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How to integrate Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) authentication with Red Hat SSO using SAML

Add Red Hat Single Sign-On (RHSSO) to ADFS to help improve user authentication and management.

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Adopting Sigstore Incrementally

This post is authored by Hayden Blauzvern and originally appeared on Sigstore’s blog. Sigstore is a new standard for signing, verifying, and protecting software. It is a project of the Linux Foundation. 

Developers, package maintainers, and enterprises that would like to adopt Sigstore may already sign published artifacts. Signers may have existing procedures to securely store and use signing keys. Sigstore can be used to sign artifacts with existing self-managed, long-lived signing keys. Sigstore provides a simple user experience for signing, verification, and generating structured signature metadata for artifacts and container signatures. Sigstore also offers a community-operated, free-to-use transparency log for auditing signature generation.

Sigstore additionally has the ability to use code signing certificates with short-lived signing keys bound to OpenID Connect identities. This signing approach offers simplicity due to the lack of key management; however, this may be too drastic of a change for enterprises that have existing infrastructure for signing. This blog post outlines strategies to ease adoption of Sigstore while still using existing signing approaches.

Signing with self-managed, long-lived keys

Developers that maintain their own signing keys but want to migrate to Sigstore can first switch to using Cosign to generate a signature over an artifact. Cosign supports importing an existing RSA, ECDSA, or ED25519 PEM-encoded PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 key with cosign import-key-pair –key key.pem, and can sign and verify with cosign sign-blob –key cosign.key artifact-path and cosign verify-blob –key cosign.pub artifact-path.


Developers can get accustomed to Sigstore tooling to sign and verify artifacts.
Sigstore tooling can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines.
For signing containers, signature metadata is published with the OCI image in an OCI registry.

Signing with self-managed keys with auditability

While maintaining their own signing keys, developers can increase auditability of signing events by publishing signatures to the Sigstore transparency log, Rekor. This allows developers to audit when signatures are generated for artifacts they maintain, and also monitor when their signing key is used to create a signature.

Developers can upload a signature to the transparency log during signing with COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign sign-blob –key cosign.key artifact-path. If developers would like to use their own signing infrastructure while still publishing to a transparency log, developers can use the Rekor CLI or API. To upload an artifact and cryptographically verify its inclusion in the log using the Rekor CLI:

rekor-cli upload –rekor_server https://rekor.sigstore.dev
–artifact <url_to_artifact|local_path></url_to_artifact|local_path>
rekor-cli verify –rekor_server https://rekor.sigstore.dev
–artifact <url_to_artifact|local_path></url_to_artifact|local_path>

In addition to PEM-encoded certificates and public keys, Sigstore supports uploading many different key formats, including PGP, Minisign, SSH, PKCS#7, and TUF. When uploading using the Rekor CLI, specify the –pki-format flag. For example, to upload an artifact signed with a PGP key:

gpg –armor -u user@example.com –output signature.asc –detach-sig package.tar.gzgpg –export –armor “user@example.com” > public.keyrekor-cli upload –rekor_server https://rekor.sigstore.dev
–signature signature.asc
–public-key public.key
–artifact package.tar.gz


Developers begin to publish signing events for auditability.
Artifact consumers can create a verification policy that requires a signature be published to a transparency log.

Self-managed keys in identity-based code signing certificate with auditability

When requesting a code signing certificate from the Sigstore certificate authority Fulcio, Fulcio binds an OpenID Connect identity to a key, allowing for a verification policy based on identity rather than a key. Developers can request a code signing certificate from Fulcio with a self-managed long-lived key, sign an artifact with Cosign, and upload the artifact signature to the transparency log.

However, artifact consumers can still fail-open with verification (allow the artifact, while logging the failure) if they do not want to take a hard dependency on Sigstore (require that Sigstore services be used for signature generation). A developer can use their self-managed key to generate a signature. A verifier can simply extract the verification key from the certificate without verification of the certificate’s signature. (Note that verification can occur offline, since inclusion in a transparency log can be verified using a persisted signed bundle from Rekor and code signing certificates can be verified with the CA root certificate. See Cosign’s verification code for an example of verifying the Rekor bundle.)

