
Creating a program for a lazy people as me (it could be YOU 🙂 ).
A program that moves and categories your favourite flv clips from Firefox using the cache from /tmp/
  • List of flv files where one can choose the file that wants to be saved/played or both.
  • Starts the selected flv in a video player choosen in the main configuration.
    The player can start with selected proportions, fullscreen and every options which can be simular i.e standard in few video players as VLC, MPlayer. Totem Player, Xine etc.
  • After the video ends a dialog pops out asking to save the clip.
    The save dialog has an Entry for the name of the file, a combo for choosing the video category (categories can be managed, they represent a folders).
    Afterwards the video  is moved from /tmp/, a progress bar is shown while the task is working, than a message pops or a notification using libnotification on Gnome, telling job is complete.

Currently I made a Bash version using Zenity as a GUI interface, it’s planned to be rebuild with Python and GTK as GUI interface.

Parts list>
FLV Clips List Window
  • FLV preview
  • Copy full path
  • Safe after play Checkbox 
  • Move all
  • Move all (and play)
Play Video Window
  • Fullscreen Checkbox (on/off)
  • Advanced controls
Move Window
  • A list of all the selected videos in a two column table, column 1 the video name, column 2 the category (combo). Option to name the files the same with a variable at the end #.
  • Message that tells the current moving file
  • Progress bar shows it’s completion status
  • a list queue that removes each completed file and focus on the current file.
  • Notification using gnome libnotification after move process is complete.
That’s it for LazyMan 1,
in LazyMan 2:
  • convert options
  • tv shows manager
  • backup system

If anybody wants the current program send me  an email :).