Linux…. not only for men


Well, I don’t  consider myself a guru or  an expert of any kind, especially as far as Linux is concerned. But if anybody can learn from my experiences/mistakes, all  the better.I was a teacher of English as a Foreign Language. So in many ways, I see learning the “language” of Linux as being  similar to learning a foreign language.  No more difficult than say learning German… ? (Which  I am also trying to learn.)  So whenever someone asks me what languages   I know I  can say… English, Greek,some German, and Linux.

I uploaded my photo so that all can see who  I am. Also in hopes of breaking any taboos regarding  women and Linux. If there are any… it isn’t a men’s only OS. Actually, more women should try it.  Don’t let men scare you by saying it’s  too difficult. Sure, everything seems so in the beginning, but soon everything becomes familiar and friendly.

I just finished uploading some photos with F-Spot, and I like the Rhythmbox Music Player. I have also discovered the CD burner, my friend showed me how to  use the terminals as well.  Anxiously looking forward to the latest  edition of Linux  format magazine,  Greek version and the latest Ubuntu update.