10 Most Popular Linux.com Stories in 2011


Here it is, 2011 is almost at an end. As we get ready for 2012, we wanted to take a look at the stories that were most popular with Linux.com readers in 2011. We’ve pulled together a list of the 10 most popular stories from the year for you to enjoy over the holidays.

To get this year’s top 10, we looked at our site statistics and pulled the most popular original pieces published in 2011. The winners were not too surprising, but do help us figure out what kind of stories to line up for next year. Without further ado, we present the 10 most popular pieces published in 2011.

1. The 10 Most Important Open Source Projects of 2011

Earlier this month, we took a look at the 10 most important open source projects of 2011. It looks like Linux.com readers were quite interested in the results.

2. The 2011 Top 7 Best Linux Distributions for You

Another popular post from 2011 was Brian Proffitt’s look at the best 7 Linux distributions for desktops, laptops, enterprise, and more.

3. The Five Best Linux Netbook Distributions: 2011 Edition

We also looked at the best netbook Linux distributions from 2011. Though netbooks weren’t quite the hot property they were in previous years, lots of Linux folks seem to love their netbooks.

4. Five Best Alternative Window Managers for Linux

Choice is one of the things that makes the Linux desktop great. Our round-up of alternative window managers for Linux was a huge favorite when we published it early in 2011. Long live FVWM!

5. An Early Look at GNOME 3.0

Nathan Willis took a good, long look at GNOME 3.0 in March. Though Willis wasn’t entirely pleased with what he found, Linux.com readers seemed to be deeply interested in the new GNOME.

6. OpenSSH Tips and Tricks: Beyond Secure Shell

SSH is one of the most-used tools on Linux, so it’s little surprise that a piece on OpenSSH tips and tricks cracked the top 10 for 2011. I still use the FUSE trick for mounting remote filesystems on a regular basis.

7. Fedora 16 is Coming With Big Changes

The Fedora is strong with the Linux.com community. Carla Schroder’s Fedora 16 preview drew quite a bit of attention when we published it in early November. That might have something to do with the slew of new technologies and refinements (like GNOME 3.2) that were shipped with F16.

8. IPv6 Crash Course For Linux

Another winner from Carla, a IPv6 “crash course” published in April. Carla took a look at the advantages of IPv6 and some tips and tricks for working with IPv6 on Linux.

9. The Five Best Open Source Calendar Servers for Linux

Calendar clients are easy to find on Linux. Calendar servers? That’s a bit trickier, but Nathan Willis gets it all sorted out. Can you believe a FOSS project from Apple makes the list?

10. Review: Hands on LibreOffice 3.3

The first new version of LibreOffice shipped in early 2011, and Brian was there to put it through its paces. LibreOffice has come a long way since then, of course.

2012 and Beyond

There you have it, the most popular stories of 2010. What about 2012? Tell us what kind of stories you’d like to see in 2012, and beyond.

By the way, if you’re curious about last year’s top 10, check out the top 10 from 2010 too.