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How to use Subscription Manager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Use Subscription Manager to sign up your RHEL machines for important software updates and manage them from your central Red Hat account.

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How to install and run Rust on Linux

Learn how to install the Rust programming language and then create, build, run, and test a new Rust project.

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OSPO Mind Map 2.0 release is out!

TODO Group is proud to announce a new OSPO Mind Map version release. The mind map shows a Open Source Program Office’s (OSPO) responsibilities, roles, behavior, and team size within an organization. This post highlights the major improvements done by the community in this new version of the OSPO Mind Map.

Updates on Responsibilities section

OSPO Mind Map Responsibilities section has new OSPO-specific topics and different sub-sections defined, including:

Develop and Execute Open Source Strategy
Eliminate Friction from Using and Contributing to Open Source
Manage Open Source IT Infrastructure
Give Advice on Open Source
Grow and Retain Open Source Talent Inside the Organization
Implement InnerSource Practices
Track Performance Metrics
Collaborate with Open Source Organizations
Prioritize and Drive Open Source Upstream Development
Establish and Improve Open Source Policies and Processes
Oversee Open Source Compliance
Support Corporate Development Activities

Initial pull request with these changes can be found here .

Welcoming Contributors

The TODO Community welcomes more contributors to the OSPO mind Map to bring together the various communities involved in OSPO-specific topics. This will help to improve open source professionals’ guidance across the OSPO ecosystem (e.g topics like “InnerSource”, “Open Source metrics”, “Open Source Compliance” and more).

Updates on display

Initially, the OSPO Mind Map displayed all sections by default, showing a huge mind map image. Now, when people access https://ospomindmap.todogroup.org/ the display view will only show the first 2 levels, so people can expand specific sections, avoiding unnecessary information and focusing on what matters to them at that time.

Welcoming Contributors

We are looking for tech contributors to work on a process to automatically deploy new versions of OSPO mind map to the website . If you’d be interested to contribute, please open a PR !

About OSPO Mind Map and OSPOlogy

This Mind Map is part of the TODO Group’s OSPOlogy repository which encapsulates a set of open initiatives (including the OSPO Mind Map, virtual global & regional meetings, an OSPO discussion forum, monthly OSPO News, and now, in-person workshops) to work in collaboration and study the status of OSPOs.


Thanks to OSPO Mind Map’s v2.0 contributors and reviewers!

Thomas Steenbergen (EPAM)
Ana Jiménez (Linux Foundation)
Jari Koivisto
Josep Prat (Aiven)
Gergely Csatari (Nokia)

Special thanks to Ibrahim Haddad (Linux Foundation), we were inspired by the OSPO responsibilities section in A Close Look at Open Source Program Offices: Structure, Roles and Responsibilities .

The post OSPO Mind Map 2.0 release is out! appeared first on Linux Foundation.

The SOGNO Project Wins Prestigious Award for Focus on Modular Grid Automation

This post originally appeared on the LF Energy’s blog. LF Energy is a project at the Linux Foundation that provides a neutral, collaborative community to build the shared digital investments that will transform the world’s relationship to energy.

The energy sector is amid a huge transformation that will impact the entire world and grid operators need new innovations to match those needs.

That’s why we’re especially excited to see the recognition awarded Antonello Monti, Director of the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems at RWTH Aachen University and group Leader at Center for Digital Energy, Fraunhofer FIT, for his leadership with SOGNO, the “Service-based Open-source Grid automation platform for Network Operation” of the future.

Monti received the second most prestigious award given by the German government, the innovation prize of North Rhine-Westphalia. Awarded annually, this prize recognizes outstanding achievements and excellent research.

We are so proud of the work Monti, who also serves at the Technical Advisory Committee Chair for LF Energy, and Markus Mirz have undertaken. We also want to extend our congratulations to the many individuals, companies, and the European Commission who funded the original work for SOGNO (meaning “dream” in Italian).

