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Linux hardware installation

Author: JT Smith By: Jeff Field NewsForge Columnist This week's article was going to be a review of the Matrox G450 Dualhead. That article will be published...

Site sells Red Hat 7 on custom CDs

Author: JT Smith The new release of Red Hat Linux 7 is now available on a custom CD-ROM through www.linux2order.com. The 2-CD-ROM package is $12.95, plus shipping. This...

RIAA mad because Napster beat it to the punch

Author: JT Smith From a guest column at ZDNet: "In my opinion, the RIAA wanted to create a service that reflects the digital-music download model,...

Jump on Newtella before it goes the way of Gnutella

Author: JT Smith Download the latest version at www.newtella.com and beat the rush. From a press release at InternetWire.

duplicate-Comedy Central experiments in selling South Park on line

Author: JT Smith CBS says that Comedy Central is experimentally releasing 6 episodes of South Park for download - for a fee.

VA Linux to provide Red Hat 7.0-based software on servers

Author: JT Smith VA Linux Systems, Inc. today announced that the company plans to offer Red Hat 7.0-based software for ordering as a standard...

Weekly news wrapup

Author: JT Smith By Grant Gross Managing EditorNew releases, new life In the news this past week: Mozilla released a roadmap for its browser project. ZDNet called...

Enhydra.org’s three-tier plan for success

Author: JT Smith By Tony Granata News Editor Enhydra, armed with an ever evolving software, an army of community support, and numerous Open Source partners, is hoping...

Student gets PC confiscated for distributing MP3s

Author: JT Smith The RIAA confiscated a student's PC and peripherals and intends to proscute for the spreading of MP3s. "He was advocating other...

EFF takes its DVD case to Linux users, looking to raise funds

Author: JT Smith By Nathan L. Walls Special to NewsForge After spending more in 2000 on litigation than its entire 1999 operating budget, the Electronic Frontier Foundation says...