30 Things to Do After Minimal RHEL/CentOS 7 Installation


                                         30 Things to Do After Minimal RHEL/CentOS 7 Installation


CentOS is a Industry Standard Linux Distribution which is a derivative of RedHat Enterprise Linux. You may start using the OS as soon as you install it, but to make the most out of your system you need to perform a few updates, install a few packages, configure certain services and application.

This article aims at “30 Things to Do After Installing RHEL/CentOS 7â€. The post is written keeping in mind you have installed RHEL/CentOS Minimal Install which is preferred in Enterprise and production environment, if not you can follow below guide that will show you minimal installations of both.

  1. Installation of CentOS 7 Minimal
  2. Installation of RHEL 7 Minimal

The following are the list of important things, which we’ve covered in this guide based on industry standard requirements. We hoping that, these things will be very helpful in setting up your server.

1. Register and Enable Red Hat Subscription

After minimal RHEL 7 installation, it’s time to register and enable your system to Red Hat Subscription repositories and perform a full system update. This is valid only if you have a valid RedHat Subscription. You need to register your in order to enable official RedHat System repositories and update the OS from time-to-time.

We have already covered a detailed instructions on how to register and active RedHat subscription at the below guide.

  1. Register and Enable Red Hat Subscription Repositories in RHEL 7

Note: This step is only for RedHat Enterprise Linux having a valid subscription. If you are running a CentOS server immediately move to further steps.

2. Configure Network with Static IP Address

The first thing you need to do is to configure Static IP address, Route and DNS to your CentOS Server. We will be using ip command the replacement of ifconfig command. However, ifconfig command is still available for most of the Linux distributions and can be installed from default repository.

