LXC Container Networking Deep Dive


This post is to consolidate all our LXC networking guides and also explore some advanced container networking that have limited use but are interesting nonetheless hence the Flockport labs monicker. 

We previously looked at basic LXC container networking; bridging, NAT, static IPS, public IPs etc and then at connecting LXC containers across hosts with GRE tunnels or secure Tinc orIPSEC VPNs. We also covered basic failover and load balancing with Keepalived and Nginx and with LVS. These networking guides apply to both LXC and VM networking in Linux in general with KVM or Xen for instance.

This would be a good time to brush up. This guide explores a few advanced LXC networking possibilities that depend on a fair understanding of LXC and VM networking.

Read more at Flockport Labs.