Is Killing Me


OK, so it’s 1:51 AM EDT. I’ve been on and off this site for the past nine hours. I got absolutely nothing else done in my real life today. My cats have been hopping up on the desk a looking at me funny. They’re wondering what the hell’s the matter with me. Why haven’t I gotten up from this desk in nine plus hours (other than for the bathroom breaks and coffee refills šŸ˜‰ ).

It’s OK, though. I had a great time here today. I felt my way around the corridors and made a few posts in the forums. I uploaded some wallpapers to the Community –> Photos area. I joined a Group. I met some old friends; made some new ones. All in all… a good day. I haven’t had this much fun at a site in a long while.

Here’s looking forward to the coming days, months, years!

Until next time…

~V. T. Eric Layton

***Tempus Fugits***