Install Virtualbox 4.3 on Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora


VirtualBox is a free virtualisation software for x86 based systems and is available for most of the popular OSes like linux, mac and windows. It runs on a host system and supports running other OSes as guest. It earlier belonged to Sun and now to Oracle.
At the time of this post, virtualbox 4.3.2 is the latest version and was released in Nov-2013. To learn about what is new in this version, check the Change Log.

Install virtualbox on Ubuntu from oracle repository

Oracle provides debian compatible repositories for installing virtualbox via apt command on debian/ubuntu based systems. So first we shall check the steps to install it like that.

Add the repository

Virtualbox provides repositories for various versions of ubuntu and debian. Pick up the correct repository from the list that matches your OS version.
deb saucy contrib
deb raring contrib
deb quantal contrib
deb precise contrib
deb lucid contrib non-free
deb wheezy contrib
deb squeeze contrib non-free
For other Ubuntu derivates like Mint, Elementary OS etc, find out the ubuntu versions on which they are based and choose repository of the corresponding ubuntu version.
After selecting the correct repository, add it to the apt repository list with the apt-add-repository command.
$ sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb saucy…

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Install Virtualbox 4.3 on Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora

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