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Ottawa Linux Symposium Update

Author: JT Smith

Day by day highlights of the Ottawa Linux Symposium.


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The Myth of Open Source Security

Author: JT Smith

An author of the open source Mailman program
explains why open source is not as secure as you might think — using security holes in his own code as an example.


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PR: Strong support for software patent-free Europe

Author: JT Smith

The EuroLinux Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe had 20,000 signatures, including 300 corporate executives, after existing for one month, reports Linux PR.


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White House privacy advisor is computer savvy

Author: JT Smith

Peter Swire, the new White House privacy advisor, has a long history with these things called computers, Hearst Newspapers tells us. He started playing with them as a kid.


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How to set up OpenBSD 2.7 as a cable NAT system

Author: JT Smith

BSD Today walks you through setting up OpenBSD 2.7 as a cable NAT system, if that’s what you want to do.


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PR: SecuritySpace.com releases desktop security tool

Author: JT Smith

SecuritySpace.com has released the Desktop Security Audit, a new tool designed to reduce the cost of finding and fixing website and PC-based security holes, LinuxPR reports.


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de Icaza: Unix sucks

Author: JT Smith

Miguel de Icaza delivered a speech “designed to insult everybody,” including fans of Unix, during the Ottawa Linux Symposium, reports Linux Weekly News.


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Eazel: The future of the open-source desktop

Author: JT Smith

Salon.com reviews emerging GUI player Eazel, and raves about the possibilities.


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Linux Interactive Joins NixFreak Network

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPR tells us that Linux Interactive is the latest site to be included in the NixFreak Network.

AbiWord Weekly News

Author: JT Smith

AbiSource reports good progress on its AbiWord project.


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