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OpenStack Stein Saunters Closer to Kubernetes, 5G, and the Edge

The OpenStack community is going for headlines with its latest platform release, which includes deeper integration with Kubernetes, 5G, and edge. That integration comes at a critical time as telecom operators increasingly focus on all three of those segments.

The latest release is dubbed “Stein” and is the OpenStack Foundation’s 19th release. Jonathan Bryce, executive director of the OpenStack Foundation, in an email noted that the community is “focused on the needs of users,” thus it “naturally includes many Kubernetes-focused updates.” He cited the 2018 OpenStack user survey that found 61% of deployments included integration of the two platforms.


Read more at: SDx Central

Linux Server Hardening Using Idempotency with Ansible: Part 2

In the first part of this series, we introduced something called idempotency, which can provide the ongoing improvements to your server estate’s security posture. In this article, we’ll get a little more hands-on with a look at some specific Ansible examples.

Shopping List

You will need some Ansible experience before being able to make use of the information that follows. Rather than run through the installation and operation of Ansible let’s instead look at some of the idempotency playbook’s content.

As mentioned earlier there might be hundreds of individual system tweaks to make on just one type of host so we’ll only explore a few suggested Ansible tasks and how I like to structure the Ansible role responsible for the compliance and hardening. You have hopefully picked up on the fact that the devil is in the detail and you should absolutely, unequivocally, understand to as high a level of detail as possible, about the permutations of making changes to your server OS.

Be aware that I will mix and match between OSs in the Ansible examples that follow. Many examples are OS agnostic but as ever you should pay close attention to the detail. Obvious changes like “apt” to “yum” for the package manager is a given.

Inside a “tasks” file under our Ansible “hardening” role, or whatever you decide to name it, these named tasks represent the areas of a system with some example code to offer food for thought. In other words, each section that follows will probably be a single YAML file, such as “accounts.yml”, and each will have with varying lengths and complexity.

Let’s look at some examples with ideas about what should go into each file to get you started. The contents of each file that follow are just the very beginning of a checklist and the following suggestions are far from exhaustive.

SSH Server

This is the application that almost all engineers immediately look to harden when asked to secure a server. It makes sense as SSH (the OpenSSH package in many cases) is usually only one of a few ports intentionally prised open and of course allows direct access to the command line. The level of hardening that you should adopt is debatable. I believe in tightening the daemon as much as possible without disruption and would usually make around fifteen changes to the standard OpenSSH server config file, “sshd_config”. These changes would include pulling in a MOTD banner (Message Of The Day) for legal compliance (warning of unauthorised access and prosecution), enforcing the permissions on the main SSHD files (so they can’t be tampered with by lesser-privileged users), ensuring the “root” user can’t log in directly, setting an idle session timeout and so on.

Here’s a very simple Ansible example that you can repeat within other YAML files later on, focusing on enforcing file permissions on our main, critical OpenSSH server config file. Note that you should carefully check every single file that you hard-reset permissions on before doing so. This is because there are horrifyingly subtle differences between Linux distributions. Believe me when I say that it’s worth checking first.

name: Hard reset permissions on sshd server file

file: owner=root group=root mode=0600 path=/etc/ssh/sshd_config

To check existing file permissions I prefer this natty little command for the job:

$ stat -c "%a %n" /etc/ssh/sshd_config

644 /etc/ssh/sshd_config

As our “stat” command shows our Ansible snippet would be an improvement to the current permissions because 0600 means only the “root” user can read and write to that file. Other users or groups can’t even read that file which is of benefit because if we’ve made any mistakes in securing SSH’s config they can’t be discovered as easily by less-privileged users.

System Accounts

At a simple level this file might define how many users should be on a standard server. Usually a number of users who are admins have home directories with public keys copied into them. However this file might also include performing simple checks that the root user is the only system user with the all-powerful superuser UID 0; in case an attacker has altered user accounts on the system for example.


Here’s a file that can grow arms and legs. Typically I might affect between fifteen and twenty sysctl changes on an OS which I’m satisfied won’t be disruptive to current and, all going well, any future uses of a system. These changes are again at your discretion and, at my last count (as there’s between five hundred and a thousand configurable kernel options using sysctl on a Debian/Ubuntu box) you might opt to split off these many changes up into different categories.

