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Manage your RPG players with pc

Keep track of your role-playing games’ character data with the pc (player character) command.

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Ag-Rec: Improving Agriculture Around the World with Open Source Innovation

One of the first projects I noticed after starting at the Linux Foundation was AgStack. It caught my attention because I have a natural inclination towards farming and ranching, although, in reality, I really just want a reason to own and use a John Deere tractor (or more than one). The reality is the closest I will ever get to being a farmer is my backyard garden with, perhaps, some chickens one day. But I did work in agriculture policy for a number of years, including some time at USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. So, AgStack piqued my interest. Most people don’t really understand where their food comes from, the challenges that exist across the globe, and the innovation that is still possible in agriculture. It is encouraging to see the passion and innovation coming from the folks at AgStack.

Speaking of that, I want to dig into (pun intended) one of AgStacks’ projects, Ag-Rec.

Backing up a bit, in the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture operates a vast network of cooperative extension offices to help farmers, ranchers, and even gardeners improve their practices. They have proven themselves to be invaluable resources and are credited with improving agriculture practices both here in the U.S. and around the globe through research, information sharing, and partnerships. Even if you aren’t a farmer, they can help you with your garden, lawn, and more. Give them a call – almost every county has an office.

The reality with extension education is that it is still heavily reliant on individuals going to offices and reading printed materials or PDFs. It could use an upgrade to help the data be more easily digestible, to make it quicker to update, to expand the information available, and to facilitate information sharing around the world. Enter Ag-Rec. 

I listened to Brandy Byrd and Gaurav Ramakrishna, both with IBM, present about Ag-Rec at the Open Source Summit 2022 in Austin, Texas. 

Brandy is a native of rural South Carolina, raised in an area where everyone farmed. She recalled some words of wisdom her granddaddy always said, “Never sell the goose that laid the golden egg.” He was referring to the value of the farmland – it was their livelihood. She grew up seeing firsthand the value of farms, and she was already familiar with the value of the information from the extension service and of information sharing among farmers and ranchers beyond mornings at the local coffee shop. But she also sees a better way. 

The vision of Ag-Rec is a framework where rural farmers from small SC towns to anywhere in the world have the same cooperative extension framework where they can get info, advice, and community. They don’t have to go to an office or have a physical manual. They can access a wealth of information and that can be shared anywhere, anytime. 

On top of that, by making it open source, anyone can use the framework so anyone can build applications and make the data available in new and useful ways. Ag-Rec is providing the base for even more innovation. Imagine the innovation we don’t know is possible. 

The Roadmap

Brandy and Gaurav shared about how Ag-Rec is being built and how developers, UI experts, agriculture practices experts, end users, and others can help contribute. When the recording of the presentation is available we will share that here. You can also go over to Ag-Rec’s GitHub for more information and to help. 

Here is the current roadmap: 


Design and development of UI with Mojoe.net
Plant data validation and enhancements
Gather requirements to provision additional Extensive Service recommendation data
Integrate User Registry for authentication and authorization


Testing and feedback from stakeholders
Deploy the solution on AgStack Cloud
Add documentation for external contribution and self-deployment


Invite other Extension Services and communities
Iterate and continuous improvement

I, for one, am excited about the possibility of this program to help improve crop production, agricultural-land conservation, pest management, and more around the world. Farms feed the world, fuel economies, and so much more. With even better practices, their positive impact can be even greater while helping conserve the earth’s resources. 

The Partners

In May 2021, the Linux Foundation launched the AgStack Foundation to “build and sustain the global data infrastructure for food and agriculture to help scale digital transformation and address climate change, rural engagement, and food and water security.”  Not long after, IBM, Call for Code and Clemson University Cooperative Extension “sought to digitize data that’s been collected over the years, making it accessible to anyone on their phone or computer to search data and find answers they need.” AgStack “way to collaborate with and gain insights from a community of people working on similar ideas, and this helped the team make progress quickly.” And Ag-Rec was born. 

A special thank you to the core team cultivating (pun intended) this innovation: 

Brandy Byrd, IBM

Gaurav Ramakrishna, IBM

Sumer Johal, AgStack

Kendall Kirk, Clemson University

Mallory Douglass, Clemson University



Call for Code and AgStack open-source Ag Recommendations

Ag-Rec GitHub

<!–Ag-Rec Public Google Drive–>

AgStack Foundation

AgStack Slack

<!–AgStack Bi-Weekly Public Zoom Call–>

Presentation at Open Source Summit North America 2022 (YouTube link available soon)

The post Ag-Rec: Improving Agriculture Around the World with Open Source Innovation appeared first on Linux Foundation.

Linux superuser access, explained

Here’s how to configure Linux superuser access so that it’s available to those who need it—yet well out of the way of people who don’t need it.

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How to implement parallelism and rolling updates in Ansible

Interact with multiple hosts simultaneously, on a per-playbook basis with Ansible’s serial keyword.

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Delta Lake project announces the availability of 2.0 Release Candidate

New features bringing unmatched query performance to open data lakehouses

Today, the Delta Lake project announced the Delta Lake 2.0 release candidate, which includes a collection of new features with vast performance and usability improvements. The final release of Delta Lake 2.0 will be made available later this year.

Delta Lake has been a Linux Foundation project since October 2019 and is the open storage layer that brings reliability and performance to data lakes via the “lakehouse architectures”, the best of both data warehouses and data lakes under one roof. In the past three years, lakehouses have become an appealing solution to data engineers, analysts, and data scientists who want to have the flexibility to run different workloads on the same data with minimal complexity and no duplication – from data analysis to the development of machine learning models. Delta Lake is the most widely-used lakehouse format in the word and currently sees over 7M downloads per month (and continues to grow).

