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Prince backs ‘exciting’ Napster

Author: JT Smith

Pop star Prince has joined the Napster debate, describing the controversial music-sharing service as “exciting”.


  • Linux

Oracle adds Linux e-commerce software to lineup

Author: JT Smith

The database software giant today will ship a new Linux-based version of its application server software that helps businesses create e-commerce Web sites.


  • Open Source

Liebovitch praises Unix

Author: JT Smith

From ZDNET.com: “Without Unix, there would be no Linux.”


  • Unix

Who’s the web boss, Linux or Microsoft?

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: Despite popular wisdom and the usually jubilant claims of open source folk, Linux and Apache do not dominate the Internet.


  • Linux

Storm Linux(TM) 2000 released

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxpr.com: The retail box includes 5 CD’s containing over 4000 Debian packages, as well as 60-day phone and 90-day email installation support.

The inside scoop on the Mozilla project

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: If you want to hear the other side of the story from the guys actually doing the work, register now for the
Second Mozilla Developer Meeting on August 18.


  • Linux

Mozilla M17 binaries have been released

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: Mozilla Milestone 17 is available for download and testing.


  • Linux

Open source printing summit with VA Linux and HP

Author: JT Smith

From NewsAlert.com: The Open Source Printing Summit was held recently in Sunnyvale, California, bringing together more than ten vendors and over fifteen major Open Source projects for an historic two-day industry conference.

Tuxtops Debuts Two New Laptop Models

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxpr.com: Tuxtops will be offering a beta version of their install software at Linux World Expo.

Cordless screen phone results from Trolltech partnership

Author: JT Smith

From Linuxtoday.com: The phone is based on the cross-platform development tool Qt.