Such categories might include network stack tuning, stopping core dumps from filling up disk space, disabling IPv6 entirely and so on. Here’s an Ansible example of logging network packets that shouldn’t been routed out onto the Internet, namely those packets using spoofed private IP Addresses, called “martians”.

name: Keep track of traffic that shouldn’t be routed onto the Internet

lineinfile: dest=”/etc/sysctl.conf” line=”{{item.network}}” state=present


– { network: ‘net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1’ }

– { network: ‘net.ipv4.conf.default.log_martians = 1’ }

Pay close attention that you probably don’t want to use the file “/etc/sysctl.conf” but create a custom file under the directory “/etc/sysctl.d/” or similar. Again, check your OS’s preference, usually in the comments of the pertinent files. If you’ve not seen martian packets being enabled before then type “dmesg” (sometimes only as the “root” user) to view kernel messages and after a week or two of logging being in place you’ll probably see some traffic polluting your logs. It’s much better to know how attackers are probing your servers than not. A few log entries for reference can only be of value. When it comes to looking after servers, ignorance is certainly not bliss.


As mentioned you might want to include hardening the network stack within your kernel.yml file, depending on whether there’s many entries or not, or simply for greater clarity. For your network.yml file have a think about stopping old-school broadcast attacks flooding your LAN and ICMP oddities from changing your routing in addition.


Usually I would stop or start miscellaneous system services (and potentially applications) within this Ansible file. If there weren’t many services then rather than also using a “cron.yml” file specifically for “cron” hardening I’d include those here too.

There’s a bundle of changes you can make around cron’s file permissions etc. If you haven’t come across it, on some OSs, there’s a “cron.deny” file for example which blacklists certain users from accessing the “crontab” command. Additionally you also have a multitude of cron directories under the “/etc” directory which need permissions enforced and improved, indeed along with the file “/etc/crontab” itself. Once again check with your OS’s current settings before altering these or “bad things” ™ might happen to your uptime.

In terms of miscellaneous services being purposefully stopped and certain services, such as system logging which is imperative to a healthy and secure system, have a quick look at the Ansible below which I might put in place for syslog as an example.

name: Insist syslog is definitely installed (so we can receive upstream logs)

apt: name=rsyslog state=present

name: Make sure that syslog starts after a reboot

service: name=rsyslog state=started enabled=yes


The venerable Netfilter which, from within the Linux kernel offers the IPtables software firewall the ability to filter network packets in an exceptionally sophisticated manner, is a must if you can enable it sensibly. If you’re confident that each of your varying flavours of servers (whether it’s a webserver, database server and so on) can use the same IPtables config then copy a file onto the filesystem via Ansible and make sure it’s always loaded up using this YAML file.

Next time, we’ll wrap up our look at specific system suggestions and talk a little more about how the playbook might be used.


Chris Binnie’s latest book, Linux Server Security: Hack and Defend, shows you how to make your servers invisible and perform a variety of attacks. You can find out more about DevSecOps, containers and Linux security on his website: https://www.devsecops.cc

Linux Server Hardening Using Idempotency with Ansible: Part 1

I think it’s safe to say that the need to frequently update the packages on our machines has been firmly drilled into us. To ensure the use of latest features and also keep security bugs to a minimum, skilled engineers and even desktop users are well-versed in the need to update their software.

Hardware, software and SaaS (Software as a Service) vendors have also firmly embedded the word “firewall” into our vocabulary for both domestic and industrial uses to protect our computers. In my experience, however, even within potentially more sensitive commercial environments, few engineers actively tweak the operating system (OS) they’re working on, to any great extent at least, to bolster security.

Standard fare on Linux systems, for example, might mean looking at configuring a larger swap file to cope with your hungry application’s demands. Or, maybe adding a separate volume to your server for extra disk space, specifying a more performant CPU at launch time, installing a few of your favorite DevOps tools, or chucking a couple of certificates onto the filesystem for each new server you build. This isn’t quite the same thing.

Improve your Security Posture

What I am specifically referring to is a mixture of compliance and security, I suppose. In short, there’s a surprisingly large number of areas in which a default OS can improve its security posture. We can agree that tweaking certain aspects of an OS are a little riskier than others. Consider your network stack, for example. Imagine that, completely out of the blue, your server’s networking suddenly does something unexpected and causes you troubleshooting headaches or even some downtime. This might happen because a new application or updated package suddenly expects routing to behave in a less-common way or needs a specific protocol enabled to function correctly.

