Intel’s 64 bit chip is known affectionately as “Monterey.”


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