Once a consumer takes a hard dependency on Sigstore, a CI/CD pipeline can move to fail-closed (forbid the artifact if verification fails).


A stronger verification policy that enforces both the presence of the signature in a transparency log and the identity of the signer.
Verification policies can be enforced fail-closed.

Identity-based (“keyless”) signing

This final step is added for completeness. Signing is done using code signing certificates, and signatures must be published to a transparency log for verification. With identity-based signing, fail-closed is the only option, since Sigstore services must be online to retrieve code signing certificates and append entries to the transparency log. Developers will no longer need to maintain signing keys.


The Sigstore tooling and infrastructure can be used as a whole or modularly. Each separate integration can help to improve the security of artifact distribution while allowing for incremental updates and verifying each step of the integration.

The post Adopting Sigstore Incrementally appeared first on Linux Foundation.

Base64 encoding: What sysadmins need to know

By understanding Base64 encoding, you can apply it to Kubernetes secrets, OpenSSL, email applications, and other common situations.

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Adopting Sigstore Incrementally – Linux Foundation

This post is authored by Hayden Blauzvern and originally appeared on Sigstore’s blog. Sigstore is a new standard for signing, verifying, and protecting software. It is a project of the Linux Foundation. 

Developers, package maintainers, and enterprises that would like to adopt Sigstore may already sign published artifacts. Signers may have existing procedures to securely store and use signing keys. Sigstore can be used to sign artifacts with existing self-managed, long-lived signing keys. Sigstore provides a simple user experience for signing, verification, and generating structured signature metadata for artifacts and container signatures. Sigstore also offers a community-operated, free-to-use transparency log for auditing signature generation.

Sigstore additionally has the ability to use code signing certificates with short-lived signing keys bound to OpenID Connect identities. This signing approach offers simplicity due to the lack of key management; however, this may be too drastic of a change for enterprises that have existing infrastructure for signing. This blog post outlines strategies to ease adoption of Sigstore while still using existing signing approaches.

Signing with self-managed, long-lived keys

Developers that maintain their own signing keys but want to migrate to Sigstore can first switch to using Cosign to generate a signature over an artifact. Cosign supports importing an existing RSA, ECDSA, or ED25519 PEM-encoded PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 key with cosign import-key-pair –key key.pem, and can sign and verify with cosign sign-blob –key cosign.key artifact-path and cosign verify-blob –key cosign.pub artifact-path.


Developers can get accustomed to Sigstore tooling to sign and verify artifacts.
Sigstore tooling can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines.
For signing containers, signature metadata is published with the OCI image in an OCI registry.

Signing with self-managed keys with auditability

While maintaining their own signing keys, developers can increase auditability of signing events by publishing signatures to the Sigstore transparency log, Rekor. This allows developers to audit when signatures are generated for artifacts they maintain, and also monitor when their signing key is used to create a signature.

Developers can upload a signature to the transparency log during signing with COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign sign-blob –key cosign.key artifact-path. If developers would like to use their own signing infrastructure while still publishing to a transparency log, developers can use the Rekor CLI or API. To upload an artifact and cryptographically verify its inclusion in the log using the Rekor CLI:

rekor-cli upload –rekor_server https://rekor.sigstore.dev
–signature <artifact_signature>
–public-key <your_public_key>
–artifact <url_to_artifact|local_path>

rekor-cli verify –rekor_server https://rekor.sigstore.dev
–signature <artifact-signature>
–public-key <your_public_key>
–artifact <url_to_artifact|local_path>

In addition to PEM-encoded certificates and public keys, Sigstore supports uploading many different key formats, including PGP, Minisign, SSH, PKCS#7, and TUF. When uploading using the Rekor CLI, specify the –pki-format flag. For example, to upload an artifact signed with a PGP key:

gpg –armor -u user@example.com –output signature.asc –detach-sig package.tar.gz

gpg –export –armor “user@example.com” > public.key

rekor-cli upload –rekor_server https://rekor.sigstore.dev
–signature signature.asc
–public-key public.key
–artifact package.tar.gz


Developers begin to publish signing events for auditability.
Artifact consumers can create a verification policy that requires a signature be published to a transparency log.

