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SODA Foundation Announces 2021 Data & Storage Trends Survey
Data and storage technologies are evolving. The SODA Foundation is conducting a survey to identify the current challenges, gaps, and trends for data and storage in the era of cloud-native, edge, AI, and 5G. Through new insights generated from the data and storage community at large, end-users will be better equipped to make decisions, vendors can improve their products, and the SODA Foundation can establish new technical directions — and beyond!
The SODA Foundation is an open source project under Linux Foundation that aims to foster an ecosystem of open source data management and storage software for data autonomy. SODA Foundation offers a neutral forum for cross-project collaboration and integration and provides end-users quality end-to-end solutions. We intend to use this survey data to help guide the SODA Foundation and its surrounding ecosystem on important issues.
Please participate now; we intend to close the survey in late May.
Privacy and confidentiality are important to us. Neither participant names, nor their company names, will be displayed in the final results.
The first 50 survey respondents will each receive a $25 (USD) Amazon gift card. Some conditions apply.
This survey should take no more than 15 minutes of your time.
To take the 2021 SODA Foundation Data & Storage Trends Survey, click the button below:
Thanks to our survey partners Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), Japan Data Storage Forum (JDSF), China Open Source Cloud League (COSCL), Open Infrastructure Foundation (OIF), Mulan Open Source Community
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey conducted by SODA Foundation, an open source project at the Linux Foundation focusing on data management and storage.
This survey will provide insights into the challenges, gaps, and trends for data and storage in the era of cloud-native, edge, AI, and 5G. We hope these insights will help end-users make better decisions, enable vendors to improve their products and serve as a guide to the technical direction of SODA and the surrounding ecosystem.
This survey will provide insights into:
- What are the data & storage challenges faced by end-users?
- Which features and capabilities do end users look for in data and storage solutions?
- What are the key trends shaping the data & storage industry?
- Which open source data & storage projects are users interested in?
- What cloud strategies are businesses adopting?
Your name and company name will not be displayed. Reviews are attributed to your role, company size, and industry. Responses will be subject to the Linux Foundation’s Privacy Policy, available at Please note that members of the SODA Foundation survey committee who are not LF employees will review the survey results and coordinate the gift card giveaways. If you do not want them to have access to your name or email address in connection with this, please do not provide your name or email address and you will not be included in the giveaway.
We will summarize the survey data and share the learnings during SODACON Global 2021 – Virtual on Jul 13-14. The summary report will be published on the SODA website. In addition, we will be producing an in-depth report of the survey which will be shared with all survey participants.
Interested in attending or speaking at SODACON Global? Details for the event can be found at
If you have questions regarding this survey, please email us at or ask us on Slack at
Sign up for the SODA Newsletter at
The post SODA Foundation Announces 2021 Data & Storage Trends Survey appeared first on Linux Foundation.
Interview with Hilary Carter, VP of Linux Foundation Research
Jason Perlow, Director of Project Insights and Editorial Content at the Linux Foundation, spoke with Hilary Carter about Linux Foundation Research and how it will create better awareness of the work being done by open source projects and their communities.
JP: It’s great to have you here today, and also, welcome to the Linux Foundation. First, can you tell me a bit about yourself, where do you live, what your interests are outside work?
HC: Thank you! I’m a Toronto native, but I now live in a little suburban town called Aurora, just north of the city. Mike Meyers — a fellow Canadian — chose “Aurora, IL” for his setting of Wayne’s World, but he really named the town after Aurora, ON. I also spend a lot of time about 3 hours north of Aurora in the Haliburton Highlands, a region noted for its beautiful landscape of rocks, trees, and lakes — and it’s here where my husband and I have a log cabin. We ski, hike and paddle, with our kids, depending on the season. It’s an interesting location because we’re just a few kilometers north of the 45th parallel — and at the spring and fall equinox, the sun sets precisely in the west right off of our dock. At the winter and summer solstice, it’s 45 degrees to the south and north, respectively. It’s neat. As much as I have always been a bit obsessed with geolocation, I had never realized we were smack in the middle of the northern hemisphere until our kids’ use of Snapchat location filters brought it to our attention. Thank you, mobile apps!
JP: And what organization are you joining us from?