However, there are many changes that you can make to your servers without suffering any sleepless nights. The version and flavor of an OS helps determine which changes and to what extent you might want to comfortably make. Most importantly though what’s good for the goose is rarely good for the gander. In other words every single server estate has different, both broad and subtle, requirements which makes each use case unique. And, don’t forget that a database server also has very different needs to a web server so you can have a number of differing needs even within one small cluster of servers.

Over the last few years I’ve introduced these hardening and compliance tweaks more than a handful of times across varying server estates in my DevSecOps roles. The OSs have included: Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and their respective derivatives (including what I suspect will be the increasingly popular RHEL derivative, Amazon Linux). There have been times that, admittedly including a multitude of relatively tiny tweaks, the number of changes to a standard server build was into the hundreds. It all depended on the time permitted for the work, the appetite for any risks and the generic or specific nature of the OS tweaks.

In this article, we’ll discuss the theory around something called idempotency which, in hand with an automation tool such as Ansible, can provide the ongoing improvements to your server estate’s security posture. For good measure we’ll also look at a number of Ansible playbook examples and additionally refer to online resources so that you can introduce idempotency to a server estate near you.

Say What?

In simple terms the word “idempotent” just means returning something back to how it was prior to a change. It can also mean that lots of things you wanted to be the same, for consistency, are exactly the same, too.

Picture that in action for a moment on a server estate; we’ll use AWS (Amazon Web Services) as our example. You create a new server image (Amazon Machine Images == AMIs) precisely how you want it with compliance and hardening introduced, custom packages, the removal of unwanted packages, SSH keys, user accounts etc and then spin up twenty servers using that AMI.

You know for certain that all the servers, at least at the time that they are launched, are absolutely identical. Trust me when I say that this is a “good thing” ™. The lack of what’s known as “config drift” means that if one package on a server needs updated for security reasons then all the servers need that package updated too. Or if there’s a typo in a config file that’s breaking an application then it affects all servers equally. There’s less administrative overhead, less security risk and greater levels of predictability in terms of achieving better uptime.

What about config drift from a security perspective? As you’ve guessed it’s definitely not welcome. That’s because engineers making manual changes to a “base OS build” can only lead to heartache and stress. The predictability of how a system is working suffers greatly as a result and servers running unique config become less reliable. These server systems are known as “snowflakes” as they’re unique but far less beautiful than actual snow.

Equally an attacker might have managed to breach one aspect, component or service on a server but not all of its facets. By rewriting our base config again and again we’re able to, with 100% certainty (if it’s set up correctly), predict exactly what a server will look like and therefore how it will perform. Using various tools you can also trigger alarms if changes are detected to request that a pair of human eyes have a look to see if it’s a serious issue and then adjust the base config if needed.

To make our machines idempotent we might overwrite our config changes every 20 or 30 minutes, for example. When it comes to running servers, that in essence, is what is meant by idempotency.

Central Station

My mechanism of choice for repeatedly writing config across a large number of servers is running Ansible playbooks. It’s relatively easy to implement and removes the all-too-painful additional logic required when using shell scripts. Of the popular configuration management tools I’ve seen in action is Puppet, used successfully on a large government estate in an idempotent manner, but I prefer Ansible due to its more logical syntax (to my mind at least) and its readily available documentation.

Before we look at some simple Ansible examples of hardening an OS with idempotency in mind we should explore how to trigger our Ansible playbooks.

This is a larger area for debate than you might first imagine. Say, for example, you have nicely segmented server estate with production servers being carefully locked away from development servers, sitting behind a production-grade firewall. Consider the other servers on the estate, belonging to staging (pre-production) or other development environments, intentionally having different access permissions for security reasons.

If you’re going to run a centralized server that has superuser permissions (which are required to make privileged changes to your core system files) then that server will need to have high-level access permissions potentially across your entire server estate. It must therefore be guarded very closely.

You will also want to test your playbooks against development environments (in plural) to test their efficacy which means you’ll probably need two all-powerful centralised Ansible servers, one for production and one for the multiple development environments.

