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FCC: Broadband creating new divide

Author: JT Smith

A Dallas Morning News story says, A new digital divide may be emerging, this time separating urban Americans who have access to high-speed Internet connections from rural consumers who can’t get it…


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Interview with Jasta: coder of Gnapster

Author: JT Smith

Q & A session at LinxLock.org with Josh Guilfoyle about OpenNap and the effects recent anti-Napster court rulings may have on OpenNap and Gnapster.

NEC Participates in IA-64 Linux Development Projec…

Author: JT Smith

NEC’s decision expresses its “post-Windows” strategy more distinctively than most
Japanese server vendors, which have been sensitive to reaction of Microsoft Corp. The
company’s decision attracts stronger attention because it was made immediately after the U.S.
District Court ordered Microsoft to comply with antitrust actions.
AsiaBizTech story.


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Red Hat releases source to Source Navigator

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat released source to Source Navigator, an IDE for Linux which includes graphical debugger and editor. The official press release is here, with the source and documentation located here.


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Common UNIX Printing System 1.1.2 Released

Author: JT Smith

CUPS 1.1.2 was released recently, and includes fixes for security and build issues.


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VA Linux Systems 420 workstation review

Author: JT Smith

The VA Linux Systems 420 workstation is reviewed by ZDNet


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Writing Gnome Panel Applets

Author: JT Smith

LinuxDev has part 2 of an article on writing Gnome panel applets available. It covers creating a popup menu, and customizing it to the needs of your applet.


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FreeBSD 4.1 release is now available

Author: JT Smith

FreeBSD 4.1 has been released. Complete details on how to get it are available
from BSDtoday.

FreeBSD4 review

Author: JT Smith

FreeBSD 4 is reviewed from an end user perspective by 32bitsonline.


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Richard M. Stallman Visits Teradyne

Author: JT Smith

A fairly detailed account of RMS visiting Teradyne to discuss the virtues of free software is available on slashdot.


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