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Woody XFS Net install CD image

Author: JT Smith

Debian Planet: “Eduard Bloch, maintainer of the bf2.4 kernel-image, has done some magic and cooked up XFS install disks and some Net install ISOs.You can get them here.” Read the full discussion here.


  • Linux

Apple’s OS X: What Linux wants to be?

Author: JT Smith

osOpinion: “While OS X may have ease-of-use advantages over Linux, for the most part the two operating systems do not compete in the same sector, Aberdeen Group platform and servers analyst Bill Claybrook told NewsFactor.” Read the story here.


  • Unix

Linux-based PDAs begin to emerge

Author: JT Smith

NetworkWorldFusion reports that “Linux is making inroads into the personal digital assistant market with a number of handheld companies announcing support for the open source operating system.”

Red Hat to support PowerPC, AltiVec

Author: JT Smith

MacCentral: “Red Hat Inc. today announced an agreement with semiconductor maker Motorola Inc. which it promises will bring “a complete [Linux] toolchain” for the PowerPC instruction set architecture with full support for Motorola’s AltiVec technology.” Read more here.


  • Linux

Debian Security: DSA-119 ssh

Author: JT Smith

Debian: “Joost Pol reports that OpenSSH versions 2.0 through 3.0.2 have an off-by-one bug in the channel allocation code. This vulnerability can be exploited by authenticated users to gain root privilege or by a malicious server exploiting a client with this bug.” Read more here.


  • Security

Debian: libapache-mod-ssl Advisory

Author: JT Smith

Debian: “Ed Moyle recently found a buffer overflow in Apache-SSL and mod_ssl.
With session caching enabled, mod_ssl will serialize SSL session
variables to store them for later use. These variables were stored in
a buffer of a fixed size without proper boundary checks.

From:	 joey@infodrom.org (Martin Schulze)
To:	 debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org (Debian Security Announcements)
Subject: [SECURITY] [DSA 120-1] New mod_ssl and Apache/SSL packages fix buffer overflow
Date:	 Sun, 10 Mar 2002 23:44:45 +0100 (CET)

Hash: SHA1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debian Security Advisory DSA 120-1                     security@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/ Martin Schulze
March 10th, 2002  
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Package        : libapache-mod-ssl, apache-ssl
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no

Ed Moyle recently found a buffer overflow in Apache-SSL and mod_ssl.
With session caching enabled, mod_ssl will serialize SSL session
variables to store them for later use.  These variables were stored in
a buffer of a fixed size without proper boundary checks.

To exploit the overflow, the server must be configured to require client
certificates, and an attacker must obtain a carefully crafted client
certificate that has been signed by a Certificate Authority which is
trusted by the server. If these conditions are met, it would be possible
for an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the server.

This problem has been fixed in version of Apache-SSL and
version 2.4.10-1.3.9-1potato1 of libapache-mod-ssl for the stable
Debian distribution as well as in version of
Apache-SSL and version 2.8.7-1 of libapache-mod-ssl for the testing
and unstable distribution of Debian.

We recommend that you upgrade your Apache-SSL and mod_ssl packages.

wget url
	will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
        will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
        will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 alias potato
- ------------------------------------

  Source archives:

MD5 checksum: 3da52b3f9126fe25005b5aca78842412
MD5 checksum: 5486c0c68cabd056c64ad13193606e6c
MD5 checksum: e28b3b656449a5a2f9080286ae3d743e

MD5 checksum: 33535057f5f2f84005206c2917b8330e
MD5 checksum: 3a94a4a714cbb70e5aa270654f42be40
MD5 checksum: cb0f2e07065438396f0d5df403dd2c16

  Architecture independent components:

MD5 checksum: 504b8cad4b600ff0e0293998e62c0e00

  Alpha architecture:

MD5 checksum: 0c71a5c18bd0fff6f6c981ba50a9c7aa
MD5 checksum: 785dca8af6fbf7c26f91c50ccb013dff

  ARM architecture:

MD5 checksum: a198919424658154ba70ca825ea1033f
MD5 checksum: 31d195deef66b4e655a366ac677c81ec

  Intel ia32 architecture:

MD5 checksum: 5085998b8751242a7e9c59b4806a7b24
MD5 checksum: e9a64fab4b7891f00b7e66f524ec0ec9

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:

MD5 checksum: 55e91cb1aa3ff88c7c68440c8b1e4854
MD5 checksum: 27ba5cc1188b0eef0dc6a9f1d790c08a

  PowerPC architecture:

MD5 checksum: 7832352ee0b9254d4ed2cf54ac5486fa
MD5 checksum: ba638df06f1f0d671e4cb0b02bc2f53c

  Sun Sparc architecture:

MD5 checksum: 50277f2251d1c0df8dc610f30cc866fc
MD5 checksum: 77c1a0034ba5b95f042dbe51a609d191

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next revision.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org
Package info: `apt-cache show <pkg>' and http://packages.debian.org/<pkg>

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-security-announce-request@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org


  • Security

Lycoris Desktop/LX: New Linux distro for new Linux users

Author: JT Smith

John Gowin tells us of his review of the new Lycoris Linux distribution: “At first I was a little confused. For starters, the plastic clamshell case containing the installation CD was eerily reminiscent of those awful AOL packages I get regularly in my mail. I was also expecting to see the new Lycoris brand name, but was instead greeted with redmondlinux personal as the label on the package. (I was informed later via email from Joseph Cheek, CEO and founder of Lycoris that the next run of CDs will include the company name change.) The documentation included with the CD was a simple Installation Guide, which covered the basics for getting the distribution installed. The Guide was very clear and concise, but a little short on any useful troubleshooting information. This was a bit of foreshadowing though, because this distribution has one smooth installer.” You can read the review here at Linux Orbit.


  • Linux

Mandrake asks for financial help

Author: JT Smith

Mr. Lucian writes, “Mandrake currently seems to be bleeding money, Will they be the next Loki? Hopefully not, however: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/mdkfuture.php3
They say the choice is ours.”

Carrier-Grade Linux site established

Author: JT Smith

bryam writes , “From Sourceforge.NET Linux Kernel Foundry: The Carrier-Grade Linux site was established on March 8, 2002. Working groups (steering, advisory, and technical) have access to all the sourceforge facilities. Any technical contributors or developers are encouraged to join as members. Stay tuned for additional site startup information.

To define the specifics of a Carrier-Grade Linux that addresses the full spectrum of telecommunications requirements in an age of converged voice, video and data. To drive kernel level enhancements into the Linux kernel to meet these telecommunications requirements.

See the details and follow-up.” (SourceForge and NewsForge are both part of OSDN.)

GTK+ user interface libraries, version 2.0

Author: JT Smith

Anonymous Reader writes, “From Owen Taylor’s release announcement:

‘ The GTK+ team is proud to announce the release of version 2.0 of the GTK+ widget toolkit and associated libraries (GLib, Pango, and ATK). The result of 3 years work with contributions from hundreds of volunteers, GTK+-2.0 represents a major step forward in free software user interface toolkits.’

The full announcement is available at http://www.gtk.org/2.0.0-announce.html.”