Call for Contribution: OpenSUSE Weekly News


Since 77 Issues the Weekly News Team published the News. The News are translated to many Languages. But why i made an Call for Contribution?
If we check Planetsuse or Lizards, we can see, that mostly the Blogger are the same. Our Goal as Weekly News Team is it, to make our Publication interesting. So we need more Blogger. If you have an own Blog, we would like to motivate you, to blog. You can write about interesting Features or Tips and Tricks, or new things, you have learned. You can tell us, what you like at the Project, or what you doesn’t like. You can give Proposals or other Stuff. We need you as Author.

Then i’d like to go to the next Point: Feedback.
Sebastian one of our Teammates has created an Poll with the Question: “How are the Weekly News”? You can find it there: Please let us know, how are the Weekly News in YOUR View. Please use also the Comment-Function for leave a Feedback. You can also use an Mail to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

If you are can’t Blog, so you can send us interesting Blogs or Posts, that you’ve found. Only through your Contribution we can make the Weekly News better and more interesting.

We want you!!!