Disney’s IT Support Linux?!

I’m at the SANS2009 Conference at the Dolphin hotel in Disney Land, whoo hoo! Since two days (since I have arrived) I was unable to connect to the Internet in my room. Before I call for support, I want to be sure that my Linux system wasn’t the problem so I make some testing and ask around other Linux users at the conference, if they had experience problems with their room Internet connection on Linux. The answer was no! And my laptop was able to connect to the Internet in the SANS Internet room. So I decided to call support.

While I was been questioning about my problem, I was waiting for the SQoD (support question of deaf) for Linux users… What OS are you using? Usually this question came, this is the end of the tech support call. The response usually is something like… ‘WHAT… LINUX… ooh…. well…. ehh…. we don’t support Linux’. But want they really want to say is… ‘I’m afraid of Linux! Please don’t make me do it…’


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