Data-protector Installation on VMware on Linux Desktops



Data is one of the most crucial elements for security and protection. Tech market giants make investments of millions. Backup/Data Protection is a key area when we talk about data retention and data recovery. We have big giants involved who have made this possible by developing a variety of data-protection tools. These data-protection techniques have been utilised in both physical and virtual environments.


These backup techniques are basically of two types :


1. Image Backup

2. Client Backup


The earliest kind of backup configurations were client backups. Traditional backup methods work like this by storing redundant data over and over again. Because of this, client backup installation had various performance degradation issues. The below issues were rectified by a technique called Image Backups. In this technique there was improvisation in data protection by the storage of only the changed storage block, instead of everything as in the  client backup technique. Tremendous improvement in the performance of the VMS was recorded by using image backup technique. There was also less congestion in the network bandwidth.


In Virtual Environments the Major Tools used for Image Backup Technique are as stated below


  • VMware Vsphere Data protector

  • IBM Tivoli Manager

  • Avamar Proxy Server


Introduction to  VMware Vsphere DataProtector (VDP):


  • Robust ,Simple to deploy disk-based backup and recovery technique.

  • It enables centralised and efficient management of backup jobs while storing backups in deduplicated storage locations.

  • VMware vSphere Web Client interface is used to select, schedule, configure, and manage backups and recoveries of virtual machines.

  • The Vsphere data protector creates a snapshot quiesced snapshot of the virtual machine and deduplication is performed with every backup operation.

  • It uses Change Block Tracking (CBT) technique which is Vmkernel function, keeping a track of storage blocks of virtual machines as they change over time. VMkernel  keeps a track of block changes on virtual machines, this enhances the backup process for applications.

  • It uses VMware storage API’s used for Data Protection as well enables centralized backup of a VM machine without causing any disruption.

  • The VDP Appliance is a purpose built virtual appliance for vSphere data protection.



Installation of Vsphere Data Protector:


Software Requiremnets:

VDP 5.5 requires the following software:

  • VMware vCenter Server: Version 5.1 or later

  1. vCenter Server Linux or Windows.

NOTE: Backing up more than 2 TB VMs on Windows operating systems is not supported. This limitation does not exist on Linux operating systems.

  1. Web browsers must be enabled with Adobe Flash Player 11.3 or higher to access the vSphere Web. Client and VDP functionality


  • VMware ESX/ESXi (the following versions are supported)

  1. ESX/ESXi 4.0, 4.1,ESXi 5.0, ESXi 5.1, ESXi 5.5

Pre-Installation Configurations:

  • “DNS Configurationâ€

  • “NTP Configurationâ€

  • “User Account Configurationâ€

  • “vSphere Data Protection Best Practicesâ€


Installation of Vsphere Data Protector:


The installation is basically completed in two steps :-

  • “Deploy the OVF Templateâ€

  • “Configuring the VDP Appliance System Settingsâ€


Deploy the OVF Template:-



1. From a web browser, access the vSphere Web Client.

2. Log in with administrative privileges.

3. Select vCenter > Datacenters.

4. On the Objects tab, click Actions > Deploy OVF Template.

5. If prompted, allow and install the VMware Client Integration Plug-in.

6. Select the source where the VDP Appliance is located. By default the File name dialog is set to OVF

Packages (*.ovf). From the drop-down box to the right of File name, select OVA Packages (*.ova).

7. Navigate to the location of the VDP Appliance .ova file. Confirm that you select the appropriate file for

the datastore. Click Open.

8. After the VDP Appliance .ova file is selected, click Next.

9. Review the template details and click Next.

10. On the Accept EULAs screen, read the license agreement, click Accept, and then click Next.

11. On the Select name and folder screen, enter the name for the VDP Appliance (this must match the entry configured on the DNS Server) and click on the folder or datacenter in which you want it deployed. The VDP Appliance Name should not be changed after installation. Click Next.

12. On the Select a resource screen, select the host for the VDP Appliance and click Next.

13. On the

Select Storage screen, select the virtual disk format and select the location of the storage for the VDP Appliance. Click Next.

14. On the Setup networks screen, select the Destination Network for the VDP Appliance and click Next.

15. In the Customize template screen, specify the Default Gateway, DNS, Network 1 IP Address, and

Network 1 Netmask. Confirm that the IP addresses are correct and match the entry in the DNS Server.

Setting incorrect IP addresses in this dialog box will require the .ova to be redeployed. Click Next.

NOTE: The VDP Appliance does not support DHCP; a static IP address is required.

16. On the Ready to complete screen, confirm that all of the deployment options are correct. Check Power on after deployment and click Finish.

vCenter deploys the VDP Appliance and boots into the install mode. You can monitor Recent Tasks to determine when the deployment is complete.


Configuring the VDP Appliance System Settings:


Note: That the OVF template has been deployed



1. From a web browser, access the vSphere Web Client.

2. Log in with administrative privileges.

3. Select vCenter Home > vCenter > VMs and Templates. Expand the vCenter tree and select the VDP


4. Open a console session into the VDP Appliance by right-clicking the VDP Appliance and select Open

Console.In the console, the URL and the steps required to configure the VDP display.

5. Enter the required information in the console.

6. Open a web browser and type:


The VDP Welcome screen appears.

7. Click Next.

8. The Network settings dialog box appears by default. Specify (or confirm) the following network and

server information for your VDP Appliance:

a IPv4 Static address

b Netmask

c Gateway

d Primary DNS

e Secondary DNS

f Hostname

g Domain

9 Click Next.

10 The Time Zone dialog box appears. Select the appropriate time zone for your VDP Appliance, and click Next.

11 The VDP credentials dialog box displays. For VDP credentials, type in the VDP Appliance password, and then verify the password by retyping it. This will be the universal configuration password. Specify a password that contains the following:

Nine characters

At least one upper case letter

At least one lower case letter

At least one number

No special characters

12. Click Next.

13. The vCenter registration dialog box appears. Specify the following:

a vCenter username—If the user belongs to a domain account then it should be entered in the format


CAUTION If an SSO admin user is specified as the vCenter username in the format <username@vsphere.local>;,

tasks related to VDP operations do not appear in the vCenter Recent Tasks pane of the vSphere Web Client.

For tasks to appear in the Recent Tasks pane, specify the SSO admin user in the format


b vCenter password

c vCenter hostname (IP address or FQDN)

d vCenter port

e If disabled, click the Use vCenter for SSO authentication check box for SSO authentication.

NOTE: Leave the Use vCenter for SSO authentication check box enabled if your vCenter has SSO embedded in the vCenter server appliance.

14. Click Test connection.


NOTE: If on the vCenter registration page of the wizard you receive the message “Specified user either is not a dedicated VDP user or does not have sufficient vCenter privileges to administer VDP.â€

If you follow the steps then your installation of Vsphere Data Protector should go without a hitch.