5 of the Best Free Linux Content Control Software


Content control software, also commonly known as web filtering software, is software which is designed and optimised to determine what content can be viewed by the user. This software is particularly relevant to information supplied by a web browser.

In many respects, censorship of the internet is deemed to be harmful. Governments with oppressive regimes may use content control software to prevent their citizens from viewing material they consider objectionable. This can mean the censorship of perfectly legitimate websites including organisations advocating human rights, or even search engines such as Google. Even where a government has not directly enforced internet censorship they may apply pressure to internet providers to filter sites.

However, like any city, the web has neighbourhoods, some safer and some very dangerous. The web hosts sites with pornographic material. Clearly, parents will want to make every effort to ensure that their children are not exposed to such material. Whilst content control software does not replace the need for parental supervision it adds an additional layer of protection. Furthermore, the internet can have profound effects on an individual’s social and mental life. Whilst the internet has enormous educational benefits, it can encourage excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. Let control software dictate how long a computer can be used.

To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled a list of 5 high quality content control software. Hopefully, there will be something of interest here for anyone who wants to filter the web.

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