SOGNO is an LF Energy project that is creating plug-and-play, cloud-native, micro-services to implement our next generation of data-driven monitoring and control systems. It will simplify the life of distribution utilities by enabling them to optimize their network operations through open source to deliver cost-effectively, and seamless, secure power to customers.

A breakthrough innovation is that SOGNO introduces the idea of grid automation as a modular system in which components can be added through time. This is in opposition to classical monolithic solutions, which weren’t constructed with today’s energy landscape in mind.

Today, as more renewables come onto the grid, the flow of energy moves from just one way, which was true in the past, to both ways on and off the grid.In the future, power system networks will be composed of assets whose profiles may shift between loads, resources, and the ability to provide flexibility back to the grid.

Reinforcing the current system is not sufficient to deal with the increasing complexity of distribution systems. Rather, we are at the cusp of needing deployment of advanced distribution management systems that can be implemented as centralized but even better as distributed architecture.

We reiterate our deep gratitude and support for this project, and the people and entities who’re making it happen.

Read here for more information

The post The SOGNO Project Wins Prestigious Award for Focus on Modular Grid Automation appeared first on Linux Foundation.

One Place to Manage Your Open Source Projects and Communities

Open source communities are driven by a mutual interest in collaboration and sharing around a common solution. They are filled with passion and energy. As a result, today’s world is powered by open source software, powering the Internet, databases, programming languages, and so much more. It is revolutionizing industries and tackling the toughest challenges. Just check out the projects fostered here at the Linux Foundation for a peek into what is possible. 

What is the challenge? 

As the communities and the projects they support grow and mature, active community engagement to recruit, mentor, and enable an active community is critical. Organizations are now recognizing this as they are more and more dependent on open source communities. Yet, while the ethos of open source is transparency and collaboration, the tool chain to automate, visualize, analyze, and manage open source software production remains scattered, siloed, and of varying quality.

How do we address these challenges?

And now, involvement and engagement in open source communities goes beyond software developers and extends to engineers, architects, documentation writers, designers, Open Source Program Office professionals, lawyers, and more. To help everyone stay coordinated and engaged, a centralized source of information about their activities, tooling to simplify and streamline information from multiple sources, and a solution to visualize and analyze key parameters and indicators is critical. It can help: 

Organizations wishing to better understand how to coordinate internal participation in open source and measure outcomes
CTOs and engineering leads looking to build a cohesive open source strategy 
Project maintainers needing to wrangle the legal and operational sides of the project
Individual keeping track of their open source impacts

Enter the Linux Foundation’s LFX Platform – LFX operationalizes this approach, providing tools built to facilitate every aspect of open source development and empowers projects to standardize, automate, analyze, and self-manage while preserving their choice of tools and development workflows in a vendor-neutral platform.

LFX tools do not disrupt a project’s existing toolchain but rather integrate a project’s community tools and ecosystem to provide a common control plane with APIs from numerous distributed data sources and operations tools. It also adds intelligence to drive outcome-driven KPIs and utilizes a best practices-driven, vendor-agnostic tools chain. It is the place to go for active community engagement and open source activity, enabling the already powerful open source movement to be even more successful.

How does it work? 

Much of the data and information that makes up the open source universe is, not surprisingly, open to see. For instance, GitHub and GitLab both offer APIs that allow third-parties to track all activity on open projects. Social media and public chat channels, blog posts, documentation, and conference talks are also easily captured. For projects hosted at a foundation, such as the Linux Foundation, there is an opportunity to aggregate the public and semi-private data into a privacy respecting, opt-in unified data layer. 

More specifically to an organization or project, LFX is modular, extensible, and API-driven. It is pluggable and can easily integrate the data sources and tools that are already in use by organizations rather than force them to change their work processes. For instance:

Source control software (e.g. Git, GitHub, or GitLab)
CI/CD platforms (e.g. Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis CI, and GitHub Actions)
Project management (e.g. Jira, GitHub Issues)
Registries  (e.g. Docker Hub)
Documentation  (e.g. Confluence Wiki)
Marketing automation (e.g. social media and blogging platforms)
Event management platforms (e.g. physical event attendance, speaking engagements, sponsorships, webinar attendance, and webinar presentations)

This holistic and configurable view of projects, organizations, foundations, and more make it much easier to understand what is happening in open source, from the most granular to the universal. 

