Java Servers as Nova-Docker Containers && RDO Mitaka External vlan networks


Nova-Docker driver is installed on Compute node which is supposed to run two Java EE Servers as light weight Nova-Docker Containers (instances) having floating IPs on two different external vlan enabled subnets (;  General Setup RDO Mitaka ML2&OVS&VLAN 3 Nodes.  VLAN tenant’s segregation for RDO lansdcape was selected to avoid DVR configuration Controller && Compute Cluster.
Details here Setup Docker Hypervisor on Multi Node DVR Cluster RDO Mitaka
  Thus Controller/Network RDO Mitaka Node has to have external networks of VLAN type with predefined vlan tags. Straight forward packstack deployment doesn’t  allow to achieve desired network configuration. External network provider of vlan type appears to be required. Also I have to notice that Docker Hypervisor running on Compute Node
requires all deployment nodes set SELINUX to PERMISSIVE MODE.

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