Kids and Linux


Hey, Just got back from my daughters Pre-K graduation program and seeing the technology section in their class reminded me of time her and I built an Edubuntu box. I feel children should be fully exposed to technology. There a some really great projects out there for children, Edubuntu, GCompris, Tux Paint to name a few.

Edubuntu is a great project for all ages. When I first introduced it to my daughter (she had just turned 4) it was its own distro for the most part but now its an add-on of packages for an existing Ubunutu install. Now, not to knock it by any means, but if you don’t want to dedicate a whole computer for your child’s use I recommend installing a couple of packages individually. 

Two of my favorites are GCompris and Tux Paint .  GCompris teaches your child all kinds of things from algebra to shapes and sounds.  While Tux Paint is an enhanced paint program with a really cool stamp tool. 

 So lets say you don’t want to install any of these packages on YOUR computer. Why not remaster Knoppix with GCompris, Tux Paint, and whatever else. Nothing better than a live CD/DVD for the little one to play with.

What’s your take on this? Feel free to share your favorites.