How to Configure Your Dev Machine to Work From Anywhere (Part 3)


In the previous articles, I talked about my mobile setup and how I’m able to continue working on the go. In this final installment, I’ll talk about how to install and configure the software I’m using. Most of what I’m talking about here is on the server side, because the Android and iPhone apps are pretty straightforward to configure.

Before we begin, however, I want to mention that this setup I’ve been describing really isn’t for production machines. This should only be limited to development and test machines. Also, there are many different ways to work remotely, and this is only one possibility. In general, you really can’t beat a good command-line tool and SSH access. But in some cases, that didn’t really work for me. I needed more; I needed a full Chrome JavaScript debugger, and I needed better word processing than was available on my Android tablets.

Here, then, is how I configured the software. Note, however, that I’m not writing this as a complete tutorial, simply because that would take too much space. Instead, I’m providing overviews, and assuming you know the basics and can google to find the details. We’ll take this step by step.

Spin up your server

First, we spin up the server on a host. There are several hosting companies; I’ve used Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, and DigitalOcean. My own personal preference for the operating system is Ubuntu Linux with LXDE. LXDE is a full desktop environment that includes the OpenBox window manager. I personally like OpenBox because of its simplicity while maintaining visual appeal. And LXDE is nice because, as its name suggests (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment), it’s lightweight. However, many different environments and window managers will work. (I tried a couple tiling window managers such as i3, and those worked pretty well too.)

The usual order of installation goes like this: You use the hosting company’s website to spin up the server, and you provide a key file that will be used for logging into the server. You can usually use your own key that you generate, or have the service generate a key for you, in which case you download the key and save it. Typically when you provide a key, the server will automatically be configured to log in only using SSH with the key file. However, if not, you’ll want to follow disable password logins.

Connect to the server

The next step is to actually log into the server through an SSH command line and first set up a user for yourself that isn’t root, and then set up the desktop environment. You can log in from your desktop Linux, but if you like, this is a good chance to try out logging in from an Android or iOS tablet. I use JuiceSSH; a lot of people like ConnectBot. And there are others. But whichever you get, make sure it allows you to log in using a key file. (Key files can be created with or without a password. Also make sure the app you use allows you to use whichever key file type you created–password or no password.)

Copy your key file to your tablet. The best way is to connect the tablet to your computer, and transfer the file. However, if you want a quick and easy way to do it, you can email it. But be aware that you’re sending the private key file through an email system that other people could potentially access. It’s your call whether you want to do that. Either way, get the file installed on the tablet, and then configure the SSH app to log in using the key file, using the app’s instructions.

Then using the app, connect to your server. You’ll need the username, even though you’re using a key file (the server needs to know who you’re logging in as with the key file, after all); AWS typically uses “ubuntu” for the username for Ubuntu installations; others simply give you the root user. For AWS, to do the installation you’ll need to type sudo before each command since you’re not logged in as root, but won’t be asked for a password when running sudo. On other cloud hosts you can run the commands without sudo since you’re logged in as root.

Oh and by the way, because we don’t yet have a desktop environment, you’ll be typing commands to install the software. If you’re not familiar with the package installation tools, now is a chance to learn about them. For Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu), you’ll use apt-get. Other systems use yum, which is a command-line interface to the RPM package manager.

Install LXDE

From the command-line, it’s time to set up LXDE, or whichever desktop you prefer. One thing to bear in mind is that while you can run something big like Cinnamon, ask yourself if you really need it. Cinnamon is big and cumbersome. I use it on my desktop, but not on my hosted servers, opting instead for more lightweight desktops like LXDE. And if you’re familiar with desktops such as Cinnamon, LXDE will feel very similar.

There are lots of instructions online for installing LXDE or other desktops, and so I won’t reiterate the details here. DigitalOcean has a fantastic blog with instructions for installing a similar desktop, XFCE.

Install a VNC server

Then you need to install a VNC server. Instead of using TightVNC, which a lot of people suggest, I recommend vnc4server because it allows for easy resolution changes, as I’ll describe shortly.

While setting up the VNC server, you’ll create a VNC username. You can just use a username and password for VNC, and from there you’re able to connect from a VNC client app to the system. However, the connection won’t be secure. Instead, you’ll want to connect through what’s called an SSH tunnel. The SSH tunnel is basically an SSH session into the server that is used for passing connections that would otherwise go directly over the internet.

When you connect to a server over the Internet, you use a protocol and a port. VNC usually uses 5900 or 5901 for the port. But with an SSH tunnel, the SSH app listens on a port on the same local device, such as 5900 or 5901. Then the VNC app, instead of connecting to the remote server, connects locally to the SSH app. The SSH app, in turn, passes all the data on to the remote system. So the SSH serves as a go-between. But because it’s SSH, all the data is secure.