Self-managed keys in identity-based code signing certificate with auditability

When requesting a code signing certificate from the Sigstore certificate authority Fulcio, Fulcio binds an OpenID Connect identity to a key, allowing for a verification policy based on identity rather than a key. Developers can request a code signing certificate from Fulcio with a self-managed long-lived key, sign an artifact with Cosign, and upload the artifact signature to the transparency log.

However, artifact consumers can still fail-open with verification (allow the artifact, while logging the failure) if they do not want to take a hard dependency on Sigstore (require that Sigstore services be used for signature generation). A developer can use their self-managed key to generate a signature. A verifier can simply extract the verification key from the certificate without verification of the certificate’s signature. (Note that verification can occur offline, since inclusion in a transparency log can be verified using a persisted signed bundle from Rekor and code signing certificates can be verified with the CA root certificate. See Cosign’s verification code for an example of verifying the Rekor bundle.)

Once a consumer takes a hard dependency on Sigstore, a CI/CD pipeline can move to fail-closed (forbid the artifact if verification fails).


A stronger verification policy that enforces both the presence of the signature in a transparency log and the identity of the signer.
Verification policies can be enforced fail-closed.

Identity-based (“keyless”) signing

This final step is added for completeness. Signing is done using code signing certificates, and signatures must be published to a transparency log for verification. With identity-based signing, fail-closed is the only option, since Sigstore services must be online to retrieve code signing certificates and append entries to the transparency log. Developers will no longer need to maintain signing keys.


The Sigstore tooling and infrastructure can be used as a whole or modularly. Each separate integration can help to improve the security of artifact distribution while allowing for incremental updates and verifying each step of the integration.

Kubernetes network stack fundamentals: How pods on different nodes communicate

Learn how pods communicate with each other when they are on different Kubernetes nodes.

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LFX’22 Mentorship Experience with Open Horizon

The following post originally appeared on Medium. The author, Ruchi Pakhle, participated in our LFX Mentorship program this past spring.

echo “amazing experience”

Hey everyone!
I am Ruchi Pakhle currently pursuing my Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering from MGM’s College of Engineering & Technology. I am a passionate developer and an open-source enthusiast. I recently graduated from LFX Mentorship Program. In this blog post, I will share my experience of contributing to Open Horizon, a platform for deploying container-based workloads and related machine learning models to compute nodes/clusters on edge.


I have been an active contributor to open-source projects via different programs like GirlScript Summer of Code, Script Winter of Code & so on.. through these programs I contributed to different beginner-level open-source projects. After almost doing this for a year, I contributed to different organizations for different projects including documentation and code. On a very random morning applications for LFX were opened up and I saw various posts on LinkedIn among that posts one post was of my very dear friend Unnati Chhabra, she had just graduated from the program and hence I went ahead and checked the organization that was a fit as per my skill set and decided to give it a shot.

Why did I apply to Open Horizon?

I was very interested in DevOps and Cloud Native technologies and I wanted to get started with them but have been procrastinating a lot and did not know how to pave my path ahead. I was constantly looking for opportunities that I can get my hands on. And as Open Horizon works exactly on DevOps and Cloud Native technologies, I straight away applied to their project and they had two slots open for the spring cohort. I joined their element channel and started becoming active by contributing to the project, engaging with the community, and also started to read more about the architecture and tried to understand it well by referring to their youtube videos. You can contribute to Open Horizon here.