The actual approach of how to achieve other logistical issues is up for debate and I’ve heard it discussed a few times. Bear in mind that Ansible runs using plain, old SSH keys (a feature that something other configuration management tools have started to copy over time) but ideally you want a mechanism for keeping non-privileged keys on your centralised servers so you’re not logging in as the “root” user across the estate every twenty minutes or thirty minutes.

From a network perspective I like the idea of having firewalling in place to enforce one-way traffic only into the environment that you’re affecting. This protects your centralised host so that a compromised server can’t attack that main Ansible host easily and then as a result gain access to precious SSH keys in order to damage the whole estate.

Speaking of which, are servers actually needed for a task like this? What about using AWS Lambda (https://aws.amazon.com/lambda) to execute your playbooks? A serverless approach stills needs to be secured carefully but unquestionably helps to limit the attack surface and also potentially reduces administrative responsibilities.

I suspect how this all-powerful server is architected and deployed is always going to be contentious and there will never be a one-size-fits-all approach but instead a unique, bespoke solution will be required for every server estate.

How Now, Brown Cow

It’s important to think about how often you run your Ansible and also how to prepare for your first execution of the playbook. Let’s get the frequency of execution out of the way first as it’s the easiest to change in the future.

My preference would be three times an hour or instead every thirty minutes. If we include enough detail in our configuration then our playbooks might prevent an attacker gaining a foothold on a system as the original configuration overwrites any altered config. Twenty minutes seems more appropriate to my mind.

Again, this is an aspect you need to have a think about. You might be dumping small config databases locally onto a filesystem every sixty minutes for example and that scheduled job might add an extra little bit of undesirable load to your server meaning you have to schedule around it.

Next time, we’ll take a look at some specific changes that can be made to various systems.

Chris Binnie’s latest book, Linux Server Security: Hack and Defend, shows you how to make your servers invisible and perform a variety of attacks. You can find out more about DevSecOps, containers and Linux security on his website: https://www.devsecops.cc

How to Authenticate a Linux Desktop to Your OpenLDAP Server

In this final part of our three-part series, we reach the conclusion everyone has been waiting for. The ultimate goal of using LDAP (in many cases) is enabling desktop authentication. With this setup, admins are better able to manage and control user accounts and logins. After all, Active Directory admins shouldn’t have all the fun, right?

WIth OpenLDAP, you can manage your users on a centralized directory server and connect the authentication of every Linux desktop on your network to that server. And since you already have OpenLDAP and the LDAP Authentication Manager setup and running, the hard work is out of the way. At this point, there is just a few quick steps to enabling those Linux desktops to authentication with that server.

I’m going to walk you through this process, using the Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 to demonstrate. If your desktop distribution is different, you’ll only have to modify the installation steps, as the configurations should be similar.

What You’ll Need

Obviously you’ll need the OpenLDAP server up and running. You’ll also need user accounts created on the LDAP directory tree, and a user account on the client machines with sudo privileges. With those pieces out of the way, let’s get those desktops authenticating.


The first thing we must do is install the necessary client software. This will be done on all the desktop machines that require authentication with the LDAP server. Open a terminal window on one of the desktop machines and issue the following command:

sudo apt-get install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap ldap-utils nscd -y

During the installation, you will be asked to enter the LDAP server URI (Figure 1).

The LDAP URI is the address of the OpenLDAP server, in the form ldap://SERVER_IP (Where SERVER_IP is the IP address of the OpenLDAP server). Type that address, tab to OK, and press Enter on your keyboard.

In the next window (Figure 2), you are required to enter the Distinguished Name of the OpenLDAP server. This will be in the form dc=example,dc=com.

If you’re unsure of what your OpenLDAP DN is, log into the LDAP Account Manager, click Tree View, and you’ll see the DN listed in the left pane (Figure 3).

The next few configuration windows, will require the following information:

  • Specify LDAP version (select 3)

  • Make local root Database admin (select Yes)

  • Does the LDAP database require login (select No)

  • Specify LDAP admin account suffice (this will be in the form cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com)

  • Specify password for LDAP admin account (this will be the password for the LDAP admin user)

Once you’ve answered the above questions, the installation of the necessary bits is complete.

Configuring the LDAP Client

Now it’s time to configure the client to authenticate against the OpenLDAP server. This is not nearly as hard as you might think.