HC: My previous role was Managing Director at the Blockchain Research Institute, where I helped launch and administer their research program in 2017. Over nearly four years, we produced more than 100 research projects that explored how blockchain technology — as the so-called Internet of value — was transforming all facets of society — at the government and enterprise-level as well as at the peer-to-peer level. We also explored how blockchain converged with other technologies like IoT, AI, additive manufacturing and how these developments would change traditional business models. It’s a program that is as broad as it is deep into a particular subject matter without being overly technical, and it was an absolutely fascinating and rewarding experience to be part of building that.
JP: Tell me a bit more about your academic background; what disciplines do you feel most influence your research approach?
HC: I was a Political Studies major as an undergrad, which set the stage for my ongoing interest in geopolitical issues and how they influence the economy and society. I loved studying global political systems, international political economy, and supranational organizations and looking at the frameworks built for global collaboration to enable international peace and security under the Bretton Woods system. That program made me feel incredibly fortunate to have been born into a time of relative peace and prosperity, unlike generations before me.
I did my graduate studies in Management at the London School of Economics (LSE), and it was here that I came to learn about the role of technology in business. The technologies we were studying at the time were those that enabled real-time inventory. Advanced manufacturing was “the” hot technology of the mid-1990s, or so it seemed in class. I find it so interesting that the curriculum at the time did not quite reflect the technology that would profoundly and most immediately shape our world, and of course, that was the Web. In fairness, the digital economy was emerging slowly, then. Tasks like loading web pages still took a lot of time, so in a way, it’s understandable that the full extent of the web’s power did not make it into many of my academic lectures and texts. I believe academia is different today — and I’m thrilled to see the LSE at the forefront of new technology research, including blockchain, AI, robotics, big data, preparing students for a digital world.
JP: I did do some stalking of your LinkedIn profile; I see that you also have quite a bit of journalistic experience as well.
HC: I wish I could have had more! I was humbled when my first piece was published in Canada’s national newspaper. I had no formal training or portfolio of past writing to lend credibility to my authorship. Still, fortunately, after much persistence, the editor gave me a shot, and I’m forever grateful to her for that. I was inspired to write opinion pieces on the value of digital tools because I saw a gap that needed filling — and I was really determined to fill it. And the subject that inspired me was leadership around new technologies. I try to be a good storyteller and create something that educates and inspires all in one go. I suppose I come by a bit of that naturally. My father was an award-winning author in Canada, but his day job was Chief of Surgery at a hospital in downtown Toronto. He had a gift to take complex subject matter about diseases, such as cancer, and humanize the content by making it personal. I think that’s what makes writing about complex concepts “sticky.” When you believe that the author is, at some level, personally committed to their work and successful in setting the context for their subject matter to the world at large and do so in a way that creates action or additional thinking, then they’ve done a successful job.
JP: Let’s try a tough existential question. Why do you feel that the Linux Foundation now needs a dedicated research and publications division? Is it an organizational maturity issue? Has open source gotten so widespread and pervasive that we need better metrics to understand these projects’ overall impact?
HC: Well, let me start by saying that I’m delighted that the LF has prioritized research as a new business unit. In my past role at the Blockchain Research Institute, it was clear that there was and still is a huge demand for research — the program kept growing because technologies continued to evolve, and there was no shortage of issues to cover. So I think the LF is tapping into a deep need for knowledge in the market at large and specific insights on open source ecosystems, in particular, to create greater awareness of incredible open source projects and inspire greater participation in them. There are also threats that we as a society — as human beings — need to deal with urgently. So the timing couldn’t be better to broaden the understanding of what is happening in open source communities, new tools to share knowledge, and encourage greater collaboration levels in open source projects. If we accomplish one thing, it will be to illustrate the global context for open source software development and why getting involved in these activities can create positive global change on so many levels. We want more brains in the game.
JP: So let’s dive right into the research itself. You mentioned your blockchain background and your previous role — I take it that this will have some influence on upcoming surveys and analysis? What is coming down the pike on the front?