Application process

Linux Foundation opens LFX mentorship applications thrice a year: one in spring, one in summer, and the winter cohort, each cohort being for a span of 3 months. I applied to the winter cohort for which the applications opened up around February 2022 and I submitted my application on 4th February 2022 for the Open Horizon Project. I remember there were three documents mandatory for submitting the application:

1. Updated Resume/CV

2. Cover Letter

(this is very very important in terms of your selection so cover everything in your cover letter and maybe add links to your projects, achievements, or wherever you think they can add great value)

The cover letter should cover these points primarily

How did you find out about our mentorship program?
Why are you interested in this program?
What experience and knowledge/skills do you have that are applicable to this program?
What do you hope to get out of this mentorship experience?

3. A permission document from your university stating they have no obligation over the entire span of the mentorship was also required (this depends on org to org and may not be asked as well)

Selection Mail

The LFX acceptance mail was a major achievement for me as at that period of time I was constantly getting rejections and I had absolutely no idea about how things were gonna work out for me. I was constantly doubting myself and hence this mail not only boosted my confidence but also gave me a ray of hope of achieving things by working hard towards it consistently. A major thanks to my mentor, Joe Pearson, and Troy Fine for believing in me and giving me this opportunity.

My Mentorship Journey

Starting off from the day I applied to the LFX until getting selected as an LFX Mentee and working successfully for over 3 months and a half, it felt surreal. I have been contributing to open-source projects and organizations before. But being a part of LFX gave me such a huge learning curve and a sense of credibility and ownership that I got here wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else.

I have been contributing to open-source projects and organizations before. But being a part of LFX gave me such a huge learning curve and a sense of credibility and ownership that I got here wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else.

I still remember setting up the mgmt-hub all-in-one script locally and I thought it was just a cakewalk, well it was not. I literally used to try every single day to run the script but somehow it would end up giving some errors, I used to google them and apply the results but still, it would fail. But one thing which I consistently did was share my progress regularly with my mentor, Troy no matter if the script used to fail but still I used to communicate that with Troy, I would send him logs and he used to give me some probable solutions for the same but still the script used to fail. I then messaged in the open-horizon-examples group and Joe used to help with my doubts, a huge thanks to him and Troy for helping me figure out things patiently. After over a month on April 1st, the script got successfully executed and then I started to work on the issues assigned by Troy.

These three months taught me to be consistent no matter what the circumstances are and work patiently which I wouldn’t have learned in my college. This experience would no doubt make me a better developer and engineer along with the best practices followed. A timeline of my journey has been shared here.

Checkout my contributions here
Checkout open-horizon-services repo

Concluding the program

The LFX Mentorship Program was a great great experience and I did get a great learning curve which I wouldn’t have gotten any other way. The program not only encourages developers to kick-start their open-source journey but also provides some great perks like networking, and learning from the best minds. I would like to thank my mentors Joe Pearson, Troy Fine, and Glen Darling because without their support and patience this wouldn’t have been possible. I would be forever grateful for this opportunity.

Special thanks to my mentor Troy for always being patient with me. These kind words would remain with me always although the program would have ended.

The LF Edge Mentorship program is always a great learning experience, and this year was no exception. Because of Ruchi’s work we now have more services following our best practice policies in the open-horizon-services github repository. Despite the time difference she was always flexible when it came to our sync-ups and was never afraid to ask questions or for clarification if something wasn’t clear. I hope Ruchi will continue to provide the meaningful contributions to the Open Horizon project I have seen her demonstrate throughout this mentorship program.

And yes how can I forget to plug in the awesome swags, special thanks, and gratitude to my mentor Joe Pearson for sending me such cool swags and this super cool note

If you have any queries, connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter and I would be happy to help you out

The post LFX’22 Mentorship Experience with Open Horizon appeared first on Linux Foundation.

