Cloudera Announces Hadoop World: NYC 2009



Yahoo!, IBM, Intel, eHarmony and others sponsor inaugural Hadoop World October 2 in New York City


SAN FRANCISCO – August 19, 2009 – Cloudera, the commercial Hadoop™ company, today announced the inaugural Hadoop World conference, which will take place Friday, October 2 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. Sponsors include Yahoo!, IBM, Intel, eHarmony, and others.


“Hadoop is changing the way that users manage and process ever-increasing volumes of data,” said Christophe Bisciglia, founder of Cloudera. “Hadoop World in New York City will showcase this powerful new open source technology, with special focus on how traditional enterprises use it to solve real business problems.”


Hadoop World will feature in-depth case studies and real-world examples of how traditional enterprises use Hadoop. To date, representatives from enterprises including, Booz Allen Hamilton, China Mobile, Context Web, eBay, Facebook, IBM, Intel, JPMC, Microsoft, New York Times, NexR, Rackspace, Vertica, Visa, Visible Measures, Yale, and Yahoo! take part in the event. These companies have changed the way they understand data by leaning on tools originally developed for the Web.


Beyond popular web properties like Google, Yahoo! and Facebook, Hadoop is currently in production in a number of other industry verticals, including advertising, biotech, financial services, and telecom. Hadoop World presentations will address the wide spectrum of industries to which Hadoop solves problems with large data. Scheduled topics include data warehousing, data mining, business Intelligence, fraud detection, protein alignment, logs processing, and general Web scale data processing and analytics.


For three days leading up to Hadoop World, Cloudera will offer training and certification for developers, administrators and managers. For more information or to register for the conference, visit:



About Cloudera

Cloudera (, the commercial Hadoop company, develops and distributes Hadoop, the open source software that powers the data processing engines of the world’s largest and most popular web sites. Founded by leading experts on big data from Facebook, Google, Oracle and Yahoo, Cloudera’s mission is to bring the power of Hadoop, MapReduce, and distributed storage to companies of all sizes in the enterprise, Internet and government sectors. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Cloudera has financial backing from Accel Partners, Greylock Partners and angel investors who include Diane Greene (former CEO of VMware), Marten Mickos (former CEO of MySQL), and Jeff Weiner (CEO of LinkedIn).


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