HC: Blockchain as a technology has undoubtedly influenced my thinking about systems architecture and how research is conducted — both technological frameworks and the human communities that organize around them. Decentralization. Coordination. Transparency. Immutability. Privacy. These are all issues that have been front and center for me these past many years. Part of what I have learned about what makes good blockchain systems work comes from the right combination of great dependability and security with leadership, governance, and high mass collaboration levels. I believe those values transfer over readily to the work of the Linux Foundation and its community. I’m very much looking forward to learning about the many technology ecosystems beyond blockchain currently under the LF umbrella. I’m excited to discover what I imagine will be a new suite of technologies that are not yet part of our consciousness.
JP: What other LF projects and initiatives do you feel need to have deeper dives in understanding their impact besides blockchain? Last year, we published a contributor survey with Harvard. It reached many interesting conclusions about overall motivations for participation and potential areas for remediation or improvement in various organizations. Where do we go further in understanding supply chain security issues — are you working with the Harvard team on any of those things?
HC: The FOSS Contributor Survey was amazing, and there are more good things to come through our collaboration with the Laboratory of Innovation Science at Harvard. Security is a high-priority research issue, and yes, ongoing contributions to this effort from that team will be critical. You can definitely expect a project that dives deep into security issues in software supply chains in the wake of SolarWinds.
I’ve had excellent preliminary discussions with some executive team members about their wish-lists for projects that could become part of the LF Research program in terms of other content. We’ll hope to be as inclusive as we can, based on what our capacity allows. We look forward to exploring topics along industry verticals and technology horizontals, as well as looking at issues that don’t fall neatly into this framework, such as strategies to increase diversity in open source communities, or the role of governance and leadership as a factor in successful adoption of open source projects.
Ultimately, LF Research will have an agenda shaped not only from feedback from within the LF community but by the LF Research Advisory Board, a committee of LF members and other stakeholders who will help shape the agenda and provide support and feedback throughout the program. Through this collaborative effort, I’m confident that LF Research will add new value to our ecosystem and serve as a valuable resource for anyone wanting to learn more about open source software and the communities building it and help them make decisions accordingly. I’m looking forward to our first publications, which we expect out by mid-summer. And I’m most excited to lean on, learn from, and work with such an incredible team as I have found within the LF. Let’s do this!!!
JP: Awesome, Hilary. It was great having you for this talk, and I look forward to the first publications you have in store for us.
The post Interview with Hilary Carter, VP of Linux Foundation Research appeared first on Linux Foundation.
Using Web Assembly Written in Rust on the Server-Side
By Bob Reselman
This article was originally published at TheNewStack
WebAssembly allows you to write code in a low-level programming language such as Rust, that gets compiled into a transportable binary. That binary can then be run on the client-side in the WebAssembly virtual machine that is standard in today’s web browsers. Or, the binary can be used on the server-side, as a component consumed by another programming framework — such as Node.js or Deno.
WebAssembly combines the efficiency inherent in low-level code programming with the ease of component transportability typically found in Linux containers. The result is a development paradigm specifically geared toward doing computationally intensive work at scale — for example, artificial intelligence and complex machine learning tasks.
As Solomon Hykes, the creator of Docker, tweeted on March 27, 2019: “If WASM+WASI existed in 2008, we wouldn’t have needed to have created Docker. That’s how important it is. WebAssembly on the server is the future of computing.”
WebAssembly is a compelling approach to software development. However, in order to get a true appreciation for the technology, you need to see it in action.
In this article, I am going to show you how to program a WebAssembly binary in Rust and use it in a TypeScript-powered web server running under Deno. I’ll show you how to install Rust and prep the runtime environment. We’ll compile the source code into a Rust binary. Then, once the binary is created, I’ll demonstrate how to run it on the server-side under Deno. Deno is a TypeScript-based programming framework that was started by Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js.
Understanding the Demonstration Project
The demonstration project that accompanies this article is called Wise Sayings. The project stores a collection of “wise sayings” in a text file named wisesayings.txt. Each line in the text file is a wise saying, for example, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
The Rust code publishes a single function, get_wise_saying(). That function gets a random line from the text file, wisesayings.txt, and returns the random line to the caller. (See Figure 1, below)

Figure 1: The demonstration project compiles data in a text file directly into the WebAssembly binary
Both the code and text file are compiled into a single WebAssembly binary file, named wisesayings.wasm. Then another layer of processing is performed to make the WebAssembly binary consumable by the Deno web server code. The Deno code calls the function get_wise_sayings() in the WebAssembly binary, to produce a random wise saying. (See Figure 2.)