First, we must configure nsswitch. Open the configuration file with the command:

sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf

In that file, add ldap at the end of the following line:

passwd: compat systemd

group: compat systemd

shadow: files
These configuration entries should now look like:
passwd: compat systemd ldap
group: compat systemd ldap
shadow: files ldap
At the end of this section, add the following line:
 gshadow files

The entire section should now look like:

passwd: compat systemd ldap

group: compat systemd ldap

shadow: files ldap

gshadow files
Save and close that file.

Now we need to configure PAM for LDAP authentication. Issue the command:

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-password

Remove use_authtok from the following line:

password [success=1 user_unknown=ignore default=die] pam_ldap.so use_authtok try_first_pass

Save and close that file.

There’s one more PAM configuration to take care of. Issue the command:

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session

At the end of that file, add the following:

session optional pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=077

The above line will create the default home directory (upon first login), on the Linux desktop, for any LDAP user that doesn’t have a local account on the machine. Save and close that file.

Logging In

Reboot the client machine. When the login is presented, attempt to log in with a user on your OpenLDAP server. The user account should authenticate and present you with a desktop. You are good to go.

Make sure to configure every single Linux desktop on your network in the same fashion, so they too can authenticate against the OpenLDAP directory tree. By doing this, any user in the tree will be able to log into any configured Linux desktop machine on your network.

You now have an OpenLDAP server running, with the LDAP Account Manager installed for easy account management, and your Linux clients authenticating against that LDAP server.

And that, my friends, is all there is to it.

We’re done.

Keep using Linux.

It’s been an honor.


Using Square Brackets in Bash: Part 2

Welcome back to our mini-series on square brackets. In the previous article, we looked at various ways square brackets are used at the command line, including globbing. If you’ve not read that article, you might want to start there.

Square brackets can also be used as a command. Yep, for example, in:

[ "a" = "a" ]

which is, by the way, a valid command that you can execute, [ ... ] is a command. Notice that there are spaces between the opening bracket [ and the parameters "a" = "a", and then between the parameters and the closing bracket ]. That is precisely because the brackets here act as a command, and you are separating the command from its parameters.

You would read the above line as “test whether the string “a” is the same as string “a”“. If the premise is true, the [ ... ] command finishes with an exit status of 0. If not, the exit status is 1. We talked about exit statuses in a previous article, and there you saw that you could access the value by checking the $? variable.

Try it out:

[ "a" = "a" ]
echo $?

And now try:

[ "a" = "b" ]
echo $?

In the first case, you will get a 0 (the premise is true), and running the second will give you a 1 (the premise is false). Remember that, in Bash, an exit status from a command that is 0 means it exited normally with no errors, and that makes it true. If there were any errors, the exit value would be a non-zero value (false). The [ ... ] command follows the same rules so that it is consistent with the rest of the other commands.

The [ ... ] command comes in handy in if ... then constructs and also in loops that require a certain condition to be met (or not) before exiting, like the while and until loops.

The logical operators for testing stuff are pretty straightforward:

[ STRING1 = STRING2 ] => checks to see if the strings are equal
[ STRING1 != STRING2 ] => checks to see if the strings are not equal 
[ INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 ] => checks to see if INTEGER1 is equal to INTEGER2 
[ INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 ] => checks to see if INTEGER1 is greater than or equal to INTEGER2
[ INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 ] => checks to see if INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2
[ INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 ] => checks to see if INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2
[ INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 ] => checks to see if INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2
[ INTEGER1 -ne INTEGER2 ] => checks to see if INTEGER1 is not equal to INTEGER2

You can also test for some very shell-specific things. The -f option, for example, tests whether a file exists or not:

for i in {000..099}; 
  if [ -f file$i ]; 
   echo file$i exists; 
   touch file$i; 
   echo I made file$i; 

If you run this in your test directory, line 3 will test to whether a file is in your long list of files. If it does exist, it will just print a message; but if it doesn’t exist, it will create it, to make sure the whole set is complete.

You could write the loop more compactly like this:

for i in {000..099};
 if [ ! -f file$i ];
  touch file$i;
  echo I made file$i;

The ! modifier in the condition inverts the premise, thus line 3 would translate to “if the file file$i does not exist“.

Try it: delete some random files from the bunch you have in your test directory. Then run the loop shown above and watch how it rebuilds the list.