What do real-world users think? 

Part of LFX is a community forum to ask questions, share solutions, and more. Recently, Jessica Wagantall shared about the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP). She notes:

ONAP is part of the LF Networking umbrella and consists of 30+ components working together towards the same goal since 2017. Since then, we have faced situations where we have to evaluate if the components are getting enough support during release schedules and if we are identifying our key contributors to the project.

In this time, we have learned a lot as we grow, and we have had the chance to have tools and resources that we can rely on every step of the way. One of these tools is LFX Insights.

We rely on LFX Insights tools to guide the internal decisions and keep the project growing and the contributions flowing.

LFX Insights has become a potent tool that gives us an overview of the project as well as statistics of where our project stands and the changes that we have encountered when we evaluate release content and contribution trends.

Read Jessica’s full post for some specific examples of how LFX Insights helps her and the whole team. 

John Mertic is a seasoned open source project manager. One of his jobs currently is helping to manage the Academy Software Foundation. John shares: 

The Academy Software Foundation was formed in 2018 in partnership with the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences to provide a vendor-neutral home for open source software in the visual effects and motion picture industries.

A challenge this industry was having was that there were many key open source projects used in the industry, such as OpenVDB, OpenColorIO, and OpenEXR, that were cornerstones to production but lacked developers and resources to maintain them. These projects were predominantly single vendor owned and led, and my experience with other open source projects in other verticals and horizontal industries causes this situation, which leads to sustainability concerns, security issues, and lack of future development and innovation.

As the project hit its 3rd anniversary in 2021, the Governing Board was wanting to assess the impact the foundation has had on increasing the sustainability of these projects. There were three primary dimensions being assessed.

Contributor growth

Contribution growth

Contributor diversity

We at the LF know that seeing those metrics increasing is a good sign for a healthy, sustainable project.

Academy Software Foundation projects use LFX Insights as a tool for measuring community health. Using this tool enabled us to build some helpful charts which illustrated the impacts of being a part of the Academy Software Foundation.

We took the approach of looking at before and after data on the contributor, contribution, and contributor diversity.

Here is one of the charts that John shared. You can view all of them on his post


LFX will improve communication and collaboration, simplify management, surface the best projects and project leaders, and provide insightful guidance based on real data captured at scale, across the widest variety of projects ever collected into a single source of information. And it is available to you – all Linux Foundation members and projects have access to LFX. 

To learn more about what it can do for you and your organization and project(s), read our white paper (LINK), read posts in the LFX Community Forum, or just log in with your free LFID and give it a spin. And check back here on the LF Blog for more articles in the coming months on LFX – digging in deeper. 

If you would like to talk to someone at the Linux Foundation about LFX or membership, reach out to Jen Shelby at jshelby@linuxfoundation.org

The post One Place to Manage Your Open Source Projects and Communities appeared first on Linux Foundation.

A New Framework for In-Person OSPO Workshops: TODO Group Seeks Collaborators

As more and more organizations adopt open source initiatives and/or seek to mature their involvement in open source, they often face many challenges, such as educating developers on good open source practices, building policies and infrastructure, ensuring high-quality and frequent releases, engaging with developer communities, and contributing back to other projects effectively. They recognize that open source is a complex ecosystem that is a community of communities. It doesn’t follow traditional corporate rules, so guidance is needed to overcome cultural change. 

To help address these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities, organizations are turning to open source program offices (OSPOs). An OSPO is designed to be the center of competency for an organization’s open source operations and structure. This can include setting code use, distribution, selection, auditing, and other policies, as well as training developers, ensuring legal compliance, and promoting and building community engagement that benefits the organization strategically. 