You get the source code for the Wise Sayings demonstration project used in this article on GitHub. All the steps described in this article are listed on the repository’s main Readme document.
Prepping the Development Environment
The first thing we need to do to get the code up and running is to make sure that Rust is installed in the development environment. The following steps describe the process.
Step 1: Make sure Rust is installed on your machine by typing:
rustc —version
You’ll get output similar to the following:
rustc 1.50.0 (cb75ad5db 2021–02–10)
If the call to rustc –version fails, you don’t have Rust installed. Follow the instructions below and make sure you do all the tasks presented by the given installation method.
To install Rust, go here and install on Linux/MAC: …
curl —proto ‘=https’ —tlsv1.2 –sSf | sh
… or here to install it on Windows:
Download and run rustup-init.exe which you can find at this URL:
Step 2: Modify your system’s PATH
export PATH=“$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH”
Step 3: If you’re working in a Linux environment do the following steps to install the required additional Linux components.
sudo apt–get update –y
sudo apt–get install –y libssl–dev
apt install pkg–config
Developer’s Note: The optimal development environment in which to run this code is one that uses the Linux operating system.
Step 4: Get the CLI tool that you’ll use for generating the TypeScript/JavaScript adapter files. These adapter files (a.k.a. shims) do the work of exposing the function get_wise_saying() in the WebAssembly binary to the Deno web server that will be hosting the binary. Execute the following command at the command line to install the tool, wasm-bindgen-cli.
cargo install wasm–bindgen–cli
The development environment now has Rust installed, along with the necessary ancillary libraries. Now we need to get the Wise Saying source code.
Working with the Project Files
The Wise Saying source code is hosted in a GitHub repository. Take the following steps to clone the source code from GitHub onto the local development environment.
Step 1: Execute the following command to clone the Wise Sayings source code from GitHub
git clone
Step 2: Go to the working directory
cd wisesayingswasm/
Listing 1, below lists the files that make up the source code cloned from the GitHub repository.
├── Cargo.toml
├── cheatsheet.txt
├── lldbconfig
├── package–lock.json
├── server
│ ├── main.ts
│ └── package–lock.json
└── src
├── fortunes.txt
Listing 1: The files for the source code for the Wise Sayings demonstration project hosted in the GitHub repository
Let’s take a moment to describe the source code files listed above in Listing 1. The particular files of interest with regard to creating the WebAssembly binary are the files in the directory named, src at Line 11 and the file, Cargo.toml at Line 2.
Let’s discuss Cargo.toml first. The content of Cargo.toml is shown in Listing 2, below.
name = “wise-sayings-wasm”
version = “0.1.0”
authors = [“Bob Reselman <>”]
edition = “2018”
rand = “0.8.3”
getrandom = { version = “0.2”, features = [“js”] }
wasm–bindgen = “0.2.70”
name = “wisesayings”
crate–type =[“cdylib”, “lib”]
Listing 2: The content of Cargo.toml for the demonstration project Wise Sayings
Cargo.toml is the manifest file that describes various aspects of the Rust project under development. The Cargo.toml file for the Wise Saying project is organized into three sections: package, dependencies, and lib. The section names are defined in the Cargo manifest specification, which you read here.
Understanding the Package Section of Cargo.toml
The package section indicates the name of the package (wise-sayings-wasm), the developer assigned version (0.1.0), the authors (Bob Reselman <>) and the edition of Rust (2018) that is used to program the binary.
Understanding the Dependencies Section of Cargo.toml
The dependencies section lists the dependencies that the WebAssembly project needs to do its work. As you can see in Listing 2, above at Line 8, the Cargo.toml lists the rand library as a dependency. The rand library provides the capability to generate a random number which is used to get a random line of wise saying text from the file, wisesayings.txt.
The reference to getrandom at Line 9 in Listing 2 above indicates that the WebAssembly binary’s getrandom is running under Javascript and that the JavaScript interface should be used. This condition is very particular to running a WebAssembly binary under JavaScript. The long and short of it is that if the line getrandom = { version = “0.2”, features = [“js”] } is not included in the Cargo.toml, the WebAssembly binary will not be able to create a random number.