So the key is setting up a tunnel on your tablet. Some VNC apps can create the tunnel; others can’t and you need to use a separate app. JuiceSSH can create a tunnel, which you can use from other apps. My preferred VNC app, Remotix, on the other hand, can do the tunnel itself for you. It’s your choice how you do it, but you’ll want to set it up.

The app will have instructions for the tunnel. In the case of JuiceSSH, you specify the server you’re connecting to and the port, such as 5900 or 5901. Then you also specify the local port number the tunnel will be listening on. You can use any available port, but I’ll usually use the same port as the remote one. If I’m connecting to 5901 on the remote, I’ll have JuiceSSH also listen on 5901. That makes it easier to keep straight. Then you’ll open up your VNC app, and instead of connecting to a remote server, you connect to the port on the same tablet. For the server you just use, which is the IP address of the device itself. So to re-iterate:

  1. JuiceSSH connects, for example, to 5901 on the remote host. Meanwhile, it opens up 5901 on the local device.
  2. The VNC app connects to 5901 on the local device. It doesn’t need to know anything about what remote server it’s connecting to.

But some VNC apps don’t need another app to do the tunneling, and instead provide the tunnel themselves. Remotix can do this; if you set up your app to do so, make sure you understand that you’re still tunneling. You provide the information needed for the SSH tunnel, including the key file and username. Then Remotix does the rest for you.

Once you get the VNC app going, you’ll be in. You should see a desktop open with the LXDE logo in the background. Next, you’ll want to go ahead and configure the VNC client to your liking; I prefer to control the mouse using drags that simulate a trackpad; other people like to control the mouse by tapping exactly where you want to click. Remotix and several other apps let you choose either configuration.

Configuring the Desktop

Now let’s configure the desktop. One issue I had was getting the desktop to look good on my 10-inch tablet. This involved configuring the look and feel by clicking the taskbar menu < Preferences < Customize Look and Feel (or run from the command line lxappearance).


I also used OpenBox’s own configuration tool by clicking the taskbar menu < Preferences < OpenBox Configuration Manager (or runobconf).


My larger tablet’s screen isn’t huge at 10 inches, so I configured the menu bars and buttons and such to be somewhat large for a comfortable view. One issue is the tablet has such a high resolution that if I used the maximum resolution, everything was tiny. As such, I needed to be able to change resolutions based on the work I was doing, as well as based on which tablet I was using. This involved configuring the VNC server, though, not LXDE and OpenBox. So let’s look at that.

In order to change resolution on the fly, you need a program that can manage the RandR extensions, such as xrandr. But the TightVNC server that seems popular doesn’t work with RandR. Instead, I found the vvnc4server program works with xrandr, which is why I recommend using it instead. When you configure vnc4server, you’ll want to provide the different resolutions in the command’s -geometry option. Here’s an init.d service configuration file that does just that. (I modified this based on one I found on DigitalOcean’s blog.)

export USER="jeff"
OPTIONS="-depth 16 -geometry 1920x1125 -geometry 1240x1920 -geometry 2560x1500 -geometry 1920x1080 -geometry 1774x1040 -geometry 1440x843 -geometry 1280x1120 -geometry 1280x1024 -geometry 1280x750 -geometry 1200x1100 -geometry 1024x768 -geometry 800x600 :1"
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
case "$1" in
log_action_begin_msg "Starting vncserver for user '${USER}' on localhost:${DISPLAY}"
su ${USER} -c "/usr/bin/vnc4server ${OPTIONS}"
log_action_begin_msg "Stoping vncserver for user '${USER}' on localhost:${DISPLAY}"
su ${USER} -c "/usr/bin/vnc4server -kill :1"
$0 stop
$0 start
exit 0

The key here is the OPTIONS line with all the -geometry options. These will show up when you run xrandr from the command line:


You can use your VNC login to modify the file in the init.d directory (and indeed I did, using the editor called scite). But then after making these changes, you’ll need to restart the VNC service just this one time, since you’re changing its service settings. Doing so will end your current VNC session, and it might not restart correctly. So you might need to log in through JuiceSSH to restart the VNC server. Then you can log back in with the VNC server. (You also might need to restart the SSH tunnel.) After you do, you’ll be able to configure the resolution. And from then on, you can change the resolution on the fly without restarting the VNC server.

To change resolutions without having to restart the VNC server, just type:

xrandr -s 1

Replace 1 with the number for the resolution you want. This way you can change the resolution without restarting the VNC server.