The Linux Foundation’s TODO Group’s mission is to help foster the adoption and improvement of OSPOs around the world. They are a tremendous resource, with extensive guides, a new mind map, an online course, case studies, and more. Check out their resources, community, and join their efforts

Thanks in part to their efforts, the OSPO movement is expanding across industries and regions of all types and sizes. However, due to the wide range of responsibilities and ways to operate, OSPO professionals often find it difficult to implement OSPO best practices, policies, processes, or tools for their open source management efforts.

To help people with these challenges, the TODO Group is introducing a new framework for in-person OSPO workshops. The framework is publicly available in ospology. This repo encapsulates a set of open initiatives (including an OSPO Mind Map 2.0, virtual global & regional meetings, an OSPO discussion forum, monthly OSPO News, and now, in-person workshops) to work in collaboration that aims to study and discuss the status of OSPOs and, ultimately, make them even more effective. 

TODO is piloting these in Europe first, and they are currently seeking collaborators to bring together the various communities involved in OSPO-specific topics and help organizations effectively implement OSPO Programs based on the specific needs for the region.

Backing up a bit, let’s look at the OSPOlogy.live framework. 

OSPOlogy.live framework in a nutshell

Follows an “unconference style,” meaning it’s a participants-driven meeting
Adheres to the Chatham House Rule in order to share openly and learn from each other 
Connects OSPOs with various open source communities involved in the open source activities that matter to them (e.g. policies, tooling, standards, and community building)
Takes place over two days and is an in-person event
Consists of prepared presentations, hands-on workshops, and space for networking
Falls under the Linux Foundation’s policies and code of conduct
Held at a location provided by one of the participants for free
Each participant pays for their own food, travel, and lodging. Meals may be free if workshop organizers find sponsors.
Participants can register their interest to receive an invite via Linux Foundation’s community platform as seats are limited.

With that overview, let’s dig in a little on how the workshop is conducted.

Unconference style

Typically at an unconference, the agenda of the workshop portion is created by the attendees at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space. OSPOlogy workshops are not fully an unconference as the first day is a series of prepared presentations, so you know what the sessions are before joining (1 or 2 will be chosen by the participants ahead of time). For Day 2, the workshops follow the unconference model. Participants vote on topics to be worked on that day. Participants may be asked to submit their topic before the workshop to accelerate/simplify the voting process.

Suggested workshop sections

OSPO USE CASES Expert-led panels or talks to share experiences and case studies from specific OSPOs
OSPO ACCELERATORS Presentation highlighting a specific activity within the specific project, such as outcomes of recent community activities. The aim of the presentation is to give people insights on various topics the communities are working on and get their feedback / to ask for contributions.
SHARED CHALLENGES ASSESSMENT Description: Identify OSPO shared challenges / pain points on the OSPO Mind Map 2.0 and let the audience vote for the areas of interest (working groups) for the workshop breakout groups. For instance, focus areas can be specific activities within OSPO responsibilities.
BREAK OUT SESSIONS Define goals and identify pain points. Each break out group aims to capture their challenges for the selected focus and if possible document their experiences/solutions.

Interested in becoming a collaborator?

We can’t do this alone! If you are part of an open source community involved in OSPO-specific topics or an organization willing to help with the workshop planning, schedule and/or provide a space to kick off the first meet-up in Europe, we need your help! Please contact:

Ana Jimenez ana@todogroup.org
Thomas Steenbergen opensource@steenbe.nl

And check out the FAQs below. 

Don’t live in Europe? Pencil us in for when this is expanded. 

Not involved in an OSPO yet? Take time to check out the TODO Group and join the community to start your OSPOlogy journey.

Also, consider joining OSPONCon North America next week, June 21-24, 2022, either in Austin, Texas during the Open Source Summit or virtually. Register here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we mean by communities involved in OSPO-specific topics?

