Devscript: Local Development Environments on Linux with just one Command


Did you ever have that experience when you’re setting up a new Development Environment when you’ve just formatted your system or when you somehow screwed up your Configuration?.

Or Maybe you just don’t want to google for an hour every time you set this stuff up?

Let me show you what it is like with the usual installation:

sudo apt-get install apache2

sudo apt-get install php5

sudo apt-get install mysql

sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt

php5enmod mcrypt


We are really smart Developers, We shouldn’t need to do this stupid stuff.

So, How do we fix this?

You don’t need to, Its already fixed.

Have a look at this little tool called Devscript.

Its Local Development Environments with just one Command.

Don’t believe me? Just have a look at this little Video.

DevScript from Nihal Sahu on Vimeo.

Cool, Right?

Anyway ,Try Using DevScript for your projects too.

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