Linux User Groups in Russia


Hi all!

Here I wish tell about features the LUG’s in Russia. Who I talked in my first post( I
is a coordinator a Ekaterinburg LUG( in Russia. Our community was created on 19 Feb. 2008 year. For that time we
conducted several activities and conferences about OpenSource and his application in academic and state organizations(you can see our
reports about our fests here[in Russian]:

It should be noted that our community is among the five most active in Russia, but we not have a sponsors to carry out our activities at a higher level.
Yes, we arended audience in Institutes, but it is rather difficult. At the moment we are very actively looking for sponsors, but so far our attempts
have not yielded tangible results. I would be glad to share experiences and learn from others about the holding of conferences and fests.

You also can contact me for this e-mail address: remalloc {at} gmail {d0T} com.


Plese, sorry for my bad English…

Best regards, Kirill Shirshov also know as remalloc