Make Your Linux Machine An Internet Access Point [Hotspot]


It can be tough staying at a place without so much as a router, right? It’s incredibly annoying, especially considering it’s 2014 — a year where technology is supposed to be at its best. Today, I thought it would be useful if I introduced you to a concept I consider totally badass. All you’ll need is your Linux machine and an ethernet cable. What’s that? No, this process won’t ask for your firstborn in return — it’s not Micrsoft. It’s kind of like reverse tethering. [Thanks for asking, imaginary person that I just created to answer my own question.]


Step 1: Add PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

Step 2: Update

sudo apt-get update

Step 3: Install

sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot

Step 4: Configure

sudo ap-hotspot configure

If you’re connected to an Ethernet cable, it should detect your network as something like etch0 — just continue. Once it asks to name your network, name it something like awesomenetwork. Your WPA password should be of the following length (this is what I use as my password: fivefifty. No longer, no shorter.


To Start

Sudo ap-hotspot start

To Stop

sudo ap-hotspot stop

To Restart

sudo ap-hotspot restart