Fedora 13 Gnome: Compiz Windows and Menu Transparency


1.- Open your terminal and change ti super user

su - (after this, press enter and type your root password)

2.- type in your terminal the next commands to install the complete suite of compiz, by default Fedora has the compiz and compiz-gnome, so you can just delete the first 2 parameters:

Complete Suite (If you don’t have compiz):

yum install compiz compiz-gnome emerald emerald-themes fusion-icon compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome compizconfig-backend-gconf

Minimal settings (This is just what I need with the default Fedora 13 installation):

yum install compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome compizconfig-backend-gconf

And if you want to have the Menus and Windows Transparency open your CompizConfig Setting Manager under the System->Preferences menu and go to the Opacity, Brightness and Saturation section and add the next line to the menu:

Tooltip | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu

And after this, your are good to go and try your new desktop effects provided by Compiz, here are some keyboard shortcuts. Enjoy

Desktop Effects1 Keyboard Shortcuts
Rotate Cube Mousewheel on Desktop
Switcher2 Alt + Tab
Shift Switcher3 Super + Tab (2 modes: flip and cover)
Ring Switcher Super + Tab – overrides Shift Switcher
Expo Super + E (toggle)
Film Effect Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow4
Rotate Cube Manually Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button
Scale Windows Alt + Shift + Up Arrow
Show/Clear Desktop Ctrl + Alt + D (toggle)
Snapping Windows Move a window across workspaces5
Screenshot Super + Left Mouse Button
Zoom In/Out Super + Mousewheel
Transparent Window Alt + Mousewheel
Resize Window Alt + F8
Move Window Alt + F7
Add Helper Super + P
Widget Layer F9 (toggle)
Water Effects Shift + F9 (toggle)
Fire Effects: On Super + Shift + Left Mouse Button
Fire Effects: Clear Super + Shift + C
Annotate: Draw Super + Left Mouse Button
Annotate: Start Super + 1
Annotate: End Super + 3
Group: Select Window(s) Super + S
Group: Group Windows Super + T
Group: Ungroup Windows Super + U
Group: Flip Windows Super + Right or Left Arrow

1 Effects have to be enabled to see results.
2 To see the full effect, have multiple windows or programs open.
3 To configure: Go to Advanced Desktop Effects Settings.
4 Use left and right arrow thereafter to move to workspaces.
5 Disables Wobbly Windows.

Source: Voices in my Head (and Google)