Happy Programmer Day


The programmer day is celebrated on the 256th (0x100th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 on leap years). The number 256 (28) was chosen because it is the number of distinct values that can be represented with an eight-bit byte

This particular day was proposed by Valentin Balt, an employee of Parallel Technologies web design company. As early as 2002 he tried to gather signatures for a petition to the Government of Russia to recognize the day as the official programmers’ day.On July 24, 2009, the Ministry of Mass Communications of Russia issued a draft of an executive order on a new professional holiday, Programmers’ Day. On September 11, 2009, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed the decree.

So, this is a happy day for all the programmers, because in a non-official way, this day is celebrated around the world, so you can go and celebrate, or (the most real option) is to keep working on your desk and just change your msn title 😀

Source: Wikipedia