There are plenty of other tests you can try, including -d tests to see if the name belongs to a directory and -h tests to see if it is a symbolic link. You can also test whether a files belongs to a certain group of users (-G), whether one file is older than another (-ot), or even whether a file contains something or is, on the other hand, empty.

Try the following for example. Add some content to some of your files:

echo "Hello World" >> file023
echo "This is a message" >> file065
echo "To humanity" >> file010

and then run this:

for i in {000..099};
 if [ ! -s file$i ];
  rm file$i;
  echo I removed file$i;

And you’ll remove all the files that are empty, leaving only the ones you added content to.

To find out more, check the manual page for the test command (a synonym for [ ... ]) with man test.

You may also see double brackets ([[ ... ]]) sometimes used in a similar way to single brackets. The reason for this is because double brackets give you a wider range of comparison operators. You can use ==, for example, to compare a string to a pattern instead of just another string; or < and > to test whether a string would come before or after another in a dictionary.

To find out more about extended operators check out this full list of Bash expressions.

Next Time

In an upcoming article, we’ll continue our tour and take a look at the role of parentheses () in Linux command lines. See you then!

Read more:

  1. The Meaning of Dot (.)
  2. Understanding Angle Brackets in Bash (<...>)
  3. More About Angle Brackets in Bash(< and >)
  4. And, Ampersand, and & in Linux (&)
  5. Ampersands and File Descriptors in Bash (&)
  6. Logical & in Bash (&)
  7. All about {Curly Braces} in Bash ({})
  8. Using Square Brackets in Bash: Part 1

How to Install LDAP Account Manager on Ubuntu Server 18.04

Welcome back to this three-party journey to getting OpenLDAP up and running so that you can authenticate your Linux desktop machines to the LDAP server. In part one, we installed OpenLDAP on Ubuntu Server 18.04 and added our first LDAP entries to the directory tree via the Command Line Interface (CLI).

The process of manually adding data can be cumbersome and isn’t for everyone. If you have staff members that work better with a handy GUI tool, you’re in luck, as there is a very solid web-based tool that makes entering new users a snap. That tool is the LDAP Account Manager (LAM).

LAM features:

  • Support for 2-factor authentication

  • Schema and LDAP browser

  • Support for multiple LDAP servers

  • Support for account creation profiles

  • File system quotas

  • CSV file upload

  • Automatic creation/deletion of home directories

  • PDF output for all accounts

  • And much more

We’ll be installing LAM on the same server we installed OpenLDAP, so make sure you’ve walked through the process from the previous article. With that taken care of, let’s get LAM up and running, so you can more easily add users to your LDAP directory tree.


Fortunately, LAM is found in the standard Ubuntu repository, so installation is as simple as opening a terminal window and issuing the command:

sudo apt-get install ldap-account-manager -y

When the installation finishes, you can then limit connections to LAM to local IP addresses only (if needed), by opening a specific .conf file with the command:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/ldap-account-manager.conf

In that file, look for the line:

Require all granted

Comment that line out (add a # character at the beginning of the line) and add the following entry below it:

Require ip

Make sure to substitute your network IP address scheme in place of the one above (should yours differ). Save and close that file, and restart the Apache web server with the command:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

You are now ready to access the LAM web interface.

Opening LAM

Point your web browser to http://SERVER_IP/lam (where SERVER_IP is the IP address of the server hosting LAM). In the resulting screen (Figure 1), click LAM configuration in the upper right corner of the window.

Figure 1: The LAM login window.

In the resulting window, click Edit server profiles (Figure 2).

Figure 2: The LAM edit options.

You will be prompted for the default profile password, so type lam and click OK. You will then be presented with the Server settings page (Figure 3).

Figure 3: The LAM Server settings page.

In the Server Settings section, enter the IP address of your LDAP server. Since we’re installing LAM on the same server as OpenLDAP, we’ll leave the default. If your OpenLDAP and LAM servers are not on the same machine, make sure to enter the correct IP address for the OpenLDAP server here. In the Tree suffix entry, add the domain components of your OpenLDAP server in the form dc=example,dc=com.

Next, take care of the following configurations:

In the Security settings section (Figure 4), configure the list of valid users in the form cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com (make sure to use your LDAP admin user and domain components).

Figure 4: The Security settings section.

