Cloud Platform Overview


Gain a solid understanding of the current state of Cloud platforms, how to integrate the Cloud into your systems and how to manage the risks.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to Cloud platforms, discuss the services they provide, the cost (not just monetary cost) and the problem of lock-in. I’ll also discuss hybrid systems that can run from the Cloud or where some of their components can run from the Cloud. At the end of this article you should a solid understanding of the current state of Cloud platforms, how to integrate the Cloud into your systems and how to manage the risks. Why Go to the Cloud?

The number one reason to go to the Cloud is that the Cloud platforms provide so much value that is important even for small companies. If you had to build even the most essential parts you would spend a lot of time and even more time maintaining and addressing all the issues that your half-baked system causes. Today’s systems handle more and more data and have higher expectations in terms of uptime, availability and responsiveness. Even startups in beta must provide reliable service, even if not very rich. Letting the system crash and discover it in the morning with 50 angry user emails is not an option anymore. Now, the Cloud is not a magic panacea. You still have to work hard to put things together and use the Cloud offering intelligently, but all the building blocks, as well as integrated solutions, are available to you.

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