Making Bootable USB using Syslinux


Note Kindly check the following packages on your system: 1. syslinux if not installed then install it using yum yum install syslinux 2. qemu-system-x86_64 ( i am installin 64 bit fedora so to test the pen drive finally we need this Virt. machine) if not installed then install it using yum yum install -y qemu.x86_64 it will take some time Note if you dont want to test ur pen drive then you can skip the above step: Now we can start the process 1. Download the ISO image of the OS ( Linux) on you system and mount the same under some directory. e.g with the following command. mount -t iso9660 /home/harkamal/ISO/Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-KDE.iso /mnt/iso/ 2. use a pen drive which doesn’t contain any files, it can have folders but not free files. and at least 1GB free space. Now find out where you pen drive has mounted automaticall it gets mounted on /media/HARKAMAL Note: HARKAMAL is the LABEL of my pen drive yours could be something else pl. note it. command to find out where your pen drive gets mounted are df -h or fdisk -l use the first one as root user or use sudo instead. in my case it was /deb/sdb1 pl note it too. 3. go to /mnt/iso with the command cd /mnt/iso ( here u have mounted the ISO img. in step 1 with mount cmd) 4 Now run cp * -rv /media/HARKAMAL/ note: pl change the LABLEL accordingly 5 now run the following command syslinux –install -d EFI/boot/ /dev/sdb1 6 Now go to the directory /media/HARKAMAL/EFI/boot cd /media/HARKAMAL/EFI/boot 7. here copy isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg command is: cp isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg 8 Now we have to edit the file syslinux.cfg open it using vim and changes the very first stanza under the heading label linux0 consisting of the line: “append initrd=initrd0.img root=live:CDLABEL=Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-KDE.iso rootfstype=auto ro liveimg quiet rhgb rd.luks=0” now remove ‘quiet and rhgb’ entries from the above line and also remove root=live:CDLABEL=Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-KDE.iso change it to root=LABEL=HARKAMAL after making the above changes the line should finally look like: append initrd=initrd0.img root=LABEL=HARKAMAL rootfstype=auto ro liveimg rd.luks=0 Note there should not be any space between root,LABELand HARKAMAL Now our usb is ready to use we can test it by running the following command on Virtual machine. command to test the USB is: qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /dev/sdb1 -m 256 -vga std. if you virtual machine gets started with installing Fedora 16 option it menas ur USN+B is ready to use and install the ISO Enjoy))))))))))))))))) Keep Posted Regards Harkamal