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People of KDE: Neil Stevens

Author: JT Smith

KDE.org features Stevens, who works on “Kit, Kaboodle, Megami, and a bunch of hard-to-translate Noatun plugins.”


  • Migration

2001 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Awards

Author: JT Smith

jeremy writes: The 2001 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Awards have come to a close. You can view the results here. Thank you to everyone that voted. Here are the winners:

Browser of the year – Konqueror AND Mozilla
This was one of the closest awards. We have a dead tie between Konqueror and Mozilla, both had 21.98%. Netscape and Opera were right behind them with 19.23% and 18.68% respectivly.

Distribution of the Year – Red Hat
Red Hat was a pretty stong winner here with 35.29%. Mandrake was not too far behind.

Database of the Year – MySQL
No surprise here. MySQL was the clear winner with 64.65%. The one surprise was that Oracle tied PostgreSQL for second.

FTP Server of the Year – ProFTPD
ProFTPD was a solid winner in this category with 40.48%. But WU-FTPD came in second. Have a taught you nothing?

Web Server of the Year – Apache
This was by far the most lop-sided battle. Apache came in with a whopping 96.90% of the votes. wow!

Desktop Environment of the Year – KDE
KDE came out much stronger then I thought it would with 68.90% of the votes. Gnome was second, with my personal favorite Ximian a quite distant third.

Window Manager of the Year – Enlightenment
Another very close race. Enlightenment came out just ahead with 25.56%. Coming in a close second and third were Sawfish (21.05%) and Window Maker (20.30%).

Editor of the Year – Vim
Vim came out ahead with 34.11%. The surprise here to me was that pico got almost as many votes as Emacs.

Office Suite of the Year – Star Office
Star Office ran away with this one with 66.67%. Koffice was a distant second with 22.50%.

Mail Client of the Year – Kmail
I think KDE (31.13%) being so popular skewed this one a little. Trusty old pine came in second (18.54%) while the very slick Evolution came in third (14.57%).

Game of the Year – Quake III
Quake III came out ahead here with 39.37%. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (26.77) was a respectable second.

Thanks again to all that voted. Time to start thinking about your nominee’s for next year.



Game over for Loki

Author: JT Smith

“This is the week that Loki Software, Inc., the once-promising Linux games company that came to resemble Enron writ small, disappears beneath
the waves forever. As with Enron, the company heads appear to have come out okay, leaving unpaid employees holding the short end of the

The final official blow was set to be delivered Monday when the trustee overseeing the company’s liquidation was to declare Loki devoid of assets
and close the case.” More at Linuxandmain.com.


  • Games

Microsoft: Apple’s enemy or savior?

Author: JT Smith

NewsFactor Network writes: “Five years ago, Microsoft and Apple signed a controversial pact that brought the two firms together in a software development and innovation-sharing relationship. Since then, the relationship has blossomed. By delivering two of the most critical applications for Mac OS X, Internet Explorer 5 and Office v.X, Microsoft’s Mac business unit has become more of a savior than an enemy to Apple. NewsFactor spoke with Kevin Browne, general manager of Microsoft’s Macintosh business unit, about his firm’s evolving relationship with Apple, the current array of Microsoft Mac applications, and prospects for another five years of partnership.”

Cgisecurity.com releases fingerprinting Port 80 attacks

Author: JT Smith

Anonymous Reader writes: “They have released a followup to Part one which talked about the attack signatures attackers leave when attacking
your web applications. Good paper that explains what you may find in your logs and what they may mean. Fingerprinting Port 80 Attacks part two.


  • Security

theKompany.com releases version 2.4 of Kivio mp

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPR: “Our premier flowcharting, graphing and vector graphics package for Linux and
Windows now has a new release with more features and bug fixes. Kivio mp is
similar to Visio from Microsoft but we go beyond just using stencils to provide
generic vector graphic ability as found in Corel Draw that allow you to mix types
of images on a page.”

developerWorks toolbox sample CD and DVD

Author: JT Smith

ShellDawg writes: “Here’s a great way to get all the IBM middleware sent to you for free. IBM is giving away a free CD or DVD filled with alphaWorks technologies, white papers and the following IBM applications ported to Linux: IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise/Personal Edt. V7.2 for Linux and Windows,IBM WebSphere Application Server Server Edition V4.0.1 for Linux and Windows, IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer for Linux and Windows, IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer for Windows Preview, IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry Beta, and the Lotus Domino Server Release 5.0.9 for Windows NT and Linux”

LynxOS 4.0 attains “holy grail” of Linux ABI compatibility

Author: JT Smith

Anonymous Reader writes “Delivering on a promise made in November 1999, LynuxWorks today unveiled a major upgrade to its LynxOS real-time operating system (RTOS), which the company claims is now the first hard real-time operating system to provide binary compatibility with Linux — meaning that Linux applications can run unmodified directly on LynxOS. Story at LinuxDevices.com

Mandrake 8.2 Release Candidate 1 out

Author: JT Smith

SimDan writes, “After four beta relases RC1 has been released. From the web site: ‘Soon the final version will be here. The first Release Candidate is available for download at the usual places. Up to now all betatesters have done a remarkable job to make the upcoming release a great one. Once more we invite all who participated so far and all other Mandrake users to report the last remaining bugs.’ “

Let Windows die

Author: JT Smith

NewsFactor Network writes, “So, what would happen if Microsoft pulled Windows? The server world would continue, and the desktop world could see the return of good old capitalist competition. We could dust off OS/2 and BeOS and get back to competing to create really great operating systems that extend technology. Heck, maybe the network would be the computer again.”