OSPO-specific topics range from safely using open source to license compliance, sustainability, contributing back to the community, and more. For the full list of OSPO topics please see https://ospomindmap.todogroup.org/:

Develop and Execute Open Source Strategy
Oversee Open Source Compliance
Establish and Improve Open Source Policies and Processes
Prioritize and Drive Open Source Upstream Development
Collaborate with Open Source Organizations
Track Performance Metrics
Implement InnerSource Practices
Grow and Retain Open Source Talent Inside the Organization
Give Advice on Open Source
Manage Open Source IT Infrastructure

Some examples of OS communities highly involved in these topics are:

InnerSource Commons

What are the necessary roles to set up an OSPOlogy.live workshop?

There are two ways in which you can play your part in OSPOlogy.live set up: (1) the hosting party who makes available a meeting room; and, (2) the workshop organizer/facilitator in charge of workshop activities and planning. (1) and (2) may be the same entity/individual. Further details can be found in the framework documentation

Where can I register for the next OSPOlogy.live?

Efforts are already on the way to organize the OSPOlogy workshops in different European countries each quarter. Once collaborators and days are confirmed, registration details and schedules will be published via the OSPOlogy community platform.

For further updates, please subscribe to OSPONewsletter and join the TODO community.

The post A New Framework for In-Person OSPO Workshops: TODO Group Seeks Collaborators appeared first on Linux Foundation.

Podman Compose or Docker Compose: Which should you use in Podman?

Both projects let you run multiple Podman containers on a single machine. But their differences might make one more appealing than the other.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

SBOM – SB Doesn’t Stand for Silver Bullet

Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) are like ingredient labels on food. They are critical to keep consumers safe and healthy, they are somewhat standardized, but it is a lot more exciting to grow or make the food rather than the label. 

What is an SBOM?

What is an SBOM? In short, it is a way to tell another party all of the software that is used in the stack that makes up an application. One benefit of having a SBOM is you know what is in there when a vulnerability comes up. You can easily determine if you are vulnerable and where. 

As modern software is built utilizing a base of software already written (no sense in recreating the wheel), it is important that all of the components don’t get lost in the shuffle. It isn’t readily apparent what a particular piece of software utilizes. So, if a vulnerability for Software A arises, you need to know, do I have that piece of software somewhere in my ecosystem, and, if so, where. Then you can remediate if you need to.

I can’t take credit for the food label analogy used in my introduction. I heard it from Allan Friedman, a Senior Advisor and Strategist at the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and a key SBOM advocate, when he presented about SBOMs at the RSA Conference 2022 with Kate Stewart, the VP of Dependable Embedded Systems here at the Linux Foundation. Allan made the point that food labels only provide information. The consumer needs to read and understand them and take appropriate action. For instance, if they are allergic to peanuts, they can look at an ingredient label and determine if they can safely eat the food. 

SBOMs are similar – they tell a person what software is used as an “ingredient” so someone can determine if they need to take action if a vulnerability arises. It isn’t a silver bullet, but it is a vital tool. Without SBOMs no one can track what component “ingredients” are in their software applications.

SBOMs and the Software Supply Chain

Supply chains are impacting our lives more than just restricting availability of consumer goods. Software supply chains are immensely more complicated now as software is built with pre-existing components. This makes software better, more effective, more powerful, etc. But it also introduces risk as more and more parties touch a particular piece of software. Much like our world has become so interdependent, so has our software. 

Understanding what is in the supply chain for our software helps us effectively secure it. When a new risk emerges, we know what we need to do. 

SBOMs and Software Security

SBOMs are increasingly being recognized as an important pillar in any comprehensive software security plan. A global survey conducted in 2021 Q3 by the Linux Foundation found that 78% of organizations responding plan to use SBOMs in 2022. Additionally, the recently published Open Source Software Security Mobilization Plan recommends SBOMs be universal and the U.S. Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity requires SBOMs be provided for software purchased by the U.S. government. And, as Allan points out in his talk, “We buy everything.” The E.O. actually lays out a nice summary of SBOMs and their benefits: 