The entry at Line 10 declares the wasm-bindgen library as a dependency. The wasm-bindgen library provides the capability for wasm modules to talk to JavaScript and JavaScript to talk to wasm modules.
Understanding the Lib Section of Cargo.toml
The entry crate-type =[“cdylib”, “lib”] at Line 14 in the lib section of the Cargo.toml file tells the Rust compiler to create a wasm binary without a start function. Typically when cdylib is indicated, the compiler will create a dynamic library with the extension .dll in Windows, .so in Linux, or .dylib in MacOS. In this case, because the deployment unit is a WebAssembly binary, the compiler will create a file with the extension .wasm. The name of the wasm file will be wisesayings.wasm, as indicated at Line 13 above in Listing 2.
The important thing to understand about Cargo.toml is that it provides both the design and runtime information needed to get your Rust code up and running. If the Cargo.toml file is not present, the Rust compiler doesn’t know what to do and the build will fail.
Understanding the Core Function, get_wise_saying()
The actual work of getting a random line that contains a Wise Saying from the text file wisesayings.txt is done by the function get_wise_saying(). The code for get_wise_sayings() is in the Rust library file, ./src/ The Rust code is shown below in Listing 3.
use rand::seq::IteratorRandom;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
pub fn get_wise_saying() -> String {
let str = include_str!(“fortunes.txt”);
let mut lines = str.lines();
let line = lines
.choose(&mut rand::thread_rng())
.expect(“File had no lines”);
return line.to_string();
Listing 3: The function file, contains the function, get_wise_saying().
The important things to know about the source is that it’s tagged at Line 4 with the attribute #[wasm_bindgen], which lets the Rust compiler know that the source code is targeted as a WebAssembly binary. The code publishes one function, get_wise_saying(), at Line 5. The way the wise sayings text file is loaded into memory is to use the Rust macro, include_str!. This macro does the work of getting the file from disk and loading the data into memory. The macro loads the file as a string and the function str.lines() separates the lines within the string into an array. (Line 7.)
The rand::thread_rng() call at Line 10 returns a number that is used as an index by the .choose() function at Line 10. The result of it all is an array of characters (a string) that reflects the wise saying returned by the function.
Creating the WebAssembly Binary
Let’s move on compiling the code into a WebAssembly Binary.
Step 1: Compile the source code into a WebAssembly is shown below.
cargo build —lib —target wasm32–unknown–unknown
cargo build is the command and subcommand to invoke the Rust compiler using the settings in the Cargo.toml file.
–lib is the option indicating that you’re going to build a library against the source code in the ./lib directory.
–targetwasm32-unknown-unknown indicates that Rust will use the wasm-unknown-unknown compiler and will store the build artifacts as well as the WebAssembly binary into directories within the target directory, wasm32-unknown-unknown.
Understanding the Rust Target Triple Naming Convention
Rust has a naming convention for targets. The term used for the convention is a target triple. A target triple uses the following format: ARCH-VENDOR-SYS-ABI.
ARCH describes the intended target architecture, for example wasm32 for WebAssembly, or i686 for current-generation Intel chips.
VENDOR describes the vendor publishing the target; for example, Apple or Nvidia.
SYS describes the operating system; for example, Windows or Linux.
ABI describes how the process starts up, for eabi is used for bare metal, while gnu is used for glibc.
Thus, the name i686-unknown-linux-gnu means that the Rust binary is targeted to an i686 architecture, the vendor is defined as unknown, the targeted operating system is Linux, and ABI is gnu.
In the case of wasm32-unknown-unknown, the target is WebAssembly, the operating system is unknown and the ABI is unknown. The informal inference of the name is “it’s a WebAssembly binary.”
There are a standard set of built-in targets defined by Rust that can be found here.
If you find the naming convention to be confusing because there are optional fields and sometimes there are four sections to the name, while other times there will be three sections, you are not alone.
Deploying the Binary Server-Side Using Deno
After we build the base WeAssembly binary, we need to create the adapter (a.k.a shim) files and a special version of the WebAssembly binary — all of which can be run from within JavaScript. We’ll create these artifacts using the wasm-bindgen tool.
