Configuring and Managing MySQL Instances using OpenStack Trove Database as a Service


If you have a database or two, that is one thing, but as an organization if you have a number of databases running, you may have a mandate to make sure they are all created with specific configurations to meet your organizationalstandards. This article will discuss how to use the Tesora Database as a Service Platform, which is based on OpenStack Trove, to set up a configuration group where you have access to all of the parameters of the database, in this case, MySQL running in an OpenStack cloud.

You can pick and choose the property or properties that you want to manage and then can attach this configuration group to database instances. Let’s see how we can do that.

Step 1: To use OpenStack Trove, first you will need to have Guest Images for each datastore. These images are loaded to OpenStack Glance (where virtual machine images are stored) and registered with Trove. Some guest images for development and testing are available for download from OpenStack at If you’re looking for more information, check out this article, Building a database guest image for OpenStack Trove.

Step 2: Next, using the Tesora DBaaS platform dashboard, you log in as the admin user. Start by choosing “Configuration Groups” from the menu and then select “Create Configuration Group”. Next, name the group, for example, “myconfig” and add a description, like “MySQL Configuration Group”. Then, select the datastore type and version.

In this example, we specify that we are creating a MySQL 5.6 configuration group, and the Tesora DBaaS platform automatically provides all the parameters that apply to MySQL databases. Now, to add parameters select this newly created configuration group, and then “Add Parameter”. Use the pulldown to add a parameter like the maximum number of connections (“max_connections”). Go ahead and specify a value of 255. Once we have done that, we can also add many more properties to this configuration group. Once you are done, choose “Apply Changes” and the configuration group is set.

Step 3: Now, go back to the databases that we created by selecting “Instances” and we can apply the configuration group. Use the “Actions” pulldown on one of the database instances and select “Attach Configuration Group”. Select the group that you just created and choose “Attach Configuration”. This adds the configuration group to that database instance. Now, the number of connections that are allowed for this database instance is 255, as we had specified.

That’s it, you’re done. We’ve created this “Configuring & Managing MySQL Instances: Configuration Groups” video demonstration so you can see for yourself how easy it is to set up a configuration group and apply it to MySQL database instances using the Tesora DBaaS platform — database as a service based on OpenStack Trove.