Cinnamon 2.6 Released : Here’s What’s New


Cinnamon 2.6

Cinnamon 2.6, the latest version of cinnamon desktop environment has been released and announced few week ago by linux Mint Developer (Clement Lefebvre) via Linux Mint Segfault blog and it will become as main desktop for upcomming Linux mint 17.2 rafaela will be released end of June, 2015.

The biggest changes of the release has to be the optimisations made to the system to increase boot times for some users and that reduce the CPU usage by up to a staggering 40%. If you get cinnamon desktop freezes, just press the combination key Ctrl+Alt+Escape to restart cinnamon desktop without lose any work and all your windows and applications remain open.

More details you can read at Cinnamon 2.6 Released : Here’s What’s New