Step 1: We create these new artifacts using the command shown below.
wasm–bindgen —target deno ./target/wasm32–unknown–unknown/debug/wisesayings.wasm —out–dir ./server
wasm-bindgen is the command for creating the adapter files and the special WebAssembly binary.
–target deno ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/wisesayings.wasm is the option that indicates the adapter files will be targeted for Deno. Also, the option denotes the location of the original WebAssembly wasm binary that is the basis for the artifact generation process.
–out-dir ./server is the option that declares the location where the created adapter files will be stored on disk; in this case, ./server.
The result of running wasm-bindgen is the server directory shown in Listing 4 below.
├── Cargo.toml
├── cheatsheet.txt
├── lldbconfig
├── package–lock.json
├── server
│ ├── main.ts
│ ├── package–lock.json
│ ├── wisesayings_bg.wasm
│ ├── wisesayings_bg.wasm.d.ts
│ ├── wisesayings.d.ts
│ └── wisesayings.js
└── src
├── fortunes.txt
Listing 4: The server directory contains the results of running wasm-bindgen
Notice that the contents of the server directory, shown above in Listing 4, now has some added JavaScript (js) and TypeScript (ts) files. Also, the server directory has the special version of the WebAssembly binary, named wisesayings_bg.wasm. This version of the WebAssembly binary is a stripped-down version of the wasm file originally created by the initial compilation, done when invoking cargo build earlier. You can think of this new wasm file as a JavaScript-friendly version of the original WebAssembly binary. The suffix, _bg, is an abbreviation for bindgen.
Running the Deno Server
Once all the artifacts for running WebAssembly have been generated into the server directory, we’re ready to invoke the Deno web server. Listing 5 below shows content of main.ts, which is the source code for the Deno web server.
import { serve } from “”;
import { get_wise_saying } from “./wisesayings.js”;
const env = Deno.env.toObject();
let port = 4040;
port = Number(env.WISESAYING_PORT);
const server = serve({ hostname: “”, port});
console.log(`HTTP webserver running at ${new Date()}. Access it at: http://localhost:${port}/`);
for await (const request of server) {
const saying = get_wise_saying();
request.respond({ status: 200, body: saying });
Listing 5: main.ts is the Deno webserver code that uses the WebAssembly binary
You’ll notice that the WebAssembly wasm binary is not imported directly. This is because the work of representing the WebAssembly binary is done by the JavaScript and TypeScript adapter (a.k.a shim) files generated earlier. The WebAssembly/Rust function, get_wise_sayings(), is exposed in the auto-generated JavaScript file, wisesayings.js.
The function get_wise_saying is imported into the webserver code at Line 2 above. The function is used at Line 16 to get a wise saying that will be returned as an HTTP response by the webserver.
To get the Deno web server up and running, execute the following command in a terminal window.
Step 1:
deno run —allow–read —allow–net —allow–env ./main.ts
deno run is the command set to invoke the webserver.
–allow-read is the option that allows the Deno webserver code to have permission to read files from disk.
–allow-net is the option that allows the Deno webserver code to have access to the network.
–allow-env is the option that allows the Deno webserver code read environment variables.
./main.ts is the TypeScript file that Deno is to run. In this case, it’s the webserver code.
When the webserver is up and running, you’ll get output similar to the following:
HTTP webserver running at Thu Mar 11 2021 17:57:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time). Access it at: http://localhost:4040/
Step 2:
Run the following command in a terminal on your computer to exercise the Deno/WebAssembly code
curl localhost:4040
You’ll get a wise saying, for example:
True beauty lies within.
Congratulations! You’ve created and run a server-side WebAssembly binary.
Putting It All Together
In this article, I’ve shown you everything you need to know to create and use a WebAssembly binary in a Deno web server. Yet for as detailed as the information presented in this article is, there is still a lot more to learn about what’s under the covers. Remember, Rust is a low-level programming language. It’s meant to go right up against the processor and memory directly. That’s where its power really is. The real benefit of WebAssembly is using the technology to do computationally intensive work from within a browser. Applications that are well suited to WebAssembly are visually intensive games and activities that require complex machine learning capabilities — for example, real-time voice recognition and language translation. WebAssembly allows you to do computation on the client-side that previously was only possible on the server-side. As Solomon Hykes said, WebAssembly is the future of computing. He might very well be right.