Delta Lake 2.0 will bring some major improvements to query performance for Delta Lake users, such as support for change data feed, Z-order clustering, idempotent writes to Delta tables, column dropping, and many more (get more details in the Delta Lake 2.0 RC release notes). This enables any organization to build highly performant lakehouses for a wide range of data and AI use cases.

The announcement of Delta Lake 2.0 came on stage during Data + AI Summit 2022 keynote as Michael Armbrust, distinguished engineer at Databricks and a co-founder of the Delta Lake project, showed how the new features will dramatically improve performance and manageability compared to previous versions and other storage formats. Databricks had initially open sourced Delta Lake and has, with the Delta Lake community, been continuously contributing new features to the project.

Databricks is not the only organization actively contributing to Delta Lake – developers from over 70 different organizations have been collaborating and contributing new features and capabilities.

“The Delta Lake project is seeing phenomenal activity and growth trends indicating the developer community wants to be a part of the project. Contributor strength has increased by 60% during the last year and the growth in total commits is up 95% and the average line of code per commit is up 900%. We are seeing this upward velocity from contributing organizations like Uber Technologies, Walmart, and CloudBees, Inc., among others,” 

— Executive Director of the Linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin. 

The Delta Lake community is inviting you to explore Delta Lake and join the community. Here are a few useful links to get you started:

Learn more about Delta Lake at delta.io
Check out the project on GitHub
Join the community on Slack or Google Groups
Follow Delta Lake on Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube

The post Delta Lake project announces the availability of 2.0 Release Candidate appeared first on Linux Foundation.

Running Oracle Linux 9 with QEMU on an M1 Mac

Instructions on how to run Oracle Linux

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How to troubleshoot SELinux policy violations

Learn how to diagnose and address routine SELinux policy violations that may be causing problems with your web server.

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Open Programmable Infrastructure: 1+1=3

At last week’’s Open Source Summit North America, Robin Ginn, Executive Director of the OpenJS Foundation, relayed a principle her mentor taught: “1+1=3”. No, this isn’t ‘new math,’ it is demonstrating the principle that, working together, we are more impactful than working apart. Or, as my wife and I say all of the time, teamwork makes the dream work. 

This principle is really at the core of open source technology. Turns out it is also how I look at the Open Programmable Infrastructure project. 

Stepping back a bit, as “the new guy” around here, I am still constantly running across projects where I want to dig in more and understand what it does, how it does it, and why it is important. I had that very thought last week as we launched another new project, the Open Programmable Infrastructure Project. As I was reading up on it, they talked a lot about data processing units (DPUs) and infrastructure processing units (IPUs), and I thought, I need to know what these are and why they matter. In the timeless words of The Bobs, “What exactly is it you do here?” 

What are DPUs/IPUs? 

First – and this is important – they are basically the same thing, they just have different names. Here is my oversimplified explanation of what they do.

In most personal computers, you have a separate graphic processing unit(s) that helps the central processing unit(s) (CPU) handle the tasks related to processing and displaying the graphics. They offload that work from the CPU, allowing it to spend more time on the tasks it does best. So, working together, they can achieve more than each can separately. 

Servers powering the cloud also have CPUs, but they have other tasks that can consume tremendous computing  power, say data encryption or network packet management. Offloading these tasks to separate processors enhances the performance of the whole system, as each processor focuses on what it does best. 

In order words, 1+1=3. 

DPUs/IPUs are highly customizable

While separate processing units have been around for some time, like your PC’s GPU, their functionally was primarily dedicated to a particular task. Instead, DPUs/IPUs combine multiple offload capabilities that are highly  customizable through software. That means a hardware manufacturer can ship these units out and each organization uses software to configure the units according to their specific needs. And, they can do this on the fly. 

Core to the cloud and its continued advancement and growth is the ability to quickly and easily create and dispose of the “hardware” you need. It wasn’t too long ago that if you wanted a server, you spent thousands of dollars on one and built all kinds of infrastructure around it and hoped it was what you needed for the time. Now, pretty much anyone can quickly setup a virtual server in a matter of minutes for virtually no initial cost. 

DPUs/IPUs bring this same type of flexibility to your own datacenter because they can be configured to be “specialized” with software rather than having to literally design and build a different server every time you need a different capability. 

What is Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI)?

OPI is focused on utilizing  open software and standards, as well as frameworks and toolkits, to allow for the rapid adoption and use of DPUs/IPUs. The OPI Project is both hardware and software companies coming together to establish and nurture an ecosystem to support these solutions. It “seeks to help define the architecture and frameworks for the DPU and IPU software stacks that can be applied to any vendor’s hardware offerings. The OPI Project also aims to foster a rich open source application ecosystem, leveraging existing open source projects, such as DPDK, SPDK, OvS, P4, etc., as appropriate.”

In other words, competitors are coming together to agree on a common, open ecosystem they can build together and innovate, separately, on top of. The are living out 1+1=3.

I, for one, can’t wait to see the innovation.

A special thanks to Yan Fisher of Red Hat for helping me understand open programmable infrastructure concepts. He and his colleague, Kris Murphy, have a more technical blog post on Red Hat’s blog. Check it out. 

For more information on the OPI Project, visit their website and start contributing at https://github.com/opiproject/opi.  

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The post Open Programmable Infrastructure: 1+1=3 appeared first on Linux Foundation.

How to install software packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Learn how to install software with RHEL’s package manager using the dnf command or the GNOME Software app.

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How to change boot options on Linux

Make your system boot the way you want it to by editing your Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) file.

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