Server Concerns

After everything is configured, you’re free to use the software you’re familiar with. The only catch is that hosts charge a good bit for servers that have plenty of RAM and disk space. As such, you might be limited on what you can run based on the amount of RAM and cores. Still, I’ve found that with just 2GB of RAM and 2 cores, with Ubuntu and LXDE, I’m able to have open Chrome with a few pages, LibreOffice with a couple documents open, Geany for my code editing, and my own server software running under node.js for testing, and mysql server. Occasionally if I get too many Chrome tabs open, the system will suddenly slow way down and I have to shut down tabs to free up more memory. Sometimes I run MySQL Workbench and it can bog things down a bit too, but it isn’t bad if I close up LibreOffice and leave only one or two Chrome tabs open. But in general, for most of my work, I have no problems at all.

And on top of that, if I do need more horsepower, I can spin up a bigger server with 4GB or 8GB and four cores or eight cores. But that gets costly and so I don’t do it for too many hours.

Multiple Screens

For fun, I did manage to get two screens going on a single desktop, one on my bigger 10-inch ASUS transformer tablet, and one on my smaller Nexus 7 all from my Linux server running on a public cloud host, complete with a single mouse moving between the two screens. To accomplish this, I started two VNC sessions, one from each tablet, and then from the one with the mouse and keyboard, I ran:

x2x -east -to :1

This basically connected the single mouse and keyboard to both displays. It was a fun experiment, but in my case, provided little practical value because it wasn’t like a true dual-display on a desktop computer. I couldn’t move slide windows between the displays, and the Chrome browser won’t open under more than one X display. In my case, for web development, I wanted to be able to open up the Chrome browser on one tablet, and then the Chrome JavaScript debug window on the other, but that didn’t work out.

Instead, what I found more useful was to have an SSH command-line shell on the smaller tablet, and that’s where I would run my node.js server code, which was printing out debug information. Then on the other I would have the browser running. That way I can glance back and forth without switching between windows on the single VNC login on the bigger tablet.

Back to Security

I can’t understate the importance of making sure you have your security set up and that you understand how the security works and what the ramifications are. I highly recommend using SSH with a keyfile login only, and no password logins allowed. And treat this as a development or test machine; don’t put customer data on the machine that could open you up to lawsuits in the event the machine gets compromised.

Instead, for production machines, allocate your production servers using all the best practices laid out by your own IT department security rules, and the host’s own rules. One issue I hit is my development machine needs to log into git, which requires a private key. My development machine is hosted, which means that private key is stored on a hosted server. That may or may not be a good idea in your case; you and your team will need to decide whether to do it. In my case, I decided I could afford the risk because the code I’m accessing is mostly open-source and there’s little private intellectual property involved. So if somebody broke into my development machine, they would have access to the source code for a small but non-vital project I’m working on, and drafts of these articles–no private or intellectual data.

Web Developers and A Pesky Thing Called Windows

Before I wrap this up, I want to present a topic for discussion. Over the past few years I’ve noticed that a lot of individual web developers use a setup quite similar to what I’m describing. In a lot of cases they use Windows instead of Linux, but the idea is the same regardless of operating system. But where they differ from what I’m describing is they host their entire customer websites and customer data on that one machine, and there is no tunneling; instead, they just type in a password. That is not what I’m advocating here. If you are doing this, please reconsider. (I personally know at least three private web developers who do this.)

Regardless of operating systems, take some time to understand the ramifications here. First, by logging in with a full desktop environment, you’re possibly slowing down your machine for your dev work. And if you mess something up and have to reboot, during that time your clients’ websites aren’t available during that time. Are you using replication? Are you using private networking? Are you running MySQL or some other database on the same machine instead of using virtual private networking? Entire books could (and have been) written on such topics and what the best practices are. Learn about replication; learn about virtual private networking and how to shield your database servers from outside traffic; and so on. And most importantly consider the security issues. Are you hosting customer data in a site that could easily be compromised? That could spell L-A-W-S-U-I-T. And that brings me to my conclusion for this series.

Concluding Remarks

Some commenters on the previous articles have brought up some valid points; one even used the phrase “playing.” While I really am doing development work, I’m definitely not doing this on production machines. If I were, that would indeed be playing and not be a legitimate use for a production machine. Use SSH for the production machines, and pick an editor to use and learn it. (I like vim, personally.) And keep the customer data on a server that is accessible only from a virtual private network. Read this to learn more.

Learn how to set up and configure SSH. And if you don’t understand all this, then please, practice and learn it. There are a million web sites out there to teach this stuff, including But if you do understand and can minimize the risk, then, you really can get some work done from nearly anywhere. My work has become far more productive. If I want to run to a coffee shop and do some work, I can, without having to take a laptop along. Times are good! Learn the rules, follow the best practices, and be productive.

See the previous tutorials:

How to Set Up Your Linux Dev Station to Work From Anywhere

Choosing Software to Work Remotely from Your Linux Dev Station