Kubernetes network stack fundamentals: How containers inside a pod communicate

Kubernetes network stack fundamentals: How containers inside a pod communicate


Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

Learn how containers communicate within a pod through the same Kubernetes network namespace

August 8, 2022

%t min read

Anthony Critelli (Sudoer)


Read the full article on redhat.com

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The Linux Foundation Announces Keynote Speakers for Open Source Summit Europe 2022

Global visionaries headline the premier open source event in Europe to share on OSS adoption in Europe, driving the circular economy, finding inspiration through the pandemic, supply chain security and more.

SAN FRANCISCO, August 4, 2022 —  The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced the keynote speakers for Open Source Summit Europe, taking place September 13-16 in Dublin, Ireland. The event is being produced in a hybrid format, with both in-person and virtual participation available, and is co-located with the Hyperledger Global Forum, OpenSSF Day, Linux Kernel Maintainer Summit, KVM Forum, and Linux Security Summit, among others.

Open Source Summit Europe is the leading conference for developers, sys admins and community leaders – to gather to collaborate, share information, gain insights, solve technical problems and further innovation. It is a conference umbrella, composed of 13 events covering the most important technologies and issues in open source including LinuxCon, Embedded Linux Conference, OSPOCon, SupplyChainSecurityCon, CloudOpen, Open AI + Data Forum, and more. Over 2,000 are expected to attend.

2022 Keynote Speakers Include:

Hilary Carter, Vice President of Research, The Linux Foundation
Bryan Che, Chief Strategy Officer, Huawei; Cloud Native Computing Foundation Governing Board Member & Open 3D Foundation Governing Board Member
Demetris Cheatham, Senior Director, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Strategy, GitHub
Gabriele Columbro, Executive Director, Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS)
Dirk Hohndel, Chief Open Source Officer, Cardano Foundation
​​Ross Mauri, General Manager, IBM LinuxONE
Dušan Milovanović, Health Intelligence Architect, World Health Organization
Mark Pollock, Explorer, Founder & Collaborator
Christopher “CRob” Robinson, Director of Security Communications, Product Assurance and Security, Intel Corporation
Emilio Salvador, Head of Standards, Open Source Program Office, Google
Robin Teigland, Professor of Strategy, Management of Digitalization, in the Entrepreneurship and Strategy Division, Chalmers University of Technology; Director, Ocean Data Factory Sweden and Founder, Peniche Ocean Watch Initiative (POW)Linus Torvalds, Creator of Linux and Git
Jim Zemlin, Executive Director, The Linux Foundation

Additional keynote speakers will be announced soon. 

Registration (in-person) is offered at the price of US$1,000 through August 23. Registration to attend virtually is $25. Members of The Linux Foundation receive a 20 percent discount off registration and can contact events@linuxfoundation.org to request a member discount code. 

Health and Safety
In-person attendees will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or provide a negative COVID-19 test to attend, and will need to comply with all on-site health measures, in accordance with The Linux Foundation Code of Conduct. To learn more, visit the Health & Safety webpage.

Event Sponsors
Open Source Summit Europe 2022 is made possible thanks to our sponsors, including Diamond Sponsors: AWS, Google and IBM, Platinum Sponsors: Huawei, Intel and OpenEuler, and Gold Sponsors: Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Codethink, Docker, Mend, NGINX, Red Hat, and Styra. For information on becoming an event sponsor, click here or email us.

Members of the press who would like to request a press pass to attend should contact Kristin O’Connell.

Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation and its projects are supported by more than 2,950 members. The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, ONAP, Hyperledger, RISC-V, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at https://linuxfoundation.org/

The Linux Foundation Events are where the world’s leading technologists meet, collaborate, learn and network in order to advance innovations that support the world’s largest shared technologies.

Visit our website and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook for all the latest event updates and announcements.

The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. 


Media Contact
Kristin O’Connell
The Linux Foundation

The post The Linux Foundation Announces Keynote Speakers for Open Source Summit Europe 2022 appeared first on Linux Foundation.

How to customize OpenShift roles for RBAC permissions

Go beyond OpenShift’s default options to set up custom role-based access control (RBAC) permissions for local and cluster roles.

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