An Insight On Dedicated Server Terminology


At times, technical jargon can become overcomplicated and it further complicates simple matters as well. While investigating the web hosting servers, you will often come across titles like ‘The beginner’s guide’ or ‘simple steps’ that comprises of words like hypertext, applet and many other unexplained acronyms.

As compared to the other web hosting platforms, dedicated hosting is comparatively a complicated hosting solution and it takes some time to get accustomed to it. It is important to understand the benefits of a dedicated server and know the reasons why you should opt for this hosting solution. Once you have this basic understanding, you must move forward and gain knowledge of some of the crucial words and phrases that are going to be useful for gaining an insight on the functioning of a dedicated server.

The aim of this article is not to burden the users with explanations but just to educated them on the basic terminology of dedicated servers that they must be aware of. Here is a brief explanation of the important terms:

Initially, let’s have a look at the concept – dedicated server. Basically, this is your personal server where there is no need for you to share the resources as the server is completely dedicated to you. This is a flexible hosting solution that enables you to decide on the factors like operating systems, hardware and the other resources on the server. Dedicated servers usually provide with high security and better performance as compared to the other hosting platforms. Although a dedicated server has a higher price tag, it is a complete value for money for the resource intensive websites.

DNSBL (DNS blacklist); this is something you don’t want to see. You might come across this term when your server is blacklisted. This term is used for the networks that distribute spam or any type of harmful services. Usually, it is a list of blacklisted IP addresses that you wouldn’t like to deal with for some or the other reason.

While the offerings of many web hosting companies comprise of unmanaged dedicated servers, another term that you might come across is – managed servers. As dedicated servers are more personal and private, there is no interference caused by others. This means that you can configure the server as per your preference. By selecting a managed dedicated server, you will be provided with round the clock support by the web hosting company and they will maintain the server and ensure the smooth functioning of the server.

The name server is the server that translates your IP address into a domain name that is human-readable. This is done so that the users can access and view your website through the domain name. This means that there is no need for the users to enter a series of numbers into the browser in order to get to your website.

RAID (Redundancy Array Of Independent Disks) is a phrase you might not frequently come across but it is good to know about it. RAID is the structure that creates the backing of the hard drives through a series of redundant hard disks that store your data. This data can be utilized in case your operating hard drive malfunctions due to any reason.

The method that enables you to condense the data between network protocols is known as tunneling. A common type of the tunneling method is the secure SSH. SSH enables you to tunnel a wide range of protocols in order to provide efficient and secure file transfers and connections.

With proper understanding of the important terminology mentioned above, you will be in a better position to use the dedicated server hosting solution to the best of its capacity.