Do Your Friends Know You Tweet?


They’d better because Twitter has become an important new tool in building relationships and getting your message across.  This post details how to get started building your followers and adding value to the Twitter community. 

I recently saw survey results from a 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll that stated only 15 percent of Americans believe Twitter to be an important new tool for communication and I believe it.  Not because it’s true but because Twitter can be hard to understand and get the hang of at first.

I distinctly remember my first experience with Twitter when I noticed someone casually mentioning they were “putting lipstick on at a redlight”.  My first thought was “this is totally worthless”.  My how times have changed.  Not only has the growth of Twitter been off the charts (1382% to be exact), but I’ve actually started using Twitter on a regular basis and find it extremely helpful and useful in my job.

Twitter can be tough to understand at first and there’s good reason for it; its a different communication model than most are used to.  How …