Linux vs Windows Data Servers (the bottom line)


Based on years of writing software within a network environment, and communicating with database servers running on both Microsoft Windows or Linux that provide access to databases like Microsoft SQL server and PostgreSQL  I have to say, Microsoft better look over their shoulders,  the competition is gaining a strong hold on corporate decision makers and how they foresee the future’s bottom line.

At this point, the money paid out with setting up a Microsoft SQL data server by the time they factor in the cost of the operating system, the database software, the per-seat licensing, and support you almost have to take a step back and scratch your head with how much money it takes to put this in production.

Again, based on my own experience, I’m not sure why anyone would want their corporate data on a Windows-based server that requires a lot more money and maintenance to keep the server up and running, while maintaining availability, reliability, and security.

A well configured Linux data server provides a much better overall experience for a fraction of the cost.

With how companies are struggling to operate in the green, why anyone wouldn’t explore these open source options like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and operating systems like CentOS just doesn’t make any sense.