The term “Software Bill of Materials” or “SBOM” means a formal record containing the details and supply chain relationships of various components used in building software.  Software developers and vendors often create products by assembling existing open source and commercial software components.  The SBOM enumerates these components in a product.  It is analogous to a list of ingredients on food packaging.  An SBOM is useful to those who develop or manufacture software, those who select or purchase software, and those who operate software.  Developers often use available open source and third-party software components to create a product; an SBOM allows the builder to make sure those components are up to date and to respond quickly to new vulnerabilities.  Buyers can use an SBOM to perform vulnerability or license analysis, both of which can be used to evaluate risk in a product.  Those who operate software can use SBOMs to quickly and easily determine whether they are at potential risk of a newly discovered vulnerability.   A widely used, machine-readable SBOM format allows for greater benefits through automation and tool integration.  The SBOMs gain greater value when collectively stored in a repository that can be easily queried by other applications and systems.  Understanding the supply chain of software, obtaining an SBOM, and using it to analyze known vulnerabilities are crucial in managing risk.

Allan and Kate spent time in their talk going into the current state of SBOMs, challenges, benefits, tools available for creating and sharing SBOMs, what is a minimum SBOM, standards being developed, making them fully automated, and more. Look for some future LF Blog posts digging into these. 

But there are things you can do now. 

What can you and your organization do now?

Allan and Kate laid out several things you and your organization can do, starting now. Starting within your organization: 

Next week: Understand origins of software your organization is using

Commercial: can you ask for an SBOM?
Open source: do you have an SBOM for the binary or sources you’re importing? 

Three months: Understand what SBOMs your customers will require

Expectations: which standards, dependency depth, licensing info?

Six months: Prototype and deploy

Implement SBOM through using an OSS tool and/or starting a conversation with vendor

And participate in ongoing discussions to determine best practices for the ecosystem and contribute to open source project any code developed to support SBOMs. 

But there are also steps you can take as an individual: 

Next week: Start playing with an open source SBOM tool and apply it to a repo

Three months: Have an SBOM strategy that explicitly identifies tooling needs

Six months

Begin SBOM implementation through using an OSS tool or starting a conversation with vendor
Participate in a plugfest and try to consume another’s SBOM

And make sure to share any open source and commercial tools you find helpful and work with the tools to help harden them, test and report bugs, and push them to scale.

How can you shape the future of SBOMs?

First, I want to highlight some upcoming opportunities they shared to help shape the future of SBOMs. CISA is running public Tooling & Implementation work stream discussions in July 2022. They are the same, but occur at different times to help accommodate more time zones: 

July 13, 2022 – 3:00-4:30 PM ET
July 21, 2022 – 9:30-11:00 AM ET 

If you want to participate, please email SBOM@cisa.dhs.gov

Additionally, there will be “plugfests” to be announced soon, and they suggested organizations already adopting SBOMs publish case studies and reference tooling workflows to help others. 


SBOMs are here to stay. If you aren’t already, get on the train now. It is pulling out of the station, but you still have an opportunity to help shape where it is going and how well the journey goes. 

Allan’s and Kate’s slides are available here. If you registered to attend the RSA Conference, you can now watch their full presentation on demand here.

The Software Package Data ExchangeⓇ (SPDXⓇ)

The Linux Foundation hosts SPDX, which is an open standard for communicating software bill of material information, including components, licenses, copyrights, and security references. SPDX reduces redundant work by providing a common format for companies and communities to share important data, thereby streamlining and improving compliance. The SPDX specification is an international open standard (ISO/IEC 5962:2021). Learn more at spdx.dev

The post SBOM – SB Doesn’t Stand for Silver Bullet appeared first on Linux Foundation.

LightSpeed Studios Joins the Open 3D Foundation as a Premier Member to Further the Vast Potential of the 3D Ecosystem

O3D community building a first-class, open-source 3D engine to advance development across gaming, the metaverse, and a variety of other applications

SAN FRANCISCO – June 15, 2022 – The Open 3D Foundation (O3DF), the home of a vibrant community focused on advancing the future of open 3D development, announces its growing ecosystem with the addition of LightSpeed Studios as a Premier member alongside Adobe, AWS, Huawei, Intel, Microsoft and Niantic.