In the Account Types tab (Figure 5), configure the Active account types LDAP options. First, configure the LDAP suffix, which will be in the form ou=group,dc=example,dc=com. This is the suffix of the LDAP tree from where you will search for entries. Only entries in this subtree will be displayed in the account list. In other words, use the group attribute if you have created a group on your OpenLDAP server that all of your users (who will be authenticating against the LDAP directory tree) will be a member of. For example, if all of your users who will be allowed to log in on desktops machines are part of the group login, use that.

Figure 5: The Groups configuration for LAM.

Next, configure the List attributes. These are the attributes that will be displayed in the account list, and are predefined values, such as #uid, #givenName, #sn, #uidNumber, etc. Fill out both the LDAP suffix and List attributes for both Users and groups.

After configuring both users and groups, click Save. This will also log you out of the Server profile manager and take you back to the login screen. You can now log into LAM using your LDAP server admin credentials. Select the user from the User name drop-down, type your LDAP admin password, and click Login. This will take you to the LAM Users tab (Figure 6), where you can start adding new users to the LDAP directory tree.

Figure 6: Our user listing in LAM.

Click New User and the New User window will open (Figure 7), where you can fill in the necessary blanks.

Figure 7: Adding a new user with LAM.

Make sure to click Set password, so you can create a password for the new user (otherwise the user won’t be able to log into their account). Also make sure to click on the Unix tab, where you can set the username, home directory, primary group, login shell, and more. Once you’ve entered the necessary information for the user, click Save and the user account can then be found in the LDAP directory tree.

Welcome to Simpler User Creation

The LDAP Account Manager makes working with OpenLDAP exponentially easier. Without using this tool, you’ll spend more time entering users to the LDAP tree than you probably would like. The last thing you need is to take more time than necessary out of your busy admin day to create and manage users in your LDAP tree via command line.

In the next (and final entry) in this three-part series, I will walk you through the process of configuring a Linux desktop machine, such that it can authenticate against the OpenLDAP server.

Linux Kernel 4.20 Reached End of Life, Users Urged to Upgrade to Linux 5.0

Renowned Linux kernel developer and maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman announced the end of life of the Linux 4.20 kernel series, urging users to upgrade to a newer kernel series as soon as possible.

“I’m announcing the release of the 4.20.17 kernel. Note, this is the LAST release of the 4.20.y kernel. It is now end-of-life, please move to the 5.0.y kernel tree at this point in time. All users of the 4.20 kernel series must upgrade,” Greg Kroah-Hartman said in a mailing list announcement.

Read more at Softpedia

SREs Wish Automation Solved All Their Problems

Although the SRE job role is often defined as being about automation, the reality is that 59 percent of SREs agree there is too much toil (defined as manual, repetitive, tactical work that scales linearly) in their organization. Based on 188 survey responses from people holding SRE job roles, Catchpoint’s second annual SRE Report surprisingly found that almost half (49 percent) of the SREs believe their organization has not used automation to reduce toil.

Often being inspired by DevOps, SREs have high expectations for automation. Yet, there are key differences between the two and SRE responsibilities are much closer to those associated with systems administrators. SREs have the capability to automation and innovate but are often burdened by IT operations historical focus on incident management and reliability.

Read more at The New Stack

Handling Complex Memory Situations

Jérôme Glisse felt that the time had come for the Linux kernel to address seriously the issue of having many different types of memory installed on a single running system. There was main system memory and device-specific memory, and associated hierarchies regarding which memory to use at which time and under which circumstances. This complicated new situation, Jérôme said, was actually now the norm, and it should be treated as such.

The physical connections between the various CPUs and devices and RAM chips—that is, the bus topology—also was relevant, because it could influence the various speeds of each of those components.

Jérôme wanted to be clear that his proposal went beyond existing efforts to handle heterogeneous RAM. He wanted to take account of the wide range of hardware and its topological relationships to eek out the absolute highest performance from a given system.

Read more at Linux Journal

Solus 4 Linux Gaming Report: A Great Nvidia, Radeon And Steam User Experience

This article is the third in a series on Linux-powered gaming that aims to capture the various nuances in setup, as well as uncover potential performance variations between nine different desktop Linux operating systems. 

Solus is a fascinating Linux distribution. It’s built from scratch, falls under the category of rolling release and by default ships with the Budgie desktop environment — which was also developed by the Solus Project. Other desktop environment ISOs like Gnome and MATE are available. … Read more at Forbes