antiX M8.2 Test 2 now available and looking better than ever!

antiX M8.2 Test 2 now available and looking better than ever!

In my previous blog, I reported that antiX M8.2 Test 1 is now available and looking great. I then went on to explain the many reasons why I enjoy using, testing, and promoting antiX so much. The Test 2 release is now available; anticapitalista has already, along with some community members, identified a few more things that will be changed, but Test 2 is looking better than ever. In fact, if someone wants to install Test 2, then simply use it as their lean, fast system, I see nothing in the capabilities or in what is “lacking” that would prevent someone from doing just that.

Yesterday I took antiX M8.2 Test 2 and installed it on my Lenovo Y410 laptop in place of antiX M8.0, using the option to save my /home partition. You generally do not rewrite the disk partition when you this technique; instead the installation program removes the old packages and installs the new packages. It works extremely well and effectively. I claim that for many people this Test 2 version would work fine, even as an every day system. I have it installed and I have no hesitation in using it.