Today’s top-quality 3D engines are as complex as operating systems, requiring significant time, cost, and human capital investments to keep pace with advancements. Open source has repeatedly proven to be the path to quickest innovation. The Open 3D Engine (O3DE) offers a high-fidelity, fully-featured, open source alternative poised to revolutionize real-time 3D development across a variety of industries—from game development, the metaverse, AI and digital twin, to automotive, healthcare, robotics and more.

As a Premier member, LightSpeed Studios will bring its leadership and wealth of experience in global research and development of high-quality games to help drive the development of O3DE’s specifications and initiatives. Tencent Senior Project Manager, Lanye Wang, will join the Open 3D Foundation’s Governing Board, helping shape the Foundation’s strategic direction and its stewardship of 3D visualization and simulation projects. 

“We are very excited to join the Open 3D Foundation, especially for the opportunity to leverage the connection with all of the other members to dive deep into the graphic technologies and build a top-level open source 3D engine community,” said Lanye Wang, representing LightSpeed Studios. “We look forward to working with you.”

LightSpeed Studios is one of the world’s most innovative and successful game developers, with teams around the world. Founded in 2008, LightSpeed Studios has created over 50 games across multiple platforms and genres for over 4 billion registered users. Comprised of passionate players who advance the art and science of game development through great stories, great gameplay and advanced technology, LightSpeed Studios is focused on bringing next-generation experiences to gamers who want to enjoy them anywhere, anytime across multiple genres and devices.

“It has been amazing to see the rapid growth of the O3D ecosystem, and we’re elated to welcome LightSpeed Studios to our community,” said Royal O’Brien, Executive Director of Open 3D Foundation and General Manager of Games and Digital Media at the Linux Foundation. “LightSpeed Studios has achieved a strong reputation as a leading global game developer, offering high-quality gaming experiences to hundreds of millions of users worldwide, and we are excited to collaborate with them as we enhance O3DE’s capabilities for global 3D developers.”

A Growing Community

LightSpeed Studios is one of 25 member companies since the public announcement of the Open 3D Foundation in July 2021. Other premier members include Adobe, AWS, Huawei, Intel, Microsoft and Niantic.

In May, O3DE announced its latest release, focused on performance, stability and usability enhancements. With over 1,460 code merges, this new release offers several improvements aimed to make it easier to build 3D simulations for AAA games and a range of other applications. Significant enhancements include core stability, installer validation, motion matching, user-defined property (UDP) support for the asset pipeline, and automated testing advancements. The O3D Engine community is very active, averaging up to 2 million line changes and 350-450 commits monthly from 60-100 authors across 41 repos.

Where to See the O3D Engine Next

On October 17-19, the Open 3D Foundation will host O3Dcon, its flagship conference, bringing together technology leaders, indie and independent 3D developers, and the academic community to share ideas, discuss hot topics and foster the future of 3D development across a variety of industries and disciplines. For those interested in sponsoring this event, please contact sponsorships@linuxfoundation.org

Anyone interested in the O3D Engine is invited to get involved and connect with the community on Discord.com/invite/o3de and GitHub.com/o3de

About the Open 3D Engine (O3DE) project

O3D Engine is the flagship project managed by the Open 3D (O3D) Foundation. The open-source project is a modular, cross-platform 3D engine built to power anything from AAA games to cinema-quality 3D worlds to high-fidelity simulations. The code is hosted on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license. To learn more, please visit o3de.org.

About the Open 3D Foundation

Established in July 2021, the mission of the Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) is to make an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, real-time 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry. The Open 3D Foundation is home to the O3D Engine project. To learn more, please visit o3d.foundation.

About the Linux Foundation

Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation is supported by more than 1,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation’s projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at linuxfoundation.org.

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The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our trademark usage page: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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Tune it Up: Improving Redis Performance for Ampere A1 on Oracle Linux in OCI

The outcome with recommendations of an i

Click to Read More at Oracle Linux Kernel Development