Best Practices for Process as Code


We recently hosted another episode of our Continuous Discussion (#c9d9) video podcast, featuring expert panelists discussing process as code.

Our expert panel included: David-Blank Edelman, technical evangelist for Apcera; Juni Mukherjee, Author of “Continuous Delivery Pipeline – Where Does It Choke?”; J. Paul Reed, managing partner of Release Engineering Approaches; Mark Chassy, product director at Orson Software; Michael Wittig, Author of “Amazon Web Services in Action”; and, our very own Anders Wallgren and Sam Fell.

During the episode, panelists discussed their definitions of process-as-code as well as use cases and best practices for defining your automation processes as code, and ensuring your automation is versionable, testable, and repeatable.

To read the full list of best practices, go here.