The important thing to understand is that WebAssembly provides enormous opportunities for those wanting to explore cutting-edge approaches to modern distributed computing. Hopefully, the information presented in this piece will motivate you to explore those opportunities.
The post Using Web Assembly Written in Rust on the Server-Side appeared first on Linux Foundation – Training.
The Linux Foundation launches research division to explore open source ecosystems and impact
Linux Foundation Research will provide objective, decision-useful insights into the scope of open source collaboration
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – April 14, 2021 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced Linux Foundation Research, a new division that will broaden the understanding of open source projects, ecosystem dynamics, and impact, with never before seen insights on the efficacy of open source collaboration as a means to solve many of the world’s pressing problems. Through a series of research projects and related content, Linux Foundation Research will leverage the Linux Foundation’s vast repository of data, tools, and communities across industry verticals and technology horizontals. The methodology will apply quantitative and qualitative techniques to create an unprecedented knowledge network to benefit the global open source community, academia, and industry.
“As we continue in our mission to collectively build the world’s most critical open infrastructure, we can provide a first-of-its-kind research program that leverages the Linux Foundation’s experience, brings our communities together, and can help inform how open source evolves for decades to come,” said Jim Zemlin, executive director at the Linux Foundation. “As we have seen in our previous studies on supply chain security and FOSS contribution, research is an important way to measure the progress of both open source ecosystems and contributor trends. With a dedicated research organization, the Linux Foundation will be better equipped to draw out insights, trends, and context that will inform discussions and decisions around open collaboration.”
As part of the launch, the Linux Foundation is pleased to welcome Hilary Carter, VP Research, to lead this initiative. Hilary most recently led the development and publication of more than 100 enterprise-focused technology research projects for the Blockchain Research Institute. In addition to research project management, Hilary has authored, co-authored, and contributed to reports on blockchain in pandemics, government, enterprise, sustainability, and supply chains.
“The opportunity to measure, analyze, and describe the impact of open source collaborations in a more fulsome way through Linux Foundation Research is inspiring,” says Carter. “Whether we’re exploring the security of digital supply chains or new initiatives to better report on climate risk, the goal of LF Research is to enhance decision-making and encourage collaboration in a vast array of open source projects. It’s not enough to simply describe what’s taking place. It’s about getting to the heart of why open source community initiatives matter to all facets of our society, as a means to get more people — and more organizations — actively involved.”
Critical to the research initiative will be establishing the Linux Foundation Research Advisory Board, a rotating committee of community leaders and subject matter experts, who will collectively influence the program agenda and provide strategic input, oversight, and ongoing support on next-generation issues.
About the Linux Foundation
Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation is supported by more than 1,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure, including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at
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Minimizing struct page overhead
struct pagecostThere is astruct pageassociatedwith every base page (4K) of system memory, regardless of use. This rather contentious data structure is 64bytes long. While it looks small, it exists for every base page (4K) of system memoryregardlessof how process page tables (huge pages) may look. Thus, on x86, its overhead is about 1.5% of total physical memory… or for quick math, it is 16…
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Minimizing struct page overhead
Discussion on how to improve Linux memory management efficiency.
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Linux Foundation Hosts Collaboration Among World’s Largest Insurance Companies
openIDL platform provides a standardized data repository streamlining regulatory reporting and enabling the delivery of next-gen risk and insurance applications
San Francisco, Calif., April 12, 2021 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, and the American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS), today are announcing the launch of OpenIDL, the Open Insurance Data Link platform and project. The platform will reduce the cost of regulatory reporting for insurance carriers, provide a standardized data repository for analytics and a connection point for third parties to deliver new applications to members.
openIDL brings together some of the world’s largest insurance companies, including The Hanover and Selective Insurance Group, along with technology and service providers Chainyard, KatRisk and MOBI to advance a common distributed ledger platform for sharing information and business processes across the insurance ecosystem.
The first use case for the openIDL network is regulatory reporting in the Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance industry. Initially built with guidance from AAIS, a leading insurance advisory organization and statistical reporting agent, openIDL leverages the trust and integrity inherent in distributed ledger networks. The secure platform guarantees to regulators and other insurance industry participants that data is accurate and complete, implemented by a “P&C Reporting Working Group” within the openIDL network.
