


All items marked with * are reflecting the potential abilities of Upper level mods if that idea is approved.

  1. *Community based administration – Give sepcific community users increased rights like varied moderator capabilities and will grant them the ability to assist in greater administration on the site.
  2. *Groups – Allow upper level mods to approve new groups to become active.
  3. *Groups – Allow upper level mods to remove bad posts and close inactive groups in groups that they do not belong to.
  4. Groups – Allow the group admins to Delete/Close their groups
  5. Groups – Allow the group admins to pass admin responsabilities of their groups to other users, this can be useful if they leave the site.
  6. Groups – Allow text formatting and hyperlinks on the group posts
  7. Groups – Retain formatting of Group Announcements after they exit the pimary position
  8. Groups – Change the systems to make it more like a mailing list or google group by e-mailing the members the contents of new posts and allowing them to respond by e-mail.
  9. Groups – Add RSS feeds for groups to allow members to easily track updates and responses.
  10. Groups – E-mail admins of inactive and less active duplicate groups advising a timeline for activity before automatially deleting the groups.
  11. Forums – Make the most recent forum posts show on the homepage to help drive others to the forum.
  12. Forums – Give the option in the use preferences to auto-subscribe to the thread you participate in, the setting for auto-subscribe should default to yes.
  13. *Forums – Add additional sections. questions, announcement, most distro sections, mobile distro sections and more as requested by the community. Allow upper level mods to add and remove sections.
  14. Forums – Add the per post rating like in the answers section to people can quickly scan and know that posts will be the most relevant.
  15. Forums – Add a search function to display threads without responses.
  16. Forums – Add and option for the originatings users and mods to mark a thread as resolved (which reflects in the name).
  17. Blogs – Use a standard API so the blog users can use blog writing applications to easily post formatting blog posts on
  18. *Blogs – Allow upper level mods the ability to delete spam comments from blog posts.
  19. *Blogs – Allow upper level mods the ability to promote a blog post to a tutorial or article.
  20. *Tutorials and Articles – Allow the upper level mods the ability to assist in approving submitting articles and tutotials to speed up the posting.
  21. Answers – Remove this section, it is in direct competition with the forum, but is much harder to navigate.
  22. Guru Points – This should be modified where it is no longer activity based because it currently lays the groundwork for the site to be spammed and willed with pointless posts by users who just want to win the contest.
  23. Guru Points – Change the recognition to be a reflection of community and Foundation recognition for major contributions.
  24. Guru Points – If it is to continue in it’s present form make forums posts rewark guru points.
  25. Guru System – Only display individuals as Gurus, newpapers, magazines and other organizations should not count.
  26. Community Page – No longer display user status updates, it is now being used for spam.
  27. General – E-mail inactive users reminding them of their accounts after a certain time period.
  28. New Function – Setup and IRC server and gives some incentive for major projects to use the new server and log/index all IRC discussions so they can be searched on the site.
  29. New Function – If the above is not possible, then setup a html based IRC interface for new users to access outside IRC channels for help and request for the owners of the outside IRC groups to grant permissions for to index and archive all discussions.
  30. New Function – Setup a script that users can run one their computers that will categorize the hardware and potentailly software on their systems, allowthem the rate the compatibility and upload the results to a searchable database on the site.

Again, Please add you input to my recommendations and feel free to add your recommendations so they are known to the community.