“From the very beginning, we recognized the enormous transformative potential for openIDL and distributed ledger technology,” said AAIS CEO Ed Kelly. “We are happy to work with the Linux Foundation to help affect meaningful, positive change for the insurance ecosystem.”
Insurance sectors beyond P&C are expected to be supported by openIDL in the coming months, and use cases will expand beyond regulatory. A “Flood Working Group” has already been assembled to develop use case catastrophe modeling in support of insurers and regulators. openIDL is also collaborating on joint software development activities, building upon Hyperledger Fabric, Hadoop, Node.js, MongoDB and other open technologies to implement a “harmonized data store,” enabling data privacy and accountable operations.
The combined packaging of this software is called an “openIDL Node,” approved and certified by developers working on this project, and every member of the network will be running that software in order to participate in the openIDL network. Additional joint software development for analytics and reporting are also included in the openIDL Linux Foundation network.
“We’re delighted to join openIDL with AAIS and the Linux Foundation. It is strategically important for Selective to be part of industry efforts to innovate our regulatory reporting and use distributed ledgers,” said Michael H. Lanza, executive vice president, general counsel & chief compliance officer of Selective Insurance Group, Inc.
openIDL is a Linux Foundation “Open Governance Network.” These networks comprise nodes run by many different organizations, bound by a shared distributed ledger that provides an industry utility platform for recording transactions and automating business processes. It leverages open source code and community governance for objective transparency and accountability among participants. The network and the node software are built using open source development practices and principles managed by the Linux Foundation in a manner that enterprises can trust.
“AAIS, and the insurance industry in general, are trailblazers in their contribution and collaboration to these technologies,” said Mike Dolan, senior vice president and general manager of Projects at the Linux Foundation. “Open governance networks like openIDL can now accelerate innovation and development of new product and service offerings for insurance providers and their customers. We’re excited to host this work.”
As an open source project, all software source code developed will be licensed under an OSI-approved open source license, and all interface specifications developed will be published under an open specification license. And all technical discussions between participants will take place publicly, further enhancing the ability to expand the network to include other participants. As with an openly accessible network, organizations can develop their own proprietary applications and infrastructure integrations.
Additional Members & Partner Statements
“Chainyard is pleased to join the OpenIDL initiative as an infrastructure member,” said Isaac Kunkel, Chainyard SVP Consulting Services. “Blockchain is a team sport and with the openIDL platform, companies, regulators and vendors are forming an ecosystem to collaborate on common issues for the betterment of the insurance industry. The entire industry will benefit through more accurate data and better decision making.”
“The openIDL platform will serve to increase access to state of the art catastrophe modelling data from KatRisk and others, serving to reduce the friction required to house and run said models. KatRisk expects all parties, from direct insurance entities to regulators, to see an increase in data quality, reliability and ease of access as catastrophe modelling output is effectively streamed across OpenIDL nodes to generate automated reports and add to or create internal business intelligence databases. If catastrophe models are about owning your own risk, then the OpenIDL platform is an effective tool to better understand and manage that risk,” said Brandon Katz, executive vice president, member, KatRisk.
“The Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) is delighted to join with the Linux Foundation, AAIS, and insurance industry leaders in founding OpenIDL. Data sharing and digital collaboration in business ecosystems via industry consortium ledgers like OpenIDL will drive competitive advantage for many years to come,” said Chris Ballinger, founder and CEO, MOBI.
For more information, please visit
About the Linux Foundation
Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation is supported by more than 1,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation’s projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at
Established in 1936, AAIS serves the property casualty insurance industry as the modern, Member-based advisory organization. AAIS delivers custom advisory solutions, including best-in-class forms, rating information and data management capabilities for commercial lines, inland marine, farm & agriculture, commercial auto, personal auto, and homeowners insurers. Its consultative approach, unrivaled customer service and modern technical capabilities underscore a focused commitment to the success of its Members. For more information about AAIS, please visit
The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Media Contact
Jennifer Cloer for Linux Foundation
The post Linux Foundation Hosts Collaboration Among World’s Largest Insurance Companies appeared first on Linux Foundation.
Home automation: Running Home Assistant with Podman
An introduction to the Home Assistant open source project, what it can do, and a basic setup using a container.
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